Is the actual log of collect2
a single long line? If not, can you edit the post (the pencil icon in the lower right), and edit such that you put three backquotes (```) on a line by itself directly above the log, and again three backquotes on a line by itself below the log, or else highlight the log and click on the “code” icon (looks like “</>
”)? This would preserve formatting. Only useful of course if the actual original log has formatting (wouldn’t hurt to do this even if the original log did not have formatting).
The URL you mentioned depends on setting up the loopback partition being mounted at:
Is that where it is mounted?
That Makefile
inherits from the parent directory “
” if you run from any parent. This block of that file sets up linker specs:
# All common dependent libraries
-lpthread -lv4l2 -lEGL -lGLESv2 -lX11 \
-lnvbuf_utils -lnvjpeg -lnvosd -ldrm \
-lcuda -lcudart \
-lnvinfer -lnvparsers \
Note that earlier in that file it should specify:
ifeq ($(TEGRA_ARMABI),)
TEGRA_ARMABI ?= aarch64-linux-gnu
What that does is first test to see if environment variable “TEGRA_ARMABI
” is empty; if it is, then it sets it to “aarch64-linux-gnu
”. This would cause search to include the location with the “crt*.o
” files:
…which expands to:
(and if that has crt*.o
files, then linking should work)
However, it will fail if any of these occur:
- The mount point differed for the clone.
- If you cannot find the file from
ls -l ~/jetson/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/crt*.o
- If environment variable “
” already exists, and is not “aarch64-linux-gnu
If you are at the compile location, what do you see from “echo $TEGRA_ARMABI
”? It should be empty.
If you run command “ls -l ~/jetson/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/crt*.o
”, do you see various files named “crt*.o
”? You should see them. If not, then on the actual Jetson the clone came from, do you see anything from:
ls -l /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/crt*.o