PGF90-F-0000-Internal compiler error. module:new_dtype, dt n

When compiling programs under linux using PGI fortran 7.0-5,
the following error occurs (error message is bold):

mpif90 -c -I. -I/opt/netcdf/include -I/opt/netcdf/include -I/opt/mpich2/include -I. -I/data/tpark40/model/cesm1_0_2/case/test4/SourceMods/src.cice -I/data/tpark40/model/cesm1_0_2/models/ice/cice/src/drivers/cpl_mct -I/data/tpark40/model/cesm1_0_2/models/ice/cice/src/drivers/cpl_share -I/data/tpark40/model/cesm1_0_2/models/ice/cice/src/mpi -I/data/tpark40/model/cesm1_0_2/models/ice/cice/src/source -I/data/tpark40/model/cesm1_0_2/exe/test4/lib/include -DCCSMCOUPLED -Dcoupled -Dncdf -DNCAT=1 -DNXGLOB=144 -DNYGLOB=96 -DNTR_AERO=0 -DBLCKX=18 -DBLCKY=96 -DMXBLCKS=1 -DMCT_INTERFACE -DHAVE_MPI -DCO2A -DLINUX -DSEQ_ -DFORTRANUNDERSCORE -DNO_SHR_VMATH -i4 -gopt -Mlist -Mextend -byteswapio -Mflushz -Kieee -Ktrap=fp -O2 -Mvect=nosse -Kieee -Mfree /data/tpark40/model/cesm1_0_2/models/ice/cice/src/source/ice_therm_vertical.F90
PGF90-F-0000-Internal compiler error. module:new_dtype, dt nfd 2293
(/data/tpark40/model/cesm1_0_2/models/ice/cice/src/source/ice_therm_vertical.F90: 37)
PGF90/x86-64 Linux 7.0-5: compilation aborted

I find that this error message is a compiler bug that has to be fixed by PGI in google search.

When using PGI fortran 7.1-3, the same error occurred.
I want to know whether the error is fixed or not in later version of PGI fortran.

Hi Taewon,

I find that this error message is a compiler bug that has to be fixed by PGI in google search

In looking through our old issue reports, I do see a similar error (TPR#4221) that was reported in the 7.0-5 compiler and fixed in 7.0-7. However, this is a generic error so I don’t know if this is the exact same issue that you are encountering.

My guess is that this error has been fixed given this compiler is 4 years old, we have had no reports of similar issues and I recently built the CICE from CCSM4.0.

Though, to be sure I’d like to try and recreate your issue. Which version of CICE are you using?


Hi, Mat.

Thanks a lot for your reply.

I used CICE4 which is a component of CESM1.

And, I tried to build the CICE from CCSM4.0, but the same error occurred.

Maybe, the low version of PGI Fortran in my linux server is the reason of the error.

I will try to compile it using the latest version.
