I want to profile an application that uses OpenGL and
the nv_pathrendering extension to render an image
offscreen and save it to disk.
I get the message : “No OpenGL events collected. Does the process use OpenGL?”.
The application also uses Cuda to do some post-processing after rendering.
The Cuda events are collected.
OpenGL version is 4.5 with the Compatibility Profile,
using GLFW and GLAD.
Nsight Systems version is 2023.2.3
I also tried using the OpenGL Core profile,
but it also did not work.
The application is in C# and calls into my C++ DLL, where all
OpenGL and Cuda commands are executed.
Also, almost always I get the following error, when starting the profiling from Nsight Systems UI:
Full error information:
RuntimeError (120) {
RuntimeError (120) {
OriginalExceptionClass: struct boost::wrapexcept
OriginalFile: C:\dvs\p4\build\sw\devtools\Agora\Rel\DTC_I\QuadD\Host\Analysis\Clients\AnalysisHelper\AnalysisStatus.cpp
OriginalLine: 79
OriginalFunction: class Nvidia::QuadD::Analysis::Data::AnalysisStatusInfo __cdecl QuadDAnalysis::AnalysisHelper::AnalysisStatus::MakeFromErrorString(enum Nvidia::QuadD::Analysis::Data::AnalysisStatus,enum Nvidia::QuadD::Analysis::Data::AnalysisErrorType::Type,const class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits,class std::allocator > &,const class boost::intrusive_ptr &)
ErrorText: C:\dvs\p4\build\sw\devtools\Agora\Rel\DTC_I\QuadD\Common\AgentAPI\Src\SessionImpl.cpp(18): rpc Launch(.Agent.LaunchRequestInternal) returns (.Agent.EmptyMessage);
is canceled because the timeout period is expired
I am not sure when this error does not occur, even directly after rebooting i get this error, but sometimes
i can start the application.
That is why I usually start the ‘System Trace’ from the Nsight Compute UI, which always works.
System Info:
GPU Driver Version: 536.25
GPU Version: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080
Operating System: Windows 10 (22H2)
nsys-ui.log (181.9 KB)