Orin AGX J20 board for IMX477 camera

Software Version
Jetpack 5.1.2

Target Operating System

Hardware Platform
AGX Orin Developer Kit 32GB

SDK Manager Version x86_64

Host Machine Version
Ubuntu Linux 20.04 Host installed with SDK Manager

Hello, I flashed my Orin AGX with host computer.
Now, I want to connect IMX477 LI-IMX477-MIPI camera using CSI2-connector.
I bought J20 (Auvidea) and connected it to the Orin AGX.
However, I think this cannot be detected.

PWR has been lighted up, but GPIO has not.
I searched the J20 document and found this tip.

I tried to follow the instruction, but i2cset command only returns the error message
“Error: Write failed” (sudo does not work)

I thought that the JetPack version can be a problem, because the NVIDIA document says that LI-IMX477-MIPI works with JetPack 5.1.2.

However, I think at least the GPIO in J20 should be lighted up.(or can it be a JetPack version problem?)

I also wanted to follow the document below.

But it is for JetPack 5.0.2.

Do you know how I can solve this problem?
Should I re-flash the jetson with JetPack 5.1.1?
Or do you know any instruction in order to connect the J20 board to AGX Orin?

Thank you in advance.

hello jwna1885,

had you port the device tree settings, since IMX477 is not supported with AGX Orin by default.
please integrate the device tree from Orin NX to AGX Orin.

I haven’t, I will try it. Thank you.
Do you mean device tree configuration following the below site?

By the way, even though IMX477 is not supported with AGX Orin by default, is it related to the GPIO led-off situation of J20 board?

hello jwna1885,

you may also contact with vendor to confirm whether they’ve verified IMX477.

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