Problem Installing Jetpack 4.4

I am new to The Jetson device, and am trying to install it for the first time. I continually get this error in the logs:

15:12:36 INFO: Flash Jetson AGX Xavier 16GB/32GB: sudo ./ jetson-xavier mmcblk0p1

15:12:36 INFO: Flash Jetson AGX Xavier 16GB/32GB: fi

15:12:36 INFO: Flash Jetson AGX Xavier 16GB/32GB: sleep 20

15:12:36 INFO: Flash Jetson AGX Xavier 16GB/32GB: **********************

15:12:36 INFO: Flash Jetson AGX Xavier 16GB/32GB: exec_command: /tmp/

15:12:36 INFO: Flash Jetson AGX Xavier 16GB/32GB: sudo ./ jetson-xavier mmcblk0p1

15:12:36 INFO: Flash Jetson AGX Xavier 16GB/32GB: ###############################################################################

15:12:36 INFO: Flash Jetson AGX Xavier 16GB/32GB: # L4T BSP Information:

15:12:36 INFO: Flash Jetson AGX Xavier 16GB/32GB: # R32 , REVISION: 4.3

15:12:36 INFO: Flash Jetson AGX Xavier 16GB/32GB: ###############################################################################

15:12:42 INFO: Flash Jetson AGX Xavier 16GB/32GB: Error: probing the target board failed.

15:12:42 INFO: Flash Jetson AGX Xavier 16GB/32GB: Make sure the target board is connected through

15:12:42 INFO: Flash Jetson AGX Xavier 16GB/32GB: USB port and is in recovery mode.

15:12:42 INFO: Flash Jetson AGX Xavier 16GB/32GB: [ Component Install Finished with Error ]

15:12:42 INFO: Flash Jetson AGX Xavier 16GB/32GB: [host] [ 20.00 KB used. Disk Avail: 301.29 GB ]

15:12:42 INFO: Flash Jetson AGX Xavier 16GB/32GB: [ NV_L4T_FLASH_XAVIER_WITH_OS_IMAGE_COMP Install took 5s ]

15:12:42 ERROR: Flash Jetson AGX Xavier 16GB/32GB: [error]: : [exec_command]: /bin/bash -c /tmp/; [error]:

15:12:42 ERROR: Flash Jetson AGX Xavier 16GB/32GB: command terminated with error

15:12:42 SUMMARY: Flash Jetson AGX Xavier 16GB/32GB: Failed to execute commands with GenericInstaller

I am at a complete loss as to what to try next. I have not tried the factory reset option. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Is the Jetson connected via its USB-C, and in recovery mode? Prior to starting flash, do you see the Xavier present from this command:
lsusb -d 0955:7019

If you are using a VM, then failing this would imply the VM is not configured correctly (a VM needs to always have ownership of the recovery mode Jetson even if it disconnects and reconnects).

Yes, everything is connected and I am not using a VM. I have an Ubuntu 18.04 laptop. Digging further, it seems as if I do not have script. I am tihnkin I will try 4.3 and upgrade from there, assuming it works.

The “” script would be somewhere in:

Since SDKM is actually just a front end, the content for “Linux_for_Tegra/” is actually via the “driver” package, plus the “Linux_for_Tegra/rootfs/” is via the “sample root filesystem” package. The first time you use SDKM to flash this content would be downloaded and unpacked. Thereafter you could manually use

Alternatively, you can download and unpack the driver package and sample rootfs, followed by some setup, and just flash without using JetPack/SDKM.

I recommend flashing once from the latest SDKM, and then checking for that content if you still want to use