Running nvidia driver 304.84
paul@Paul-BluePC:~$ sudo nvidia-settings -a “[gpu:1]/GPUFanControlState=1”
paul@Paul-BluePC:~$ sudo nvidia-settings -a “[fan:1]/GPUCurrentFanSpeed=100”
ERROR: Error assigning value 100 to attribute ‘GPUCurrentFanSpeed’
(Paul-BluePC:0[fan:1]) as specified in assignment
‘[fan:1]/GPUCurrentFanSpeed=100’ (Unknown Error).
results in failure for any value X. The problem seems to stem from the fact that the fan controls are located on the [gpu:1] interface:
paul@Paul-BluePC:~$ nvidia-settings -q all | grep GPUCurrentFanSpeed
Attribute ‘GPUCurrentFanSpeed’ (Paul-BluePC:0[fan:0]): 0.
The valid values for ‘GPUCurrentFanSpeed’ are in the range 0 - 100
‘GPUCurrentFanSpeed’ can use the following target types: Fan.
Attribute ‘GPUCurrentFanSpeed’ (Paul-BluePC:0[fan:1]): 40.
The valid values for ‘GPUCurrentFanSpeed’ are in the range 0 - 100
‘GPUCurrentFanSpeed’ can use the following target types: Fan.
But that the “GPUFanControlState” key only exists on the [gpu:0] interface.
For example, if I do:
paul@Paul-BluePC:~$ sudo nvidia-settings -a “[gpu:0]/GPUFanControlState=1”
Attribute ‘GPUFanControlState’ (Paul-BluePC:0[gpu:0]) assigned value 1.
paul@Paul-BluePC:~$ sudo nvidia-settings -a “[fan:0]/GPUCurrentFanSpeed=100”
Attribute ‘GPUCurrentFanSpeed’ (Paul-BluePC:0[fan:0]) assigned value 100.
Then it “succeeds” although this does nothing to change the physical fan speed, since the controls should really be located on [gpu:1], not [gpu:0].
That is, from above:
paul@Paul-BluePC:~$ sudo nvidia-settings -a “[gpu:1]/GPUFanControlState=1”
simply doesn’t exist to change in the first place. So it is “perma-set” to:
all the time, and thus I get the (unknown error), which is exactly what happens if I set [gpu:0]/GPUFanControlState=0 and then try to change the fan speed on [fan:0].
That is:
paul@Paul-BluePC:~$ nvidia-settings -q all | grep GPUFanControlState
Attribute ‘GPUFanControlState’ (Paul-BluePC:0[gpu:0]): 1.
‘GPUFanControlState’ is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true)
‘GPUFanControlState’ can use the following target types: GPU.
Suggests there is no [gpu:1] equivalent to the above to change. This seems to be the problem.
Any thoughts?