Please provide complete information as applicable to your setup.
• Hardware Platform (Jetson / GPU) Jetson Nano • DeepStream Version 5.0 • JetPack Version (valid for Jetson only) 4.4 • TensorRT Version • NVIDIA GPU Driver Version (valid for GPU only)
I am trying to use a resnet18 classification model as my primary model with deepstream. I keep getting class_id = -1 for all frames, and when I go to obj_meta->class_meta->label_info the result_prob is always 0.583008 or 0.583496.
@Morganh I’m having the same issue – maybe you can help with this?
I’ve exported a model from TLT 2.0 for classification (just a simple multi-label classification with 2 classes). When I test this model using tlt-infer within the TLT notebook and with the pruned model, the results are great. However after I export the model and attempt to run it using Deepstream 5.0, the class_id is always -1 for every frame. What can cause this -1 output? The documentation doesn’t provide much indication on if this is from an input error, model error, config error etc.
This is misleading because we were expecting to see the inferred class ID at this part of the metadata, but it was always showing as -1.
Is this a bug, or is this the intended behavior? The documentation is not very helpful here… If this behavior is not a bug, then I would recommend that either the documentation gets updated, or that a more useful reference application for multi-label classification as pgie be provided.
Can the documentation be updated to reflect this? The screenshot I posted above implies that we will see the class index inferred by the detector/classifier. I believe it should say something more like: Holds the index of the object class inferred by the primary detector when using object detection. If using a classifier as primary, see NvDsClassifierMeta.