NGC CLI 403 Client Error

I’m getting this error whenever I try to access any of the NGC registry

ubuntu@ip-172-31-74-215:~$ ngc registry model list nvidia/tao_pretrained_object_detection:*
Client Error: 403 Response: - Request Id: Url:

Thanks for your help

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Have you fixed it?

I’m starting with NGC and getting same error here.

The above command does not work but I was able to access the model registry using the below which I found in the Jupyter notebooks
ngc registry model list
ngc registry model list nvidia/tao/pretrained_detectnet_v2:*


Thank you! It worked.

I got the same 403 error too for another model

$ ngc registry model list nvidia/tlt_semantic_segmentation:*
“error”: “Client Error: 403 Response: - Request Id: Url:

I am getting the error 403 for pretrained object detection model
$ ngc registry model list nvidia/tao_pretrained_object_detection:*
“error”: Client Error: 403 Response: - Request Id: Url:

$ngc registry resource download-version “nvidia/tao_cv_samples:v1.0.2”
Client Error: 403 Response: - Request Id: Url: