OptiX 7.2 Error


i compile OptiX_App in this Machine

|-|OS : Windows Server 2019 Datacenter|
|-|Size : Standard NC6s_v3 (6 vcpus, 112 GiB memory)|
|-|1 NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPU|
|o|NVIDIA GPU Driver Extension (drivers CUDA 451.82)|

and whene i run example i have this error:
0:1(10): error: GLSL 3.30 is not supported. Supported versions are: 1.10, 1.20, 1.30, and 1.00 ES

Thanks to help me

Hi @hassan.mansouri,

OptiX does not depend on GLSL, so this is not an OptiX error and might not be the right place to get help on this issue. Do you know which part of your application depends on GLSL, and which version of the OpenGL library you have installed? I would suggest starting there.

One thing I did notice: OptiX 7.2 depends on a driver numbered 455 or higher, so you should update your driver. You can always find the required driver version in the OptiX release notes (for example https://developer.nvidia.com/optix/downloads/7.2.0/releasenotes).


Hi @David

thanks for your response, i install driver 466 and whene i run nvidia example not my application from windows cmd i find the error

D:\optix_nvidia\OptiXBuild\bin\Debug>intro_denoiser.exe 0:1(10): error: GLSL 3.30 is not supported. Supported versions are: 1.10, 1.20, 1.30, and 1.00 ES

i dont know what is GLSL

Oh, I see. Sorry I assumed it was your own application. Yes many of the OptiX SDK samples and advanced samples depend on OpenGL for displaying a window on the screen. GLSL is the shading language in OpenGL. What this means is that you would need to install the latest version of OpenGL in order to run the interactive samples. It looks like you probably do have an older version of OpenGL installed, because the error message says that GLSL 1.x is supported.

I assume the sample you ran (“intro_denoiser”) is from the OptiX advanced samples repository? There is information on the main page of the repository about the version of OpenGL and other libraries you need: GitHub - NVIDIA/OptiX_Apps: Advanced Samples for the NVIDIA OptiX 7 Ray Tracing SDK

For what it’s worth, I think you can run the OptiX 7 SDK example called “optixDenoiser” without needing OpenGL; it operates on image files instead of opening a window. The “optixRaycasting” sample in the SDK also does the same.


NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPU is a compute board. That is normally not running any graphics drivers (here OpenGL), means the OptiX applications requiring any graphics API for display won’t be able to open windows with NVIDIA OpenGL pixelformats running and present the raytraced image with that.

Without the NVIDIA OpenGL driver running you only get the Microsoft software OpenGL implementation under Windows which is stuck at very old versions which do not support the necessary OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) feature used to do the tone mapping of the final image display to the window client surface in my examples.

It would be possible to change the examples to not do that and also not use any OpenGL Interoperability (look at the command line options with --help, resp. the system description text files interop option in the even more advanced examples), though I’m not sure if Microsoft’s OpenGL implementation even supports float4 textures, so more changes might be needed to change the final output image to an uchar4 format.

You can also only run the OptiX 7 SDK examples with the command line argument which disables CUDA/OpenGL interoperability.
Maybe try the optixPathtracer with the --no-gl-interop command line option.
The other two examples David listed aren’t really showing standard ray tracing but are rather special cases.