Partition create


I’m using Jetpack 4.6

Customer wants emmc to be 3 part: APP(15G), Reserve partition(500MB), UDA(rest)

And I found there’re 2 reserve partitions in the flash_t194_sdmmc.xml : RP1, RP2

I can successfully work on the size of RP1 to 256000000

But I can’t work on the size of RP1 to 524288000

Here’s the flash command
sudo ./tools/kernel_flash/ -p “-S 15GiB” --showlogs jetson-agx-xavier-devkit mmcblk0p1

xml file

log.txt (143.4 KB)

Please help to give some suggestions

please follow the partition size to be a multiple of 512 bytes for user data partition.

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Hi Jerry,

524288000= 512*1,024,000 is a multiple of 512 bytes

By the way, I’ve tried the and it work
sudo ./ -S 15GiB jetson-agx-xavier-devkit mmcblk0p1

Could you help to check why failed with this size?

is it related to your RP1 size config?
here’s error logs from flashing. did you also gather the UART logs on the target?

[   2.0868 ] Sending BCTs
[   2.0896 ] tegrarcm_v2 --instance 1-3 --download bct_bootrom br_bct_BR.bct --download bct_mb1 mb1_bct_MB1_sigheader.bct.encrypt --download bct_mem mem_rcm_sigheader.bct.encrypt
[   2.0910 ] Applet version 01.00.0000
[   2.1278 ] Sending bct_bootrom
[   2.1281 ] [................................................] 100%
[   2.1291 ] 000000001d1d1118: E> LOADER: Failed to verify Stage2Signature SHA2.

If there’s some problems with RP1 size, maybe it will also failed when I use to flash?

Hi @JerryChang

Here’s uart log during flash

log_uart.txt (2.7 KB)

In addition, I found some errors in log.txt mentioned previously
[ 12.0027 ] tegraparser_v2 --generategpt --pt flash.xml.bin
[ 12.0060 ] End sector for RECROOTFS, expected at: 61079518, actual: 61438639
[ 12.0071 ]
Error: Return value 4

hello zax,

it’s due to the image is not signed correctly according to the logs.
are you working with devices that has Jetson security enabled?

[0440.744] E> LOADER: Failed to verify Stage2Signature SHA2.
[0440.749] E> LOADER: Could not read br-bct.
[0440.753] E> LOADER: Failed to verify br-bct.
[0440.757] E> Failed to load/validate BR-BCT
[0440.761] E> NV3P_SERVER: Failed to verify image bct_bootrom.

just double confirm,
did it meant only l4t_initrd_flash cannot flashing with specified RP1 size?

Yes, work normally

Only l4t_initrd_flash failed

hello zax,

JP-4.6/r32.6.1 is very old release.
is it possible for moving to the latest release version for verification, i.e. JetPack 4.6.5/r32.7.5

The customer specifies to use 4.6

They don’t accept the latest version

Is there any workaround to solve this issue?

If it is hard for giving workaround, I can use for instead

hello zax,

we may not investigate the issue with previous release version,
please moving to the latest release version for verification, or, you may running with flash script as workaround for your issue.

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