ORIN NX USB3 errors

Hello Team

I am using the Orin NX in my PCB which is the carrier board.
I am using two interfaces of USB3.1 (Port0 and Port1). Both of the interfaces were simulated using hyperlynx and routed according to design guidelines.
Both of the USB3 interfaces are routed the same. The USBSS trace length is 10cm, they have ESD and CMC components.
I am testing both USB3 interfaces using the same test with USB3 SSD 2TB external device.
On Port1 i have no errors and on Port0 i have errors. I need your help to figure out the reason for these errors. I attached the Kernel dmsg log which shows the failure.
My questions:

  • what do you think is the reason for the failures
  • Are there any SERDES presets which the be modified to improve SERDES quality
  • Is there any other supplementary data that you need for having better analysis
  • What is the latest FW for USB3 PHY.
  • Is there any option to generate PRBS pattern?

kern.log (379.8 KB)

For developing on our module + custom board, please run compliance test to ensure the signal is good. Please check



I don’t think that the problem is the quality of the electrical signal.
I think it is related to ORIN NX configuration of Device Tree.
In my board each USB3 port of the two is connected to USB 3 connector TYPE A.

I am using the original device tree of the Orin NX which supports usb type C and HUB.

My question is:
Do i need to make modifications to the device tree or any other source file in order to support my USB connections?

The USB summary shows the comparison between the two USB ports.
USBSS1 works well USBSS0 has errors

USB summary.txt (18.0 KB)

I attached the Device Tree
devTree.txt (425.5 KB)

Any update?

If your design differs from developer kit, you would need to modify device tree according to the USB lane mapping. Please check Porting Universal Serial Bus in adaptation guide:

Jetson Orin NX and Nano Series — NVIDIA Jetson Linux Developer Guide 1 documentation


I checked the document you addressed but i still do not find any problem.
Can you look at the device tree i attached and see if there is a problem
The USB connections in my carrier board are as follows:
USB2-0 - connected to micro USB for programming
USB3-1 (Gen1) and USB2-2 are connected to USB3 Type A connector
USB3-0 (Gen1) and USB2-1 are connected to USB3 Type A connector

please help with this


Your device tree has lots of error… you better reading the document and modify it…


We program original NVIDIA configuration according to the jetson-orin-nano-devkit-nvme.conf without any changes

This means device tree:

Source file: tegra234-p3767-0000-p3768-0000-a0.dts

Binary file: tegra234-p3767-0000-p3768-0000-a0.dtb

I don’t understand how there are errors if we use the ORIN Evaluation Board Device Tree.
Can you share with us the problems in the Device Tree?


Orin NX module + Orin Nano carrier board is supported by default. If degsign of the custom board is identical to Orin Nano carrier board, you can use the default device tree. But if there is deviation in USB lane mapping, please refer to adaptation guide to modify device tree accordingly.

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