When I use the following command line tool using the pgi dos generated shell script:
pgcpp pgitest1.cpp -Mcudax86=cuda4.0
I get:
C:\programming>pgcpp pgitest1.cpp -Mcudax86=cuda4.0
“C:\PROGRA~1\PGI/win32/2011/cuda/4.0/include/host_config.h”, line 92: catastroph
ic error:
#error directive: – unsupported MSVC version! Only MSVC 8.0, 9.0,
and 10.0 are supported!
#error – unsupported MSVC version! Only MSVC 8.0, 9.0, and 10.0 are supported
1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of “pgitest1.cpp”.
Compilation terminated.
I have cuda 4.0 and cuda 4.1 and MSVC 2010 installed and tested properly