Hello everyone.
I have a deepstream pipeline that is connected to an RTSP H264 stream and the decoding is configured in this way:
I need to keep the information about the timestamp of the frame that is inside the rtp packet so added a python probe that extract it at the sink of rtph264depay.
In this probe I extract the pts and the rtp timestamp.
I save both of them.
I also have a probe at the source of the nvstreammux where, using the pts, i can get the original rtp timestamp and save inside the nvidia structure.
I have noticed that if the stream is jumpy, sometimes the probe at the sink can’t find the corresponding pts. It seems that for some reason nvstreammux change it to something else, is that possible?
Also I have noticed that the timestamp is delayed if I don’t enable the “sync-inputs”: 1
Is there a document that explain how exactly nvstreammux behave and why he changes the pts and in which occasion please? Should I use the sequence_number instead?
I have also noticed that the batched-push-timeout has to be adjusted every time we add a source to match the highest FPS, is there a parameter that force the nvstreammux to push a batch when more than x frames of the same stream are pending? That will simplify my life a lot.
This is the actual configuration of the nvstreammux
“width”: 1280,
“height”: 720,
“batched-push-timeout”: 33000,
“batch-size”: 32,
“live-source”: 1,
“sync-inputs”: 1
I’m testing with inputs which speed is less or equals to 30fps
**• Hardware Platform GPU NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070
• DeepStream 6.1
**• NVIDIA GPU Driver Version Driver Version: 515.65.01 CUDA Version: 11.7
**• Issue Type questions