Hey all,
Using the script node in issac sim, I have a questions about its functionality.
The snippet notes are as follows within the script box
"# Available variables:
db: og.Database The node interface, attributes are db.inputs.data, db.outputs.data.
Use db.log_error, db.log_warning to report problems.
og: The OmniGraph module
Example code snippet:
input_value = db.inputs.my_input_attribute
db.outputs.my_output_attribute = -input_value
To see more examples, click on the Code Snippets button above."
I can also use “Issac read path file” to get the .py file I know this section works as it gives undeclared variable errors in console and add inputs and outputs on the node, setting attribute ie bool, float etc…
I’m trying to figure out how to pass variables in and out?
Does the “db.inputs.my_input_attribute” live inside my py file or is it in the script window once my variables are set in python. I sort of expected that if i named the output say its called “z” then the node would connect that variable to “db.outputs.z” or am I messing up the syntax. I get an error in the console informing me that variables are defined even though these functions run perfectly in VScode.
I’ve been over the docs and the learning curve is steep, I think being able to use the scriptnode would be seriously helpful to a lot of people. I just dont think I get the strategy with this node.
Any advice?