I have a NVIDIA Jetson TX2. I installed Jetpack 4.2.3 . This version include openCV, CUDA, CUDNN etc. i tried compile openCV project using CUDA library after installation, i take this error
fatal error: opencv2/cuda.hpp: No such file or directory
it is not logically. This is irrelevant with logic.
Please can you explain this issue.
(Sorry my bad english)
Actually the opencv from jetpack does not have cuda enabled. To use cuda lib in opencv, you need to build opencv from source with cuda enabled.
Hi @endoruk123,
You can use the following guide to compile OpenCV with CUDA support on Jetson boards:
Thank you so much. I will try.
Abdullah Enes DORUK
+90 539 436 42 48
alternatif e-posta: enesdoruk@ieee.org
8 Nis 2020 Çar 23:52 tarihinde Fabian Solano via NVIDIA Developer Forums nvidia@discoursemail.com şunu yazdı:
Well, I feel strange that why JetPack does not flash the opencv with cuda support into device…
Will JetPack support it in the future?