Read prim attribute error!

Hello. I’m going to move the sphere in omniverseusd using gamepad input in the action graph. I’m referring to the homepage inquiries and lectures, but I can’t proceed because I got a read prime attribute error.
How should I proceed? I am sending you the attached picture. Please let me know if there is anything wrong.

Can you tell me what the actual error? That would help. And even send me the usd file so we can take a look. Much easier. I am not sure you can actually do this with a gamepad controller. If I may ask, why would you want to? I love using my xbox controller to fly around my scene in USD Composer, but that is just to fly around and explore it. Not to pick objects and try to move them. For that I would use my normal mouse and keyboard. How are you even selecting it with a gamepad anyway? It just seems even if we could get this to work for you, it does not really make sense. Gamepads are great, but they are not suitable for doing 3D modeling.