Optimizer for Image Classification

I am trying to train a model using TAO. In the documentation, I see that there are 3 optimizers that we can configure, but I do not see any info on which parameters to configure for the different optimizers.
The example document only has this.

# Only ['sgd', 'adam'] are supported for optimizer
  optimizer {
      sgd {
      lr: 0.01
      decay: 0.0
      momentum: 0.9
      nesterov: False

Can someone please tell which parameters need to be set to use ADAM?

NOTE: I am referring to the document here Image Classification — TAO Toolkit 3.22.05 documentation


You can refer to https://docs.nvidia.com/tao/tao-toolkit/text/multitask_image_classification.html?highlight=adam#creating-an-experiment-spec-file-specification-file-for-multitask-classification

optimizer {
adam {
epsilon: 1e-7
beta1: 0.9
beta2: 0.999
amsgrad: false

Ah! Thank you very much.

Sorry, when I try to run the config mentioned above, I am getting an error like:
google.protobuf.text_format.ParseError: 33:7 : Message type "AdamOptimizerConfig" has no field named "beta1"

After checking, the parameters for classification are:

message AdamOptimizerConfig {
float lr = 1;
float beta_1 = 2;
float beta_2 = 3;
float epsilon = 4;
float decay = 5;


optimizer {
adam {
epsilon: 1e-7
beta_1: 0.9
beta_2: 0.999
lr: 0.01 (just an example)
decay: 0.0

Oh I see. Thanks.
One last question. Can you tell me where to check these specifications? (Like the protobuf message structure you mentioned above)

We will update the document. Current user guide is missing description of adam.

That would be great! Thanks alot.

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