problems compiling a basic "c++" accelerator progr

When I use the following command line tool using the pgi dos generated shell script:
pgcpp pgitest1.cpp -Mcudax86=cuda4.0

I get:
C:\programming>pgcpp pgitest1.cpp -Mcudax86=cuda4.0
“C:\PROGRA~1\PGI/win32/2011/cuda/4.0/include/host_config.h”, line 92: catastroph
ic error:
#error directive: – unsupported MSVC version! Only MSVC 8.0, 9.0,
and 10.0 are supported!
#error – unsupported MSVC version! Only MSVC 8.0, 9.0, and 10.0 are supported

1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of “pgitest1.cpp”.
Compilation terminated.

I have cuda 4.0 and cuda 4.1 and MSVC 2010 installed and tested properly

Hi Gonen,

Take off the “cuda4.0”. Support of Cuda 4.0 in Cuda X86 is still being added and should be available in the upcoming 12.0 release. Note that on Win32 there are a few other issues as well with CUDA x86, such as unresolved external variables, that will also be addressed in 12.0.

Best Regards,