OPENCL with latest drivers

Hi All,

I’m using OpenCL instead of CUDA because I need a high-end NVIDIA PC solution, but I also need an embedded lower-end solution, and OpenCL seemed to be the most transportable. I downloaded the OpenCL examples, and they seemed to work, but when the latest drivers auto-updated, ALL of the examples stopped working.

1	IntelliSense: cannot open source file "exception.h"	c:\users\johnc3\documents\jc3\my documents\my downloads\opencl\nvidia gpu computing sdk\shared\inc\cmd_arg_reader.h	25	1	shrUtils

Warning 1 warning MSB8012: TargetPath(C:\Users\JohnC3\Documents\JC3\My Documents\My Downloads\OpenCL\NVIDIA GPU Computing SDK\OpenCL\common\lib/Win32\oclUtils.lib) does not match the Library’s OutputFile property value (C:\Users\JohnC3\Documents\JC3\My Documents\My Downloads\OpenCL\NVIDIA GPU Computing SDK\OpenCL\common\lib\Win32\oclUtils32D.lib). This may cause your project to build incorrectly. To correct this, please make sure that $(OutDir), $(TargetName) and $(TargetExt) property values match the value specified in %(Lib.OutputFile). C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppBuild.targets 1151 6 oclUtils

Warning 2 warning MSB8012: TargetName(oclUtils) does not match the Library’s OutputFile property value (oclUtils32D). This may cause your project to build incorrectly. To correct this, please make sure that $(OutDir), $(TargetName) and $(TargetExt) property values match the value specified in %(Lib.OutputFile). C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppBuild.targets 1153 6 oclUtils

Error 3 error MSB3073: The command "mkdir …\bin\Win32\Debug
copy …..\shared\bin\win32\Debug*.dll …\bin\Win32\Debug
copy *.bat …\bin\Win32\Debug

:VCEnd" exited with code 1. C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets 113 6 oclUtils

Error 4 error C1083: Cannot open include file: ‘exception.h’: No such file or directory c:\users\johnc3\documents\jc3\my documents\my downloads\opencl\nvidia gpu computing sdk\shared\inc\cmd_arg_reader.h 25 1 shrUtils

Error 5 error C1083: Cannot open include file: ‘exception.h’: No such file or directory c:\users\johnc3\documents\jc3\my documents\my downloads\opencl\nvidia gpu computing sdk\shared\inc\cmd_arg_reader.h 25 1 shrUtils

Error 6 error LNK1104: cannot open file ‘shrUtils32D.lib’ C:\Users\JohnC3\Documents\JC3\My Documents\My Downloads\OpenCL\NVIDIA GPU Computing SDK\OpenCL\src\oclDeviceQuery\LINK oclDeviceQuery

I’m using Windows 8.1 64-bit and Visual Studio 2010. I tried uninstalling the latest driver and installing the previous version, but that didn’t solve the issue. Any hints would be most appreciated…

I got by the problem, and thought I’d let others know how:

I re-installed the CUDA SDK (cuda_5.5.31_win8.1_general_x64.exe), since it does a force install of the included driver.

I installed the DirectX SDK for version 11 from Microsoft’s site on a Windows 7 PC. I moved the missing files (d3dx9*, d3dx10*, d3dx11*) from the SDK into the VS include and lib directories on my Windows 8.1 PC. Windows 8 & 8.1 does not include the d3dx9*, d3dx10* or d3dx11* includes and libs, so the only way to get the needed files is to use the older OS. I was then able to build and run the CUDA / OpenCL examples on my Windows 8.1 PC.