Please provide the following information when requesting support.
• Hardware A100
- Deployment on Jetson Xavier NC --DS-Version 6.0.1
• Network Type: Detectnet_v2
• TLT Version – TAO 5.0.0
I recently saw that the Trafficcammodel does not fit in my use case, so i decided tro retrain it with te TAO toolkit.
Then i saw, that the training process does not give me .etlt as an output, just hdf5files.
and when i try to export it as an etlt, i get no options / an error message.
I’m using Deespstream 6.0.1 on a Xavier NX / XAVIER AGX (3 devices in total).
So i have two questions:
How can i change the quickstart-Notebook in Tao 5.0.0 in a way where i get an etlt formatted model as an output.
and if this is not possible:
How can i deploy the onnx model into my deepstream pipeline?
Has anyone else this problem? i’m relatively new, so did i something wrong?