PGI Workstation help!


I just download the trial version 7.0-4 for Windows X84. But when I tried to compile a simplest Fortran code (type PGI$ pgf95 myfortranfile.f90 and myfortranfile.f90 was placed the .f90 file in \pgi\win32\7.0-4 and \pgi\win32\7.0-4\bin), it kept give me following massage:

PGF90-F-0002-Unable to open source input file: myfortranfile.f90

And this is the only error massage I got so I expected no license installation problem but I really don’t know.

Thank you to help me out.


Hi Sean,

When using just the source file name, the compiler expects the file to be in the current working directory. You can also use a fully qualified path to the location of the file.

  • Mat