PGF90/any Linux/x86 4.1-2: compilation aborted

Hi everyone want to help me.

I’m trying to compile a program from The program name is CALRAMS.

now i’ve got this error:

PGF90-F-0004-Corrupt or Old Module file ./an_header.mod (./ 1)
PGF90/any Linux/x86 4.1-2: compilation aborted

Thank you for your help.
With regards.


Hi Ivan,

Try rebuilding from scratch being sure to remove any old Module file.

  • Mat

Hi Mat,
i’m still here trying to compile this other program CALRAMS from

Now the problems is always the same but now i’ll give you more details.

On the first attemp to compile it i get:

pgf90 -O0 -o calrams.out calrams.f90
PGF90-S-0034-Syntax error at or near - (calrams.f90: 3)
PGF90-S-0034-Syntax error at or near - (calrams.f90: 4)
PGF90-S-0034-Syntax error at or near identifier verion (calrams.f90: 5)
PGF90-S-0034-Syntax error at or near - (calrams.f90: 6)
PGF90-S-0034-Syntax error at or near identifier developed (calrams.f90: 7)
PGF90-S-0034-Syntax error at or near identifier zhong (calrams.f90: 8)
PGF90-S-0034-Syntax error at or near end of line (calrams.f90: 9)
PGF90-S-0034-Syntax error at or near identifier create (calrams.f90: 10)
PGF90-S-0034-Syntax error at or near identifier last (calrams.f90: 11)
PGF90-S-0034-Syntax error at or near identifier changes (calrams.f90: 13)
PGF90-S-0034-Syntax error at or near real constant 1.0000000E+0 (calrams.f90: 14)
PGF90-S-0034-Syntax error at or near identifier in (calrams.f90: 15)
PGF90-S-0034-Syntax error at or near identifier change (calrams.f90: 16)
PGF90-S-0034-Syntax error at or near real constant 2.0000000E+0 (calrams.f90: 17)
PGF90-S-0034-Syntax error at or near identifier subroutine (calrams.f90: 19)
PGF90-S-0034-Syntax error at or near identifier rams (calrams.f90: 20)
PGF90-S-0034-Syntax error at or near identifier iw (calrams.f90: 21)
PGF90-S-0034-Syntax error at or near identifier header (./ 1)
PGF90-S-0034-Syntax error at or near end of line (./ 2)
PGF90-W-0016-Identifier, ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc, truncated to 31 chars (./ 3)
PGF90-S-0034-Syntax error at or near end of line (./ 3)
PGF90-S-0034-Syntax error at or near identifier copyright (./ 4)
PGF90-S-0034-Syntax error at or near end of line (./ 5)
PGF90-S-0034-Syntax error at or near identifier this (./ 6)
PGF90-S-0034-Syntax error at or near identifier modify (./ 7)
PGF90-S-0034-Syntax error at or near identifier as (./ 8)
PGF90-F-0008-Error limit exceeded (./ 8)

All these lines are commented lines.
If i try to calcel them then i get the corrupt model error.

PGF90-F-0004-Corrupt or Old Module file ./an_header.mod (./ 1)
PGF90/any Linux/x86 4.1-2: compilation aborted

I can’t understand why these errors for commented lines.
Thank you for all your help.
With regards.


Hi Mat,
sorry for all these stuff but i got more info about the problem.

I discovered that this error appears when i starting deleting commented lines from the 11th (commented lines with the big “C”).

I change the c letter in the first line with the “!” simbol and it seems to work but not for lines commented with the big “C” from where i get this

PGF90-F-0004-Corrupt or Old Module file ./an_header.mod (./ 1)
PGF90/any Linux/x86 4.1-2: compilation aborted

Can you help me??
The program’s name is CALRAMS and you can download it from

So hope you can help me.
With regards


Hi Ivan,

The first error is because the calmet.f90 code is in fixed format and needs the “-Mfixed” flag. The second error is because the author has left an old mod file, as well as old objects, libraries, and executables, in this directory. So the first step is to clean up after the author and remove all the .o, .mod, .a, .exe, and .linux files from the top level directory as well as the “lib” directory. Next cd into the lib directory and update the “Make.lib” file so it uses pgf90/pgcc and is configured for linux.


FORT_COMP= pgf90

C_OPTS= -c -O

Next type “make -f Make.lib” to build librams.a and then run “ranlib librams.a”. Change back to the top level directory and update the “Make_calrams” file to use pgf90.

.SUFFIXES: .c .o .f90
#.SUFFIXES: .c .f .o .f90

#FLGS = -O3 -fixed -convert big_endian
#FLGS = -Mnofree -O2 -tp p6 -pc 32 -Mnoframe -Mbounds -byteswapio -Wl,-Bstatic
FLGS = -Mfixed -O2 -Mnoframe -byteswapio

LIBS = lib/librams.a

TARGT = calrams.linux
#TARGT = calrams.exe

pspgeo.o \
juldate.o \
calrams.o \
readrams.o \

calrams: $(OBJCTS)
        pgf90 -o $(TARGT) $(FLGS) $(OBJCTS) $(LIBS)
        pgf90 -c -o $@ $(FLGS) $<

calrams.o       : calrams.f90
readrams.o      : readrams.f90

Finally, run “make -f Make_calrams”. I’ll leave it to you to figure out how to run the program since it complained to me about a missing input file.

% calrams.linux calrams.inp
PGFIO-F-209/OPEN/unit=10/'OLD' specified for file which does not exist.
 File name = /usr1/RAMS/Data/iw-A-2001-04-14-040000-head.txt
 In source file calrams.f90, at line number 119

Hope this helps,

Hi Mat,
i don’t really know how to thank you about this.

You solved all my problems.

The programs run greatly with my input files.

I have just to solve proplems with the other programs CALMET.

I just want to give you my best wishes fot Christmas and an happy new year.

With the best regards i can.


You’re very welcome Ivan. I’m glad I could help.

Happy Holidays,