I was testing nvidia isaac vslam on zed2i with stereo + imu.
vSLAM algorithms tend to struggle in featureless plane environments and I was testing nvidia’s vslam in a similar environment. I noticed the global loop closure isn’t working or does not exist. I moved the camera for a quite a while in a known region but it still could not converge the global slam path.
I am curious, does this algorithm not support non temporal constraints because I do see you all use graph slam?
Thank you for your post. We just released the new Isaac ROS 3.0, and I suggest you try the new features.
The new Isaac ROS vslam now works with Jetpack 6.0
Hi @Raffaello
I just updated the packages to the latest 3.0 release and the tracking seems to be deteriorated a bit especially in turns and loop closure still does not seem to be working. I tried it on the same bag and here are the results.
Awesome, thanks a lot @Raffaello Please let me know if I can share any data to help.
Also curious, since zed2i is providing rectified stereo data + imu data + params(camera+imu), why would the algorithm behave differently in case of support/unsupported cameras.