Compiling my source code, I have no errors, but during the execution I obtain the following message:
OptiX Error: Parse error (Details: Function “_rtProgramCreateFromPTXFile” caught exception: (string): error: Cannot parse input PTX string
./debug/, line 8265; : error : Arguments mismatch for instruction ‘mov’
./debug/, line 8267; : error : Arguments mismatch for instruction ‘and’
Looking at the ptx, I have:
8262 mul.ftz.f32 %f1037, %f2572, %f1034;
8263 mov.b32 %r377, %f1037;
8264 .loc 2 87 1
8265 mov.u32 %rd316, 0;
8266 .loc 2 88 1
8267 and.b32 %r379, %rd316, -2147483648;
8268 selp.b32 %r380, 1073741825, 1, %p3;
8269 or.b32 %r381, %r380, %r379;
My system:
- Optix 3.0.1;
- Cuda 5.0;
- VS 2010 SP1;
-O3 -use_fast_math.
Same error if I remove the “-use_fast_math” and/or the “-O3”.
I use compute capability and sm 2.0.
It’s a compiler bug?