I am trying to use TLT. I am following the official instructions.
I tried 2 options to install CLI: AMD64 and ARM64
- when I try AMD 64, I got error
$ wget https://ngc.nvidia.com/downloads/ngccli_cat_linux.zip && unzip ngccli_cat_linux.zip && chmod u+x ngc
$ echo “export PATH="$PATH:$(pwd)"” >> ~/.bash_profile && source ~/.bash_profile
suryadi@nonaku:~/cli$ ./ngc
bash: ./ngc: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
- When I try ARM64, I successfully install CLI, generate API key, login and even successfully download the image using docker followng the procedure metioned here Transfer Learning Toolkit for Video Streaming Analytics | NVIDIA NGC
So I used “docker pull nvcr.io/nvidia/tlt-streamanalytics:v2.0_py3” to pull the image and then I used
sudo docker run --gpus all -it -v /home/robodel1/tlt-experiments:/workspace/tlt-experiments -p 8888:8888 nvcr.io/nvidia/tlt-streamanalytics:v2.0_py3 /bin/bash
Here I get eror: "docker standard_init_linux.go:211: exec user process caused “exec format error”
Please advise smth.