We are trying to record audio from i2s in Jetson AGX Xavier board.
We are converting the audio coming through hdmi to i2s using IT68051 EBV Board and giving the data to i2s pins in the Jetson AGX Xavier board, as per the given diagram.
After recording audios from all the audio nodes, we found that the audio files recorded from hw:1,0 and hw:1,1 are having some recordings and audio files recorded from others nodes doesn’t contain much data in that. The audio files which have some recordings also not playing anything, it contains only silent data.
I have also configured .asoundrc on the Jetson AGX Xavier board.
Do we need to configure anything before recording audio from i2s?
Assuming hdmi to i2s signal conversion is working, ensure that pinmux settings of the i2s pins is done. Refer link for help with setting appropriate i2s pinmux settings. This shall configure the pins used as I2S instead of GPIO
Later, use below amixer settings and record commands and share your observations
What kind of noise is observed? Could you share the recoreded file. Also, share the clk summary(cat /sys/kernel/debug/clk/clk_summary) and usecase details like sample rate, sample width and chanel count.
Is Jetson I2S set as master or slave?
Ensure that output signals of IT68051 EBV board (i.e i2s data signal) are clean by using oscilloscope