I’m planning to train skills using the latest orbit(+isaacsim) RL framework. For this I need to add cameras into the scene et then train using those visual tensor data.
As a dummy test, I created a simple test code (See below) to validate the fact that I can retrieve visual data as expected.
And it works indeed!
My concerns are the following:
- it seems rather slow: around 10 FPS with 2 cameras and 24 environments (num_envs)
- it gets OOM if I try more than 32 envs on my a RTX A6000 with 50G GPU mem
- The allocated memory seems kinda fixed. The resolution of the camera almost has no impact on the GPU footprint nor the speed :-(
- the reconstructed (from tensors) rgb images are ugly
Of course when I remove the cameras (num_cams=0), it goes much faster and seems to consume very little mem (managed to run 8096 envs) as expected.
Could you double check my code below and possibly points me towards optimizations to speed up the processes?
Should the scene be degraded? Less effects?
Is the render really deactivated when running in headless mode?
Other tricks?
from __future__ import annotations
import argparse
from omni.isaac.orbit.app import AppLauncher
# add argparse arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Tutorial on adding sensors on a robot.")
parser.add_argument("--num_envs", type=int, default=16, help="Number of environments to spawn.")
parser.add_argument("--num_cams", type=int, default=2, help="Number of cams per env (2 Max)")
parser.add_argument("--save", action="store_true", default=False, help="Save the obtained data to disk.")
# append AppLauncher cli args
# parse the arguments
args_cli = parser.parse_args()
args_cli.num_cams = min(2, args_cli.num_cams)
args_cli.num_cams = max(0, args_cli.num_cams)
args_cli.num_envs = max(2, args_cli.num_envs)
# launch omniverse app
app_launcher = AppLauncher(args_cli)
simulation_app = app_launcher.app
import torch
import traceback
import carb
import os
import omni.isaac.orbit.sim as sim_utils
from omni.isaac.orbit.assets import ArticulationCfg, AssetBaseCfg
from omni.isaac.orbit.scene import InteractiveScene, InteractiveSceneCfg
from omni.isaac.orbit.sensors import CameraCfg, ContactSensorCfg, RayCasterCfg, patterns
from omni.isaac.orbit.utils import configclass
from omni.isaac.orbit.utils.timer import Timer
import omni.replicator.core as rep
from omni.isaac.orbit.utils import convert_dict_to_backend
from tqdm import tqdm
from omni.isaac.orbit_assets.anymal import ANYMAL_C_CFG
class SensorsSceneCfg(InteractiveSceneCfg):
"""Design the scene with sensors on the robot."""
# ground plane
ground = AssetBaseCfg(prim_path="/World/defaultGroundPlane", spawn=sim_utils.GroundPlaneCfg())
# lights
dome_light = AssetBaseCfg(
prim_path="/World/Light", spawn=sim_utils.DomeLightCfg(intensity=3000.0, color=(0.75, 0.75, 0.75))
# robot
robot: ArticulationCfg = ANYMAL_C_CFG.replace(prim_path="{ENV_REGEX_NS}/Robot")
if args_cli.num_cams > 0:
# sensors
camera_1 = CameraCfg(
data_types=["rgb"],#, "distance_to_image_plane"],
focal_length=24.0, focus_distance=400.0, horizontal_aperture=20.955, clipping_range=(0.1, 1.0e5)
offset=CameraCfg.OffsetCfg(pos=(0.510, 0.0, 0.015), rot=(0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5), convention="ros"),
if args_cli.num_cams > 1:
camera_2 = CameraCfg(
data_types=["rgb"],#, "distance_to_image_plane"],
focal_length=24.0, focus_distance=400.0, horizontal_aperture=20.955, clipping_range=(0.1, 1.0e5)
offset=CameraCfg.OffsetCfg(pos=(0.310, 0.50, 0.015), rot=(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5), convention="ros"),
def run_simulator(
sim: sim_utils.SimulationContext,
scene: InteractiveScene,
"""Run the simulator."""
# Define simulation stepping
sim_dt = sim.get_physics_dt()
sim_time = 0.0
def reset():
# reset the scene entities
# root state
# we offset the root state by the origin since the states are written in simulation world frame
# if this is not done, then the robots will be spawned at the (0, 0, 0) of the simulation world
root_state = scene["robot"].data.default_root_state.clone()
root_state[:, :3] += scene.env_origins
# set joint positions with some noise
joint_pos, joint_vel = (
joint_pos += torch.rand_like(joint_pos) * 0.1
scene["robot"].write_joint_state_to_sim(joint_pos, joint_vel)
# clear internal buffers
print("[INFO]: Resetting robot state...")
output_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "output", "camera")
rep_writer = rep.BasicWriter(output_dir=output_dir, frame_padding=3)
episode_steps = 100
while simulation_app.is_running():
with Timer(f"Time taken for {episode_steps} steps with {args_cli.num_envs} envs"):
with tqdm(range(episode_steps*args_cli.num_envs)) as pbar:
for count in range(episode_steps):
# Apply default actions to the robot
# -- generate actions/commands
targets = scene["robot"].data.default_joint_pos
# -- apply action to the robot
# -- write data to sim
# perform step
# update sim-time
sim_time += sim_dt
count += 1
# update buffers
# Extract camera data
if args_cli.save:
for i in range(args_cli.num_envs):
for j in range(args_cli.num_cams):
single_cam_data = convert_dict_to_backend(scene[f"camera_{j+1}"].data.output, backend="numpy")
#single_cam_info = scene[f"camera_{j+1}"].data.info
# Pack data back into replicator format to save them using its writer
rep_output = dict()
for key, data in zip(single_cam_data.keys(), single_cam_data.values()):#, single_cam_info):
# if info is not None:
# rep_output[key] = {"data": data, "info": info}
# else:
rep_output[key] = data[i]
# Save images
# Note: We need to provide On-time data for Replicator to save the images.
rep_output["trigger_outputs"] = {"on_time":f"{count}_{i}_{j}"}#{"on_time": scene["camera_1"].frame}
if args_cli.num_cams > 0:
cam1_rgb = scene["camera_1"].data.output["rgb"]
if args_cli.num_cams > 1:
cam2_rgb = scene["camera_2"].data.output["rgb"]
def main():
"""Main function."""
# Initialize the simulation context
sim_cfg = sim_utils.SimulationCfg(dt=0.005, substeps=1)
sim = sim_utils.SimulationContext(sim_cfg)
# Set main camera
sim.set_camera_view(eye=[3.5, 3.5, 3.5], target=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
# design scene
scene_cfg = SensorsSceneCfg(num_envs=args_cli.num_envs, env_spacing=2.0)
scene = InteractiveScene(scene_cfg)
# Play the simulator
# Now we are ready!
print("[INFO]: Setup complete...")
# Run the simulator
run_simulator(sim, scene)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# run the main execution
except Exception as err:
# close sim app