NVIDIA DeepStream SDK on Jetson makes it easy for developers to develop and deploy AI-based intelligent video analytics (IVA) capabilities in their products. Application developers can use this SDK to rapidly prototype and build products ranging from intelligent cameras to appliances for applications in smart cities, robotics, and industrial automation.
DeepStream SDK on Jetson uses Jetpack, which includes L4T, Multimedia APIs, CUDA, and TensorRT. The SDK offers a rich collection of plug-ins and libraries, built using the Gstreamer framework to enable developers to build flexible applications for transforming video into valuable insights. DeepStream also comes with sample applications including source code and an application adaptation guide to help developers jumpstart their builds.
The Early-Access Program for DeepStream on Jetson is available today. If interested, please apply here. Source is provided.
Hi guys, for now the DeepStream SDK EA is putting a hold on granting applications to the EA program temporarily while the next release is being developed, sorry about that. We’ll notify you when it’s made available.
Hi lakshmih85, this SDK is still under development and general availability is sometime later this year. We appreciate your interest and will pass this to the team. In general, early access programs have limited slots and the team is trying to expand the availability as fast as possible.