Why does the 4 channel input show stuttering during playback.
From tegrastat it doesn’t seem to run out of performance, but I wonder why.
I set “ENABLETRT ?= 0”
./backend 4 …/…/…/126/AVB_20190531150055_00001_ch01.h264 …/…/…/126/AVB_20190531150055_00001_ch02.h264 …/…/…/126/AVB_20190531150055_00001_ch03.h264 …/…/…/126/AVB_20190531150055_00001_ch04.h264 H264
NvMMLiteOpen : Block : BlockType = 261
NVMEDIA: Reading vendor.tegra.display-size : status: 6
NvMMLiteBlockCreate : Block : BlockType = 261
Starting decoder capture loop thread
NvMMLiteOpen : Block : BlockType = 261
NVMEDIA: Reading vendor.tegra.display-size : status: 6
[INFO] (NvEglRenderer.cpp:110) Setting Screen width 480 height 270
NvMMLiteBlockCreate : Block : BlockType = 261
Starting decoder capture loop thread
NvMMLiteOpen : Block : BlockType = 261
NVMEDIA: Reading vendor.tegra.display-size : status: 6
NvMMLiteBlockCreate : Block : BlockType = 261
Starting decoder capture loop thread
NvMMLiteOpen : Block : BlockType = 261
NVMEDIA: Reading vendor.tegra.display-size : status: 6
NvMMLiteBlockCreate : Block : BlockType = 261
[INFO] (NvEglRenderer.cpp:110) Setting Screen width 480 height 270
[INFO] (NvEglRenderer.cpp:110) Setting Screen width 480 height 270
Starting decoder capture loop thread
libv4l2_nvvidconv (0):(802) (INFO) : Allocating (12) OUTPUT PLANE BUFFERS Layout=1
libv4l2_nvvidconv (0):(818) (INFO) : Allocating (12) CAPTURE PLANE BUFFERS Layout=0
Query and set capture successful
[INFO] (NvEglRenderer.cpp:110) Setting Screen width 480 height 270
libv4l2_nvvidconv (0):(802) (INFO) : Allocating (12) OUTPUT PLANE BUFFERS Layout=1
libv4l2_nvvidconv (0):(818) (INFO) : Allocating (12) CAPTURE PLANE BUFFERS Layout=0
Query and set capture successful
libv4l2_nvvidconv (0):(802) (INFO) : Allocating (12) OUTPUT PLANE BUFFERS Layout=1
libv4l2_nvvidconv (0):(802) (INFO) : Allocating (12) OUTPUT PLANE BUFFERS Layout=1
libv4l2_nvvidconv (0):(818) (INFO) : Allocating (12) CAPTURE PLANE BUFFERS Layout=0
libv4l2_nvvidconv (0):(818) (INFO) : Allocating (12) CAPTURE PLANE BUFFERS Layout=0
Query and set capture successful
Query and set capture successful
RAM 6469/15690MB (lfb 243x4MB) SWAP 0/7845MB (cached 0MB) CPU [19%@2265,23%@2265,23%@2265,19%@2265,13%@2265,18%@2265,20%@2265,19%@2265] EMC_FREQ 4%@2133 GR3D_FREQ 11%@1377 NVDEC 1190 NVDEC1 1190 APE 150 MTS fg 1% bg 13% AO@33.5C GPU@35C Tboard@36C Tdiode@38.75C AUX@34.5C CPU@37C thermal@35.4C PMIC@100C GPU 1698/1364 CPU 2162/1886 SOC 4325/3169 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 463/257 SYS5V 2652/2584
RAM 6469/15690MB (lfb 243x4MB) SWAP 0/7845MB (cached 0MB) CPU [15%@2265,11%@2265,15%@2265,11%@2265,11%@2265,11%@2265,10%@2265,9%@2265] EMC_FREQ 4%@2133 GR3D_FREQ 10%@1377 NVDEC 601 NVDEC1 601 APE 150 MTS fg 1% bg 12% AO@34C GPU@35.5C Tboard@36C Tdiode@39C AUX@34.5C CPU@37.5C thermal@35.55C PMIC@100C GPU 1698/1364 CPU 2316/1887 SOC 4478/3171 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 463/258 SYS5V 2652/2585
RAM 6469/15690MB (lfb 243x4MB) SWAP 0/7845MB (cached 0MB) CPU [12%@2265,11%@2265,12%@2265,10%@2265,8%@2265,12%@2265,8%@2265,11%@2265] EMC_FREQ 4%@2133 GR3D_FREQ 11%@1377 NVDEC 332 NVDEC1 307 APE 150 MTS fg 0% bg 14% AO@34C GPU@35.5C Tboard@36C Tdiode@39C AUX@34.5C CPU@37.5C thermal@35.4C PMIC@100C GPU 1698/1365 CPU 2007/1887 SOC 4325/3172 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 463/258 SYS5V 2652/2585
RAM 6469/15690MB (lfb 243x4MB) SWAP 0/7845MB (cached 0MB) CPU [11%@2265,12%@2265,14%@2265,11%@2265,5%@2265,5%@2265,10%@2265,10%@2265] EMC_FREQ 4%@2133 GR3D_FREQ 10%@1377 NVDEC 192 NVDEC1 192 APE 150 MTS fg 1% bg 13% AO@34C GPU@35C Tboard@36C Tdiode@39C AUX@34.5C CPU@37C thermal@35.55C PMIC@100C GPU 1698/1365 CPU 2007/1887 SOC 4325/3174 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 463/258 SYS5V 2652/2585
RAM 6471/15690MB (lfb 243x4MB) SWAP 0/7845MB (cached 0MB) CPU [12%@2265,8%@2265,13%@2265,11%@2265,10%@2265,7%@2265,6%@2265,7%@2219] EMC_FREQ 4%@2133 GR3D_FREQ 8%@1377 NVDEC 128 NVDEC1 128 APE 150 MTS fg 1% bg 15% AO@33.5C GPU@35.5C Tboard@36C Tdiode@39C AUX@34.5C CPU@37.5C thermal@35.7C PMIC@100C GPU 1698/1366 CPU 2007/1887 SOC 4325/3176 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 463/259 SYS5V 2652/2585
RAM 6471/15690MB (lfb 243x4MB) SWAP 0/7845MB (cached 0MB) CPU [10%@2265,13%@2265,13%@2265,8%@2265,8%@2265,5%@2265,6%@2265,5%@2265] EMC_FREQ 4%@2133 GR3D_FREQ 13%@1377 NVDEC 128 NVDEC1 128 APE 150 MTS fg 1% bg 13% AO@34C GPU@35.5C Tboard@36C Tdiode@39C AUX@34.5C CPU@37.5C thermal@35.55C PMIC@100C GPU 1699/1366 CPU 1853/1887 SOC 4325/3177 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 308/259 SYS5V 2652/2585
RAM 6471/15690MB (lfb 243x4MB) SWAP 0/7845MB (cached 0MB) CPU [9%@2265,9%@2265,9%@2265,9%@2265,7%@2265,9%@2265,8%@2265,11%@2265] EMC_FREQ 4%@2133 GR3D_FREQ 11%@1377 NVDEC 128 NVDEC1 128 APE 150 MTS fg 0% bg 14% AO@34C GPU@35.5C Tboard@36C Tdiode@39.25C AUX@34.5C CPU@37.5C thermal@35.55C PMIC@100C GPU 1699/1367 CPU 1853/1887 SOC 4325/3179 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 308/259 SYS5V 2652/2585
RAM 6472/15690MB (lfb 243x4MB) SWAP 0/7845MB (cached 0MB) CPU [11%@2265,10%@2265,10%@2265,10%@2265,6%@2265,8%@2265,7%@2265,7%@2265] EMC_FREQ 4%@2133 GR3D_FREQ 10%@1377 NVDEC 128 NVDEC1 128 APE 150 MTS fg 0% bg 12% AO@34C GPU@35.5C Tboard@36C Tdiode@39.25C AUX@34.5C CPU@37.5C thermal@35.7C PMIC@100C GPU 1698/1367 CPU 2007/1887 SOC 4325/3181 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 463/259 SYS5V 2652/2585
RAM 6470/15690MB (lfb 243x4MB) SWAP 0/7845MB (cached 0MB) CPU [14%@2265,8%@2265,12%@2265,11%@2265,4%@2265,7%@2265,9%@2265,4%@2265] EMC_FREQ 4%@2133 GR3D_FREQ 12%@1377 NVDEC 128 NVDEC1 128 APE 150 MTS fg 1% bg 13% AO@34C GPU@35.5C Tboard@36C Tdiode@39.25C AUX@34.5C CPU@37C thermal@35.55C PMIC@100C GPU 1699/1368 CPU 1853/1887 SOC 4325/3182 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 308/259 SYS5V 2652/2585
RAM 6470/15690MB (lfb 243x4MB) SWAP 0/7845MB (cached 0MB) CPU [10%@2265,14%@2265,11%@2265,10%@2265,9%@2265,9%@2265,7%@2265,9%@2265] EMC_FREQ 4%@2133 GR3D_FREQ 11%@1377 NVDEC 128 NVDEC1 128 APE 150 MTS fg 1% bg 18% AO@34C GPU@35.5C Tboard@36C Tdiode@39.25C AUX@34.5C CPU@37.5C thermal@35.7C PMIC@100C GPU 1698/1368 CPU 2162/1888 SOC 4325/3184 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 463/259 SYS5V 2652/2585
RAM 6470/15690MB (lfb 243x4MB) SWAP 0/7845MB (cached 0MB) CPU [10%@2265,9%@2265,6%@2265,13%@2265,6%@2265,6%@2265,8%@2265,8%@2265] EMC_FREQ 4%@2133 GR3D_FREQ 7%@1377 NVDE