Not able to install nvidia driver on Debian 12

Not able to install successfully nvidia driver into my debian 12 desktop.
The compilation is failing.
I have checked, the gcc version is right in my setup.
Please help.
Attaching nvidia-bug-report.log.gz

nvidia-bug-report.log.gz (74.5 KB)

I just finished installing my driver for GeForce RTX 3060 Ventus 2x 12G OC on Debian 12 Bullseye. I got the driver from

First, go to Synaptic Package Manager and update pkg-config to version 1.8.1 (the latest version that Synaptic has)

Next, you need your Linux driver file, which will look something like or exactly like mine:

Next, assuming you are at your terminal and in the same directory as the driver, enable it with:

sudo chmod +x name of the file for your driver

then, to install:

sudo ./name of the file for your driver

My desktop started out looking a bit like Windows 3.1. I restarted my computer; now the rendering looks fine.

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I can build latest driver in Debian 12. Install most preffered building tools with “sudo apt install build-essential” and try again.

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Thanks a ton. I am now able to build and install the latest driver. Its totally worked after installing the build-essential.

Add to /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-drm-modeset.conf

options nvidia-drm modeset=1

This will help you

hello. I am starting to use debian for the first time. I have tried to install Nvidia geforce rtx 3060 driver. there is always an error. when i reboot debian i get the following screen and i can’t continue. I have to reinstall everything. please I need help. Lenovo Legion 5 15ACH6H Ryzen 7 16GB 1TB SSD GeForce RTX 3060 6GB 15.6"

I try disable Nouveau driver…fail

Please i need help 😔