Power sequence circuit for Orin NX carrier board

Hello Nvidia team,

We are currently designing a custom carrier board design for Jetson Orin NX SOM.
We have observed that a button MCU design is used for Power sequencing in the Jetson Orin Nano Development kit design, similar MCU setup was observed in Jetson Xavier NX development kit too.
However, we are looking for a power control circuit without firmware/MCU dependency, and has come across the Power logic circuit from Jetson Nano developer kit design (P3449 schematics)
We have checked the design guide and found both follow same power sequence and same control signals.
Please confirm if we can proceed with the same power sequence circuit for our Orin NX carrier board design, or if there are any other dependencies that require the MCU control.

Thank you.

Hello Nvidia team,

Do you have any updates on this query? Kindly respond.

Thank you

Yes, you can use the power on/off logic circuit in P3449 schematic for this.

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