Questions regarding JetPack EULA / Distribution of Jetpack

Our customer is using Jetson Orin NX in his device and has some questions regarding distribution of JetPack with their devices to their respective customers.

Unfortunately, NVIDIA’s EULA is not clearly formulated and at the same time prohibits the use of types of use that are not explicitly permitted. In particular, commercial use or distribution is omitted.
The EULA only explicitly refers to our own use; although we use it for our own purposes, we also supply the operating system to our customers. That is why I am asking whether delivery to our customers is permitted, i.e. in a commercial sense. We do not make any changes to the binary files, we only run additional software on the operating system. It would also be important to know which license conditions apply in this case, e.g. passing on the EULA, prohibition of removing copyright notices, etc.

This refers to this document:
EULA — JetPack 6.1 documentation

Can you please comment on this, or is there perhaps a specific contact person for this type of question?

Customers are expected to deploy Jetson with software pre-installed and configured for use in end products, so what you describe should be fine. If you have further questions, please consult the EULA’s included in JetPack or the Software License Agreement

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