Nvprof internal profiling error 4107:999

Hi! I am trying to get nvprof metrics, and I get an error:

Replaying kernel “vecMatrixMult(int*, int*, int*)” (1 of 2)… ./lab1
fb_subp1_read_sectorsprocess 6108, command: ./lab1
fb_subp1_write_sectorse replayed on device 0 in order to collect all events/metrics.
45 45 ==6108== 45 45 45 Replaying kernel “vecMatrixMult(int*, int*, int*)” (done)
==6108== Error: Internal profiling error 4107:999.
======== Error: CUDA profiling error.

system: Windows 10 x64, gf gtx650, cuda 10.2.2

I also encountered this problem, I wonder if you have solved it?