I’ve tried reading the the User’s Guide, the Tools Guide, and PGI Fortran Reference. Although they helped greatly in advancing my progress, I’m still not getting the results I want.
I’m a novice when it comes to programming. I’m new to Fortran, and my previous experience was limited to Assembly code.
I’m using Eclipse with Photran, and I have my source file written. I’m not having issues with the syntax or the programming itself, just the compiling/building.
I downloaded PGI Workstation, and I tried to manually integrate pgf77.exe and pgdebug.exe with Eclipse.
I’ve also tried to run the Workstation in Command Prompt and run the executable file within it. When I run them, it says “Warning-No Files to Process.”. How do I get it to recognized the file?
Is there a simple step-by-step instruction page to compiling?
Thank you very much.