Pip install not working in Omniverse code

I am currently trying to pip install some packages in Omniverse but am not able to do so. Specifically, I am trying to pip install robosuite. I am able to install this package normally in terminal in my other conda environments. However, when I do it in Omniverse code, its says it failed to install. This is the code I am running:

Also, I would like to pip install one of my directories (similar to pip install . -e). Does anyone know how I can accomplish this?

not sure if any of the links here are relevant -

  1. omni.kit.pipapi.pipapi — omni.kit.pipapi 105.2 documentation
  2. Install a New Python Package from PyPI — Omniverse Developer Guide latest documentation
  3. Overview — omni.kit.pipapi 105.2 documentation

and i would encourage using the latest build of Code as well (beta 2023.1.1) just in case.

I am using code 2023.1.1 and had a similar issue when i was trying to install python packages (pandas and matplotlib in my case). The way i solved it was: I installed python and pip on my windows machine then executed pip install command using command prompt while setting the same target directory that omni.kit.pipapi was using.
I hope this helps