Random crashes in libnvjpeg

Hi, we use nvjpeg for encoding images as jpeg. It was working on Jetson Nano without issues. Now, we switched to Jetson Xavier NX and see random segfaults inside that library. It is really hard to reproduce, most of the time it is working. What could be the reason?
Here is the backtrace:

#0  0x0000ffbeda8d6ac4 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libnvvideo.so
#1  0x0000ffbee00242d0 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libnvmmlite_image.so
#2  0x0000ffbee0024694 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libnvmmlite_image.so
#3  0x0000ffbee01d23b8 in NvMMLiteBlockDoWork () from /app/libnvmmlite_utils.so
#4  0x0000ffbee01f0be0 in ?? () from /app/libnvmmlite.so
#5  0x0000ffbee101f6a4 in jpegTegraEncoderCompress () from /app/libnvjpeg.so
#6  0x0000ffbee0fe5c08 in jpeg_write_raw_data () from /app/libnvjpeg.so

The latest release for Xavier NX is Jetpack 5.1.4. Please set up developer kit in the version and check if the issue is present. If the issue is still there, please share a method to replicate it by running 05_jpeg_encode sample. So that we can set up and check.

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