# gpu pwr gtemp mtemp sm mem enc dec jpg ofa mclk pclk rxpci txpci
# Idx W C C % % % % % % MHz MHz MB/s MB/s
0 237 57 - 38 8 15 6 0 0 9501 1302 25 5
tow question
1, how to narrow Latency
2, why ouput stream frames order has a bit messy, for example cuntime frame time is 19:35:33, next will be 19:35:31
● Set the batch-size to the number of sources
● If you want to get high fps, set the batched-push-timeout to the (1000000 us/maximum fps among the videos)
Gst-nvstreammux New(export USE_NEW_NVSTREAMMUX=yes):
● Set the batch-size to the number of sources
● Should not turn off the adaptive-batching parameter
● Please refer to the following basic tuning principles first:Gst-nvstreammux Tuning parameters
● Set the max-same-source-frames to ceil(maximum fps/minimum fps)
● Set the max-num-frames-per-batch of each source to ceil(current fps/minimum fps)
There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue anymore. Hence we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one. Thanks