i works on jetson xavier nx with jetpack5.0.2 and deepstream6.1.
i met an reboot issue many times, after reboot command box can not enter systems because lost ethernet0 sometimes, or router restart it will be same issue sometimes.
then have to plug out power cable and try again.
could you give an advice for the problem or do you have an patch for that? i found many people met samilar issue in forums… i am sure that’s an ethernet problem and i used static IP.
for 1&3 i can do nothing when that happenned because i can not enter system at all after reboot,
for 2, i have set that as your kindly advice already, and i test more times at this weekend for the problem again then let you know results.
Get a serial console boot log. If there is a “quiet” in your extlinux.conf, then remove that (it sounds like you can boot correctly at least part of the time; get the log for a failure case).
ok i will try to get log for you analysis, and the problem bothered me for a long time.
i did ethtool --set as your advice and tried again by reboot command, it happens still and frequency is in 4-5 times.
correct issue is:
1\reboot or sudo reboot,
2\when happens error it is black screen, some times no green light, and some times with green light, it seems box power shut down or standby.
3\then i have to power off and power on again to restart, sometimes i have to plug out power cable from box and plug in again then restart.
4\i have 3 boxes of NX in hand for code works now, but all 3 boxes are same issue.
anyway i will catch logs for your help, i should get a serial port tools firstly, and could you advice a document for how to get log from serial?
my NX devkit and not custom board,
i got them from JD for software works one year more and testing in a project to control IP camera and some sensors now.
i would like to ask again about above reboot problem for jetson nx, is it solved or not right now?
i use jetpack 4.6.1 untill now but i do want to update to deepstream6.2, is it ok?
如果你想要確認問題, 麻煩用UART serial console抓log. 因為dmesg可能沒有抓到reboot panic的主因.
I would like to clarify this issue again. Actually a board could reboot by various reasons and every panic from each driver could lead to reboot.
After checking your dmesg, I notice your issue seems not a known and fixed issue on NX. Thus, I actually cannot answer your question because we don’t know the panic cause that leads to reboot.
Please use serial console to check the reboot log instead of using dmesg.