Releasing streammux pad hangs gstreamer pipeline when adding and deleting rtsp source multiple times

Hi @Fiona.Chen ,

It stopped working after 2-3 attempts. It stuck after some interval.

I’ve run your app for 1 hour, it is still working with my 10 rtsp sources.

Can you enable the rtspsrc log only to check whether there is anything wrong? export GST_DEBUG=rtspsrc:7

Please find attached logs with GST_DEBUG=rtspsrc:7.
You can see after line number 4444, no logs for PERF.
deepstream-test3-ds6.2-rtsplog.txt (1.6 MB)

Seems the rtsp sources are fine. There is no clue until now. Can you try to add some probe functions in the pipeline to check where the frames are bloacked?

Some ip cameras have limitations of the connected clients number, can you check whether your ip camera has such limitation?

Hi @Fiona.Chen ,

I am using only one source from RTSP source.

Hi Fiona,
One weird observation with custom app, I shared.

If I add GLib.timeout_add_seconds(60, delete_sources, g_source_bin_list) to set timer to delete few source after 60 seconds, to regenerate streammux hang on delete camera with larger batch size, pipeline halts with my custom app exactly after 60 seconds.

If I comment that line and keep custom app identical to original app, it works.

I am investigating what is happened when timer is initiated. Do you any recommendation for dynamic addition/deletion of cameras to use timer or not?

Hi Fiona,

I have found some issue with custom application and after fixing those, I can see delete source happen successfully and I could regenerate original issue which is reported with DS 6.1.1 with higher stream-max batch-size.

With stream-max batch-timeout 4000000
root@EICStreamingTesting:/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/sources/deepstream_python_apps/apps/deepstream-test3# python3 -i rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// -c config_infer_primary_peoplenet.txt -g nvinfer --no-display -s
{‘input’: [‘rtsp://’, ‘rtsp://’, ‘rtsp://’, ‘rtsp://’, ‘rtsp://’, ‘rtsp://’, ‘rtsp://’, ‘rtsp://’, ‘rtsp://’, ‘rtsp://’], ‘configfile’: ‘config_infer_primary_peoplenet.txt’, ‘pgie’: ‘nvinfer’, ‘no_display’: True, ‘file_loop’: False, ‘disable_probe’: False, ‘silent’: True}
Creating Pipeline

Creating streamux

Creating source_bin 0

Creating source bin
Creating source_bin 1

Creating source bin
Creating source_bin 2

Creating source bin
Creating source_bin 3

Creating source bin
Creating source_bin 4

Creating source bin
Creating source_bin 5

Creating source bin
Creating source_bin 6

Creating source bin
Creating source_bin 7

Creating source bin
Creating source_bin 8

Creating source bin
Creating source_bin 9

Creating source bin
Creating Pgie

Creating tiler

Creating nvvidconv

Creating nvosd

Creating Fakesink

At least one of the sources is live
Warning: ‘input-dims’ parameter has been deprecated. Use ‘infer-dims’ instead.
WARNING: Overriding infer-config batch-size 32 with number of sources 10

Adding elements to Pipeline

Linking elements in the Pipeline

Now playing…
0 : rtsp://
1 : rtsp://
2 : rtsp://
3 : rtsp://
4 : rtsp://
5 : rtsp://
6 : rtsp://
7 : rtsp://
8 : rtsp://
9 : rtsp://
Starting pipeline

WARNING: [TRT]: CUDA lazy loading is not enabled. Enabling it can significantly reduce device memory usage. See CUDA_MODULE_LOADING in CUDA C++ Programming Guide
WARNING: [TRT]: CUDA lazy loading is not enabled. Enabling it can significantly reduce device memory usage. See CUDA_MODULE_LOADING in CUDA C++ Programming Guide
0:00:05.290610431 4466 0x7faab8002330 INFO nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:680:gst_nvinfer_logger: NvDsInferContext[UID 1]: Info from NvDsInferContextImpl::deserializeEngineAndBackend() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:1909> [UID = 1]: deserialized trt engine from :/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.2/samples/models/tao_pretrained_models/peopleNet/V2.6/resnet34_peoplenet_int8.etlt_b10_gpu0_int8.engine
INFO: …/nvdsinfer/nvdsinfer_model_builder.cpp:610 [Implicit Engine Info]: layers num: 3
0 INPUT kFLOAT input_1 3x544x960
1 OUTPUT kFLOAT output_bbox/BiasAdd 12x34x60
2 OUTPUT kFLOAT output_cov/Sigmoid 3x34x60

0:00:05.338383629 4466 0x7faab8002330 INFO nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:680:gst_nvinfer_logger: NvDsInferContext[UID 1]: Info from NvDsInferContextImpl::generateBackendContext() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:2012> [UID = 1]: Use deserialized engine model: /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.2/samples/models/tao_pretrained_models/peopleNet/V2.6/resnet34_peoplenet_int8.etlt_b10_gpu0_int8.engine
0:00:05.343453911 4466 0x7faab8002330 INFO nvinfer gstnvinfer_impl.cpp:328:notifyLoadModelStatus: [UID 1]: Load new model:config_infer_primary_peoplenet.txt sucessfully
Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: decodebin0

Decodebin child added: decodebin3
Decodebin child added: decodebin1

Decodebin child added: decodebin4

Decodebin child added: decodebin2

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay0

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay3

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay2

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay1

Decodebin child added: h264parse0

Decodebin child added: h264parse1

Decodebin child added: h264parse2

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay4
Decodebin child added: capsfilter1

Decodebin child added: capsfilter0

Decodebin child added: capsfilter2

Decodebin child added: h264parse3

Decodebin child added: capsfilter3

Decodebin child added: h264parse4

Decodebin child added: capsfilter4

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder0

Decodebin child added: decodebin5

Decodebin child added: decodebin6

Decodebin child added: decodebin7

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay5

Decodebin child added: decodebin8

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay6

Decodebin child added: h264parse5

Decodebin child added: h264parse6

Decodebin child added: capsfilter5

Decodebin child added: capsfilter6

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay7

Decodebin child added: h264parse7

Decodebin child added: capsfilter7

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay8

Decodebin child added: h264parse8

Decodebin child added: capsfilter8

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder1

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder2

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder3

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder4

Decodebin child added: decodebin9

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay9

Decodebin child added: h264parse9

Decodebin child added: capsfilter9

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder5

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder6

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder7

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder8

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder9

In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7fab43f5e400 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7faa300b5100)>
In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7fab43f5e340 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7faa4c08e6a0)>
In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7fab43f5e400 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7faa4c08dea0)>
In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7fab43f5e340 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7faa200a5aa0)>
In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7fab43f5e400 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7faa5c0af820)>
In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7fab43f5e340 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7faa64093500)>
In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7fab43f5e400 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7faa2803dc00)>
In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7fab43f5e340 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7faa5809a040)>
In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7fab43f5e400 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x1fd270c0)>
In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7fab43f5e340 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x26f028a0)>

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 0.0, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 0.0, ‘stream7’: 0.0, ‘stream8’: 0.0, ‘stream9’: 0.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 12.06, ‘stream1’: 12.06, ‘stream2’: 12.06, ‘stream3’: 12.06, ‘stream4’: 12.06, ‘stream5’: 12.06, ‘stream6’: 12.06, ‘stream7’: 12.06, ‘stream8’: 12.06, ‘stream9’: 12.06}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 12.0, ‘stream1’: 12.0, ‘stream2’: 12.0, ‘stream3’: 12.0, ‘stream4’: 12.0, ‘stream5’: 12.0, ‘stream6’: 12.0, ‘stream7’: 12.0, ‘stream8’: 12.0, ‘stream9’: 12.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 12.0, ‘stream1’: 12.0, ‘stream2’: 12.0, ‘stream3’: 12.0, ‘stream4’: 12.0, ‘stream5’: 12.0, ‘stream6’: 12.0, ‘stream7’: 12.0, ‘stream8’: 12.0, ‘stream9’: 12.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 11.8, ‘stream1’: 11.8, ‘stream2’: 11.8, ‘stream3’: 11.8, ‘stream4’: 11.8, ‘stream5’: 11.8, ‘stream6’: 11.8, ‘stream7’: 11.8, ‘stream8’: 11.8, ‘stream9’: 11.8}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 12.19, ‘stream1’: 12.19, ‘stream2’: 12.19, ‘stream3’: 12.19, ‘stream4’: 12.19, ‘stream5’: 12.19, ‘stream6’: 12.19, ‘stream7’: 12.19, ‘stream8’: 12.19, ‘stream9’: 12.19}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 11.99, ‘stream1’: 11.99, ‘stream2’: 11.99, ‘stream3’: 11.99, ‘stream4’: 11.99, ‘stream5’: 11.99, ‘stream6’: 11.99, ‘stream7’: 11.99, ‘stream8’: 11.99, ‘stream9’: 11.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 9.6, ‘stream1’: 9.6, ‘stream2’: 9.6, ‘stream3’: 9.6, ‘stream4’: 9.6, ‘stream5’: 9.6, ‘stream6’: 9.6, ‘stream7’: 9.6, ‘stream8’: 9.6, ‘stream9’: 9.6}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 14.2, ‘stream1’: 14.2, ‘stream2’: 14.2, ‘stream3’: 14.2, ‘stream4’: 14.2, ‘stream5’: 14.2, ‘stream6’: 14.2, ‘stream7’: 14.2, ‘stream8’: 14.2, ‘stream9’: 14.2}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 11.99, ‘stream1’: 11.99, ‘stream2’: 11.99, ‘stream3’: 11.99, ‘stream4’: 11.99, ‘stream5’: 11.99, ‘stream6’: 11.99, ‘stream7’: 11.99, ‘stream8’: 11.99, ‘stream9’: 11.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 12.0, ‘stream1’: 12.0, ‘stream2’: 12.0, ‘stream3’: 12.0, ‘stream4’: 12.0, ‘stream5’: 12.0, ‘stream6’: 12.0, ‘stream7’: 12.0, ‘stream8’: 12.0, ‘stream9’: 12.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 12.0, ‘stream1’: 12.0, ‘stream2’: 12.0, ‘stream3’: 12.0, ‘stream4’: 12.0, ‘stream5’: 12.0, ‘stream6’: 12.0, ‘stream7’: 12.0, ‘stream8’: 12.0, ‘stream9’: 12.0}

Delete camera

root@EICStreamingTesting:/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/sources/deepstream_python_apps/apps/deepstream-test3# python3 -i rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// -c config_infer_primary_peoplenet.txt -g nvinfer --no-display -s
{‘input’: [‘rtsp://’, ‘rtsp://’, ‘rtsp://’, ‘rtsp://’, ‘rtsp://’, ‘rtsp://’, ‘rtsp://’, ‘rtsp://’, ‘rtsp://’, ‘rtsp://’], ‘configfile’: ‘config_infer_primary_peoplenet.txt’, ‘pgie’: ‘nvinfer’, ‘no_display’: True, ‘file_loop’: False, ‘disable_probe’: False, ‘silent’: True}
Creating Pipeline

Creating streamux

Creating source_bin 0

Creating source bin
Creating source_bin 1

Creating source bin
Creating source_bin 2

Creating source bin
Creating source_bin 3

Creating source bin
Creating source_bin 4

Creating source bin
Creating source_bin 5

Creating source bin
Creating source_bin 6

Creating source bin
Creating source_bin 7

Creating source bin
Creating source_bin 8

Creating source bin
Creating source_bin 9

Creating source bin
Creating Pgie

Creating tiler

Creating nvvidconv

Creating nvosd

Creating Fakesink

At least one of the sources is live
Warning: ‘input-dims’ parameter has been deprecated. Use ‘infer-dims’ instead.
WARNING: Overriding infer-config batch-size 32 with number of sources 10

Adding elements to Pipeline

Linking elements in the Pipeline

Now playing…
0 : rtsp://
1 : rtsp://
2 : rtsp://
3 : rtsp://
4 : rtsp://
5 : rtsp://
6 : rtsp://
7 : rtsp://
8 : rtsp://
9 : rtsp://
Starting pipeline

WARNING: [TRT]: CUDA lazy loading is not enabled. Enabling it can significantly reduce device memory usage. See CUDA_MODULE_LOADING in CUDA C++ Programming Guide
WARNING: [TRT]: CUDA lazy loading is not enabled. Enabling it can significantly reduce device memory usage. See CUDA_MODULE_LOADING in CUDA C++ Programming Guide
0:00:05.274539931 4585 0x7f1738002330 INFO nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:680:gst_nvinfer_logger: NvDsInferContext[UID 1]: Info from NvDsInferContextImpl::deserializeEngineAndBackend() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:1909> [UID = 1]: deserialized trt engine from :/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.2/samples/models/tao_pretrained_models/peopleNet/V2.6/resnet34_peoplenet_int8.etlt_b10_gpu0_int8.engine
INFO: …/nvdsinfer/nvdsinfer_model_builder.cpp:610 [Implicit Engine Info]: layers num: 3
0 INPUT kFLOAT input_1 3x544x960
1 OUTPUT kFLOAT output_bbox/BiasAdd 12x34x60
2 OUTPUT kFLOAT output_cov/Sigmoid 3x34x60

0:00:05.324425198 4585 0x7f1738002330 INFO nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:680:gst_nvinfer_logger: NvDsInferContext[UID 1]: Info from NvDsInferContextImpl::generateBackendContext() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:2012> [UID = 1]: Use deserialized engine model: /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.2/samples/models/tao_pretrained_models/peopleNet/V2.6/resnet34_peoplenet_int8.etlt_b10_gpu0_int8.engine
0:00:05.329316957 4585 0x7f1738002330 INFO nvinfer gstnvinfer_impl.cpp:328:notifyLoadModelStatus: [UID 1]: Load new model:config_infer_primary_peoplenet.txt sucessfully
Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: decodebin0

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay0

Decodebin child added: decodebin1

Decodebin child added: h264parse0

Decodebin child added: decodebin3

Decodebin child added: decodebin2

Decodebin child added: capsfilter0

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay1

Decodebin child added: h264parse1

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay2

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay3

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder0
Decodebin child added: capsfilter1

Decodebin child added: decodebin4

Decodebin child added: decodebin5

Decodebin child added: h264parse2

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay4

Decodebin child added: capsfilter2

Decodebin child added: h264parse3
Decodebin child added: rtph264depay5

Decodebin child added: h264parse4

Decodebin child added: capsfilter3

Decodebin child added: h264parse5

Decodebin child added: capsfilter4

Decodebin child added: capsfilter5

Decodebin child added: decodebin6

Decodebin child added: decodebin7

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder1

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay6

Decodebin child added: h264parse6

Decodebin child added: capsfilter6

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder2

Decodebin child added: decodebin8

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay7

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay8

Decodebin child added: h264parse7

Decodebin child added: decodebin9
Decodebin child added: h264parse8

Decodebin child added: capsfilter7

Decodebin child added: capsfilter8

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay9

Decodebin child added: h264parse9

Decodebin child added: capsfilter9

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder3

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder4

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder5

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder6

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder7

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder8

In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7f17c4c0f580 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7f16b40339a0)>
In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7f17c4c0f460 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7f16ac02c020)>
In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7f17c4c0f580 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7f16a8071a00)>
In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7f17c4c0f460 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7f16dc087200)>
In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7f17c4c0f580 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7f1690091960)>
In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7f17c4c0f460 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7f16e03af200)>
In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7f17c4c0f580 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7f169c080e80)>
In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7f17c4c0f460 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7f1690091340)>
In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7f17c4c0f580 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7f16b408e8c0)>

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 0.0, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 0.0, ‘stream7’: 0.0, ‘stream8’: 0.0, ‘stream9’: 0.0}

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder9

In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7f17c4c0f460 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7f16e40378e0)>

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 11.95, ‘stream1’: 11.95, ‘stream2’: 11.95, ‘stream3’: 11.95, ‘stream4’: 11.95, ‘stream5’: 11.95, ‘stream6’: 11.95, ‘stream7’: 11.95, ‘stream8’: 11.95, ‘stream9’: 11.93}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 12.0, ‘stream1’: 12.0, ‘stream2’: 12.0, ‘stream3’: 12.0, ‘stream4’: 12.0, ‘stream5’: 12.0, ‘stream6’: 12.0, ‘stream7’: 12.0, ‘stream8’: 12.0, ‘stream9’: 12.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 12.0, ‘stream1’: 12.0, ‘stream2’: 12.0, ‘stream3’: 12.0, ‘stream4’: 12.0, ‘stream5’: 12.0, ‘stream6’: 12.0, ‘stream7’: 12.0, ‘stream8’: 12.0, ‘stream9’: 12.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 12.0, ‘stream1’: 12.0, ‘stream2’: 12.0, ‘stream3’: 12.0, ‘stream4’: 12.0, ‘stream5’: 12.0, ‘stream6’: 12.0, ‘stream7’: 12.0, ‘stream8’: 12.0, ‘stream9’: 12.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 11.99, ‘stream1’: 11.99, ‘stream2’: 11.99, ‘stream3’: 11.99, ‘stream4’: 11.99, ‘stream5’: 11.99, ‘stream6’: 11.99, ‘stream7’: 11.99, ‘stream8’: 11.99, ‘stream9’: 11.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 11.99, ‘stream1’: 11.99, ‘stream2’: 11.99, ‘stream3’: 11.99, ‘stream4’: 11.99, ‘stream5’: 11.99, ‘stream6’: 11.99, ‘stream7’: 11.99, ‘stream8’: 11.99, ‘stream9’: 11.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 12.0, ‘stream1’: 12.0, ‘stream2’: 12.0, ‘stream3’: 12.0, ‘stream4’: 12.0, ‘stream5’: 12.0, ‘stream6’: 12.0, ‘stream7’: 12.0, ‘stream8’: 12.0, ‘stream9’: 12.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 11.99, ‘stream1’: 11.99, ‘stream2’: 11.99, ‘stream3’: 11.99, ‘stream4’: 11.99, ‘stream5’: 11.99, ‘stream6’: 11.99, ‘stream7’: 11.99, ‘stream8’: 11.99, ‘stream9’: 11.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 12.0, ‘stream1’: 12.0, ‘stream2’: 12.0, ‘stream3’: 12.0, ‘stream4’: 12.0, ‘stream5’: 12.0, ‘stream6’: 12.0, ‘stream7’: 12.0, ‘stream8’: 12.0, ‘stream9’: 12.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 12.0, ‘stream1’: 12.0, ‘stream2’: 12.0, ‘stream3’: 12.0, ‘stream4’: 12.0, ‘stream5’: 12.0, ‘stream6’: 12.0, ‘stream7’: 12.0, ‘stream8’: 12.0, ‘stream9’: 12.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 12.2, ‘stream1’: 12.2, ‘stream2’: 12.2, ‘stream3’: 12.2, ‘stream4’: 12.2, ‘stream5’: 12.2, ‘stream6’: 12.2, ‘stream7’: 12.2, ‘stream8’: 12.2, ‘stream9’: 12.2}

Delete camera
Calling Stop 8

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 11.8, ‘stream1’: 11.8, ‘stream2’: 11.8, ‘stream3’: 11.8, ‘stream4’: 11.8, ‘stream5’: 11.8, ‘stream6’: 11.8, ‘stream7’: 11.8, ‘stream8’: 11.8, ‘stream9’: 11.8}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 11.99, ‘stream1’: 11.99, ‘stream2’: 11.99, ‘stream3’: 11.99, ‘stream4’: 11.99, ‘stream5’: 11.99, ‘stream6’: 11.99, ‘stream7’: 11.99, ‘stream8’: 11.99, ‘stream9’: 11.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 12.19, ‘stream1’: 12.19, ‘stream2’: 12.19, ‘stream3’: 12.19, ‘stream4’: 12.19, ‘stream5’: 12.19, ‘stream6’: 12.19, ‘stream7’: 12.19, ‘stream8’: 12.19, ‘stream9’: 12.19}

^CExiting app

root@EICStreamingTesting:/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/sources/deepstream_python_apps/apps/deepstream-test3# python3 -i rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// -c config_infer_primary_peoplenet.txt -g nvinfer --no-display -s
{‘input’: [‘rtsp://’, ‘rtsp://’, ‘rtsp://’, ‘rtsp://’, ‘rtsp://’, ‘rtsp://’, ‘rtsp://’, ‘rtsp://’, ‘rtsp://’, ‘rtsp://’], ‘configfile’: ‘config_infer_primary_peoplenet.txt’, ‘pgie’: ‘nvinfer’, ‘no_display’: True, ‘file_loop’: False, ‘disable_probe’: False, ‘silent’: True}
Creating Pipeline

Creating streamux

Creating source_bin 0

Creating source bin
Creating source_bin 1

Creating source bin
Creating source_bin 2

Creating source bin
Creating source_bin 3

Creating source bin
Creating source_bin 4

Creating source bin
Creating source_bin 5

Creating source bin
Creating source_bin 6

Creating source bin
Creating source_bin 7

Creating source bin
Creating source_bin 8

Creating source bin
Creating source_bin 9

Creating source bin
Creating Pgie

Creating tiler

Creating nvvidconv

Creating nvosd

Creating Fakesink

At least one of the sources is live
Warning: ‘input-dims’ parameter has been deprecated. Use ‘infer-dims’ instead.
WARNING: Overriding infer-config batch-size 32 with number of sources 10

Adding elements to Pipeline

Linking elements in the Pipeline

Now playing…
0 : rtsp://
1 : rtsp://
2 : rtsp://
3 : rtsp://
4 : rtsp://
5 : rtsp://
6 : rtsp://
7 : rtsp://
8 : rtsp://
9 : rtsp://
Starting pipeline

WARNING: [TRT]: CUDA lazy loading is not enabled. Enabling it can significantly reduce device memory usage. See CUDA_MODULE_LOADING in CUDA C++ Programming Guide
WARNING: [TRT]: CUDA lazy loading is not enabled. Enabling it can significantly reduce device memory usage. See CUDA_MODULE_LOADING in CUDA C++ Programming Guide
0:00:05.292361795 4703 0x7fedb0002330 INFO nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:680:gst_nvinfer_logger: NvDsInferContext[UID 1]: Info from NvDsInferContextImpl::deserializeEngineAndBackend() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:1909> [UID = 1]: deserialized trt engine from :/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.2/samples/models/tao_pretrained_models/peopleNet/V2.6/resnet34_peoplenet_int8.etlt_b10_gpu0_int8.engine
INFO: …/nvdsinfer/nvdsinfer_model_builder.cpp:610 [Implicit Engine Info]: layers num: 3
0 INPUT kFLOAT input_1 3x544x960
1 OUTPUT kFLOAT output_bbox/BiasAdd 12x34x60
2 OUTPUT kFLOAT output_cov/Sigmoid 3x34x60

0:00:05.340010247 4703 0x7fedb0002330 INFO nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:680:gst_nvinfer_logger: NvDsInferContext[UID 1]: Info from NvDsInferContextImpl::generateBackendContext() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:2012> [UID = 1]: Use deserialized engine model: /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.2/samples/models/tao_pretrained_models/peopleNet/V2.6/resnet34_peoplenet_int8.etlt_b10_gpu0_int8.engine
0:00:05.345038406 4703 0x7fedb0002330 INFO nvinfer gstnvinfer_impl.cpp:328:notifyLoadModelStatus: [UID 1]: Load new model:config_infer_primary_peoplenet.txt sucessfully
Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: decodebin0

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay0

Decodebin child added: h264parse0

Decodebin child added: capsfilter0

Decodebin child added: decodebin1

Decodebin child added: decodebin2

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay1

Decodebin child added: decodebin3

Decodebin child added: h264parse1

Decodebin child added: capsfilter1

Decodebin child added: decodebin5
Decodebin child added: rtph264depay3

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay2

Decodebin child added: h264parse2

Decodebin child added: decodebin4

Decodebin child added: h264parse3

Decodebin child added: capsfilter2

Decodebin child added: capsfilter3

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay4

Decodebin child added: decodebin6

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder0
Decodebin child added: rtph264depay5

Decodebin child added: h264parse4

Decodebin child added: capsfilter4

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay6

Decodebin child added: h264parse5

Decodebin child added: h264parse6

Decodebin child added: decodebin9

Decodebin child added: capsfilter5

Decodebin child added: decodebin7
Decodebin child added: capsfilter6

Decodebin child added: decodebin8

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay7

Decodebin child added: h264parse7

Decodebin child added: capsfilter7

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay8

Decodebin child added: h264parse8

Decodebin child added: capsfilter8

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay9

Decodebin child added: h264parse9

Decodebin child added: capsfilter9

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder1

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder2

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder3

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder4

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder5

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder6

In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7fee3e16d3a0 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7fed2c07ae40)>
In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7fee3e16d340 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7fed500dbb60)>
In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7fee3e16d3a0 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7fee280ac860)>
In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7fee3e16d340 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7fee280ac100)>
In cb_newpad

In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7fee3e16d3a0 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7fed2408c180)>
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7fee3e16d4c0 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7fed500dae40)>
In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7fee3e16d340 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7fed280af8e0)>
Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder7

In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7fee3e16d3a0 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7fed20046680)>

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 0.0, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 0.0, ‘stream7’: 0.0, ‘stream8’: 0.0, ‘stream9’: 0.0}

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder8

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder9

In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7fee3e16d340 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7fed4000a060)>
In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7fee3e16d3a0 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7fed3408fb80)>

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 12.12, ‘stream1’: 12.12, ‘stream2’: 12.12, ‘stream3’: 12.12, ‘stream4’: 12.12, ‘stream5’: 12.12, ‘stream6’: 12.12, ‘stream7’: 12.12, ‘stream8’: 12.12, ‘stream9’: 12.12}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 12.0, ‘stream1’: 12.0, ‘stream2’: 12.0, ‘stream3’: 12.0, ‘stream4’: 12.0, ‘stream5’: 12.0, ‘stream6’: 12.0, ‘stream7’: 12.0, ‘stream8’: 12.0, ‘stream9’: 12.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 12.0, ‘stream1’: 12.0, ‘stream2’: 12.0, ‘stream3’: 12.0, ‘stream4’: 12.0, ‘stream5’: 12.0, ‘stream6’: 12.0, ‘stream7’: 12.0, ‘stream8’: 12.0, ‘stream9’: 12.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 11.99, ‘stream1’: 11.99, ‘stream2’: 11.99, ‘stream3’: 11.99, ‘stream4’: 11.99, ‘stream5’: 11.99, ‘stream6’: 11.99, ‘stream7’: 11.99, ‘stream8’: 11.99, ‘stream9’: 11.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 12.0, ‘stream1’: 12.0, ‘stream2’: 12.0, ‘stream3’: 12.0, ‘stream4’: 12.0, ‘stream5’: 12.0, ‘stream6’: 12.0, ‘stream7’: 12.0, ‘stream8’: 12.0, ‘stream9’: 12.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 12.0, ‘stream1’: 12.0, ‘stream2’: 12.0, ‘stream3’: 12.0, ‘stream4’: 12.0, ‘stream5’: 12.0, ‘stream6’: 12.0, ‘stream7’: 12.0, ‘stream8’: 12.0, ‘stream9’: 12.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 12.0, ‘stream1’: 12.0, ‘stream2’: 12.0, ‘stream3’: 12.0, ‘stream4’: 12.0, ‘stream5’: 12.0, ‘stream6’: 12.0, ‘stream7’: 12.0, ‘stream8’: 12.0, ‘stream9’: 12.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 11.99, ‘stream1’: 11.99, ‘stream2’: 11.99, ‘stream3’: 11.99, ‘stream4’: 11.99, ‘stream5’: 11.99, ‘stream6’: 11.99, ‘stream7’: 11.99, ‘stream8’: 11.99, ‘stream9’: 11.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 11.99, ‘stream1’: 11.99, ‘stream2’: 11.99, ‘stream3’: 11.99, ‘stream4’: 11.99, ‘stream5’: 11.99, ‘stream6’: 11.99, ‘stream7’: 11.99, ‘stream8’: 11.99, ‘stream9’: 11.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 11.99, ‘stream1’: 11.99, ‘stream2’: 11.99, ‘stream3’: 11.99, ‘stream4’: 11.99, ‘stream5’: 11.99, ‘stream6’: 11.99, ‘stream7’: 11.99, ‘stream8’: 11.99, ‘stream9’: 11.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 11.99, ‘stream1’: 11.99, ‘stream2’: 11.99, ‘stream3’: 11.99, ‘stream4’: 11.99, ‘stream5’: 11.99, ‘stream6’: 11.99, ‘stream7’: 11.99, ‘stream8’: 11.99, ‘stream9’: 11.99}

Calling Stop 7


**PERF: {‘stream0’: 7.8, ‘stream1’: 7.8, ‘stream2’: 7.8, ‘stream3’: 7.8, ‘stream4’: 7.8, ‘stream5’: 7.8, ‘stream6’: 7.8, ‘stream7’: 7.8, ‘stream8’: 7.8, ‘stream9’: 7.8}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.2, ‘stream1’: 0.2, ‘stream2’: 0.2, ‘stream3’: 0.2, ‘stream4’: 0.2, ‘stream5’: 0.2, ‘stream6’: 0.2, ‘stream7’: 0.0, ‘stream8’: 0.2, ‘stream9’: 0.2}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.2, ‘stream1’: 0.2, ‘stream2’: 0.2, ‘stream3’: 0.2, ‘stream4’: 0.2, ‘stream5’: 0.2, ‘stream6’: 0.2, ‘stream7’: 0.0, ‘stream8’: 0.2, ‘stream9’: 0.2}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.4, ‘stream1’: 0.4, ‘stream2’: 0.4, ‘stream3’: 0.4, ‘stream4’: 0.4, ‘stream5’: 0.4, ‘stream6’: 0.4, ‘stream7’: 0.0, ‘stream8’: 0.4, ‘stream9’: 0.4}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.2, ‘stream1’: 0.2, ‘stream2’: 0.2, ‘stream3’: 0.2, ‘stream4’: 0.2, ‘stream5’: 0.2, ‘stream6’: 0.2, ‘stream7’: 0.0, ‘stream8’: 0.2, ‘stream9’: 0.2}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.2, ‘stream1’: 0.2, ‘stream2’: 0.2, ‘stream3’: 0.2, ‘stream4’: 0.2, ‘stream5’: 0.2, ‘stream6’: 0.2, ‘stream7’: 0.0, ‘stream8’: 0.2, ‘stream9’: 0.2}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.2, ‘stream1’: 0.2, ‘stream2’: 0.2, ‘stream3’: 0.2, ‘stream4’: 0.2, ‘stream5’: 0.2, ‘stream6’: 0.2, ‘stream7’: 0.0, ‘stream8’: 0.2, ‘stream9’: 0.2}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.4, ‘stream1’: 0.4, ‘stream2’: 0.4, ‘stream3’: 0.4, ‘stream4’: 0.4, ‘stream5’: 0.4, ‘stream6’: 0.4, ‘stream7’: 0.0, ‘stream8’: 0.4, ‘stream9’: 0.4}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.2, ‘stream1’: 0.2, ‘stream2’: 0.2, ‘stream3’: 0.2, ‘stream4’: 0.2, ‘stream5’: 0.2, ‘stream6’: 0.2, ‘stream7’: 0.0, ‘stream8’: 0.2, ‘stream9’: 0.2}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.2, ‘stream1’: 0.2, ‘stream2’: 0.2, ‘stream3’: 0.2, ‘stream4’: 0.2, ‘stream5’: 0.2, ‘stream6’: 0.2, ‘stream7’: 0.0, ‘stream8’: 0.2, ‘stream9’: 0.2}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.2, ‘stream1’: 0.2, ‘stream2’: 0.2, ‘stream3’: 0.2, ‘stream4’: 0.2, ‘stream5’: 0.2, ‘stream6’: 0.2, ‘stream7’: 0.0, ‘stream8’: 0.2, ‘stream9’: 0.2}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.4, ‘stream1’: 0.4, ‘stream2’: 0.4, ‘stream3’: 0.4, ‘stream4’: 0.4, ‘stream5’: 0.4, ‘stream6’: 0.4, ‘stream7’: 0.0, ‘stream8’: 0.4, ‘stream9’: 0.4}

^CExiting app

With Stream-mux batch-size : 33000

root@EICStreamingTesting:/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/sources/deepstream_python_apps/apps/deepstream-test3# python3 -i rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// -c config_infer_primary_peoplenet.txt -g nvinfer --no-display -s
{‘input’: [‘rtsp://’, ‘rtsp://’, ‘rtsp://’, ‘rtsp://’, ‘rtsp://’, ‘rtsp://’, ‘rtsp://’, ‘rtsp://’, ‘rtsp://’, ‘rtsp://’], ‘configfile’: ‘config_infer_primary_peoplenet.txt’, ‘pgie’: ‘nvinfer’, ‘no_display’: True, ‘file_loop’: False, ‘disable_probe’: False, ‘silent’: True}
Creating Pipeline

Creating streamux

Creating source_bin 0

Creating source bin
Creating source_bin 1

Creating source bin
Creating source_bin 2

Creating source bin
Creating source_bin 3

Creating source bin
Creating source_bin 4

Creating source bin
Creating source_bin 5

Creating source bin
Creating source_bin 6

Creating source bin
Creating source_bin 7

Creating source bin
Creating source_bin 8

Creating source bin
Creating source_bin 9

Creating source bin
Creating Pgie

Creating tiler

Creating nvvidconv

Creating nvosd

Creating Fakesink

At least one of the sources is live
Warning: ‘input-dims’ parameter has been deprecated. Use ‘infer-dims’ instead.
WARNING: Overriding infer-config batch-size 32 with number of sources 10

Adding elements to Pipeline

Linking elements in the Pipeline

Now playing…
0 : rtsp://
1 : rtsp://
2 : rtsp://
3 : rtsp://
4 : rtsp://
5 : rtsp://
6 : rtsp://
7 : rtsp://
8 : rtsp://
9 : rtsp://
Starting pipeline

WARNING: [TRT]: CUDA lazy loading is not enabled. Enabling it can significantly reduce device memory usage. See CUDA_MODULE_LOADING in CUDA C++ Programming Guide
WARNING: [TRT]: CUDA lazy loading is not enabled. Enabling it can significantly reduce device memory usage. See CUDA_MODULE_LOADING in CUDA C++ Programming Guide
0:00:05.295024002 4821 0x7faf74002330 INFO nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:680:gst_nvinfer_logger: NvDsInferContext[UID 1]: Info from NvDsInferContextImpl::deserializeEngineAndBackend() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:1909> [UID = 1]: deserialized trt engine from :/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.2/samples/models/tao_pretrained_models/peopleNet/V2.6/resnet34_peoplenet_int8.etlt_b10_gpu0_int8.engine
INFO: …/nvdsinfer/nvdsinfer_model_builder.cpp:610 [Implicit Engine Info]: layers num: 3
0 INPUT kFLOAT input_1 3x544x960
1 OUTPUT kFLOAT output_bbox/BiasAdd 12x34x60
2 OUTPUT kFLOAT output_cov/Sigmoid 3x34x60

0:00:05.343152792 4821 0x7faf74002330 INFO nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:680:gst_nvinfer_logger: NvDsInferContext[UID 1]: Info from NvDsInferContextImpl::generateBackendContext() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:2012> [UID = 1]: Use deserialized engine model: /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.2/samples/models/tao_pretrained_models/peopleNet/V2.6/resnet34_peoplenet_int8.etlt_b10_gpu0_int8.engine
0:00:05.348139750 4821 0x7faf74002330 INFO nvinfer gstnvinfer_impl.cpp:328:notifyLoadModelStatus: [UID 1]: Load new model:config_infer_primary_peoplenet.txt sucessfully
Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: source

Decodebin child added: decodebin0

Decodebin child added: decodebin1

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay0

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay1

Decodebin child added: h264parse0

Decodebin child added: h264parse1

Decodebin child added: capsfilter0

Decodebin child added: capsfilter1

Decodebin child added: decodebin2

Decodebin child added: decodebin3

Decodebin child added: decodebin4

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay2

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay3

Decodebin child added: h264parse2

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay4

Decodebin child added: h264parse3

Decodebin child added: capsfilter2

Decodebin child added: capsfilter3

Decodebin child added: h264parse4

Decodebin child added: capsfilter4

Decodebin child added: decodebin5

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay5

Decodebin child added: h264parse5

Decodebin child added: capsfilter5

Decodebin child added: decodebin6
Decodebin child added: decodebin7

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder0

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder1

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay6

Decodebin child added: h264parse6

Decodebin child added: capsfilter6

Decodebin child added: decodebin8

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay7

Decodebin child added: h264parse7

Decodebin child added: capsfilter7

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay8

Decodebin child added: h264parse8

Decodebin child added: capsfilter8

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder2

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder3

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder4

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder5

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder6

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder7

In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7fafffcac400 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7faed408e060)>
In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7fafffcac340 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7faedc060260)>
In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7fafffcac400 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7faf00093ac0)>
In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7fafffcac340 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7faefc0ac720)>
In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7fafffcac400 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7faf000932a0)>
In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7fafffcac340 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7faefc0a6420)>
In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7fafffcac520 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7faf0408cac0)>
In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7fafffcac4c0 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7faf1c38f580)>
Decodebin child added: decodebin9

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay9

Decodebin child added: h264parse9

Decodebin child added: capsfilter9

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder8

In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7fafffcac520 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7faef808ea60)>

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 0.0, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 0.0, ‘stream7’: 0.0, ‘stream8’: 0.0, ‘stream9’: 0.0}

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder9

In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
features= <Gst.CapsFeatures object at 0x7fafffcac4c0 (GstCapsFeatures at 0x7faf1408d4c0)>

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 12.06, ‘stream1’: 12.06, ‘stream2’: 12.06, ‘stream3’: 12.06, ‘stream4’: 12.07, ‘stream5’: 12.06, ‘stream6’: 12.06, ‘stream7’: 12.06, ‘stream8’: 12.06, ‘stream9’: 12.07}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 12.0, ‘stream1’: 12.0, ‘stream2’: 12.0, ‘stream3’: 12.0, ‘stream4’: 12.0, ‘stream5’: 12.0, ‘stream6’: 12.0, ‘stream7’: 12.0, ‘stream8’: 12.0, ‘stream9’: 12.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 11.99, ‘stream1’: 11.99, ‘stream2’: 11.99, ‘stream3’: 11.99, ‘stream4’: 11.99, ‘stream5’: 11.99, ‘stream6’: 11.99, ‘stream7’: 11.99, ‘stream8’: 11.99, ‘stream9’: 11.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 12.0, ‘stream1’: 12.0, ‘stream2’: 12.0, ‘stream3’: 12.0, ‘stream4’: 12.0, ‘stream5’: 12.0, ‘stream6’: 12.0, ‘stream7’: 12.0, ‘stream8’: 12.0, ‘stream9’: 12.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 12.0, ‘stream1’: 12.0, ‘stream2’: 12.0, ‘stream3’: 12.0, ‘stream4’: 12.0, ‘stream5’: 12.0, ‘stream6’: 12.0, ‘stream7’: 12.0, ‘stream8’: 12.0, ‘stream9’: 12.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 11.99, ‘stream1’: 11.99, ‘stream2’: 11.99, ‘stream3’: 11.99, ‘stream4’: 11.99, ‘stream5’: 11.99, ‘stream6’: 11.99, ‘stream7’: 11.99, ‘stream8’: 11.99, ‘stream9’: 11.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 12.0, ‘stream1’: 12.0, ‘stream2’: 12.0, ‘stream3’: 12.0, ‘stream4’: 12.0, ‘stream5’: 12.0, ‘stream6’: 12.0, ‘stream7’: 12.0, ‘stream8’: 12.0, ‘stream9’: 12.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 12.0, ‘stream1’: 12.0, ‘stream2’: 12.0, ‘stream3’: 12.0, ‘stream4’: 12.0, ‘stream5’: 12.0, ‘stream6’: 12.0, ‘stream7’: 12.0, ‘stream8’: 12.0, ‘stream9’: 12.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 12.0, ‘stream1’: 12.0, ‘stream2’: 12.0, ‘stream3’: 12.0, ‘stream4’: 12.0, ‘stream5’: 12.0, ‘stream6’: 12.0, ‘stream7’: 12.0, ‘stream8’: 12.0, ‘stream9’: 12.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 11.99, ‘stream1’: 11.99, ‘stream2’: 11.99, ‘stream3’: 11.99, ‘stream4’: 11.99, ‘stream5’: 11.99, ‘stream6’: 11.99, ‘stream7’: 11.99, ‘stream8’: 11.99, ‘stream9’: 11.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 12.0, ‘stream1’: 12.0, ‘stream2’: 12.0, ‘stream3’: 12.0, ‘stream4’: 12.0, ‘stream5’: 12.0, ‘stream6’: 12.0, ‘stream7’: 12.0, ‘stream8’: 12.0, ‘stream9’: 12.0}

Calling Stop 2


**PERF: {‘stream0’: 12.0, ‘stream1’: 12.0, ‘stream2’: 7.4, ‘stream3’: 12.0, ‘stream4’: 12.0, ‘stream5’: 12.0, ‘stream6’: 12.0, ‘stream7’: 12.0, ‘stream8’: 12.0, ‘stream9’: 12.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 12.0, ‘stream1’: 12.0, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 12.0, ‘stream4’: 12.0, ‘stream5’: 12.0, ‘stream6’: 12.0, ‘stream7’: 12.0, ‘stream8’: 12.0, ‘stream9’: 12.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 11.99, ‘stream1’: 11.99, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 11.99, ‘stream4’: 11.99, ‘stream5’: 11.99, ‘stream6’: 11.99, ‘stream7’: 11.99, ‘stream8’: 11.99, ‘stream9’: 11.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 11.99, ‘stream1’: 11.99, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 11.99, ‘stream4’: 11.99, ‘stream5’: 11.99, ‘stream6’: 11.99, ‘stream7’: 11.99, ‘stream8’: 11.99, ‘stream9’: 11.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 11.99, ‘stream1’: 11.99, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 11.99, ‘stream4’: 11.99, ‘stream5’: 11.99, ‘stream6’: 11.99, ‘stream7’: 11.99, ‘stream8’: 11.99, ‘stream9’: 11.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 11.99, ‘stream1’: 11.99, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 11.99, ‘stream4’: 11.99, ‘stream5’: 11.99, ‘stream6’: 11.99, ‘stream7’: 11.99, ‘stream8’: 11.99, ‘stream9’: 11.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 11.99, ‘stream1’: 11.99, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 11.99, ‘stream4’: 11.99, ‘stream5’: 11.99, ‘stream6’: 11.99, ‘stream7’: 11.99, ‘stream8’: 11.99, ‘stream9’: 11.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 12.19, ‘stream1’: 12.19, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 12.19, ‘stream4’: 12.19, ‘stream5’: 12.19, ‘stream6’: 12.19, ‘stream7’: 12.19, ‘stream8’: 12.19, ‘stream9’: 12.19}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 11.8, ‘stream1’: 11.8, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 11.8, ‘stream4’: 11.8, ‘stream5’: 11.8, ‘stream6’: 11.8, ‘stream7’: 11.8, ‘stream8’: 11.8, ‘stream9’: 11.8}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 12.0, ‘stream1’: 12.0, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 12.0, ‘stream4’: 12.0, ‘stream5’: 12.0, ‘stream6’: 12.0, ‘stream7’: 12.0, ‘stream8’: 12.0, ‘stream9’: 12.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 12.19, ‘stream1’: 12.19, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 12.19, ‘stream4’: 12.19, ‘stream5’: 12.19, ‘stream6’: 12.19, ‘stream7’: 12.19, ‘stream8’: 12.19, ‘stream9’: 12.19}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 11.99, ‘stream1’: 11.99, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 11.99, ‘stream4’: 11.99, ‘stream5’: 11.99, ‘stream6’: 11.99, ‘stream7’: 11.99, ‘stream8’: 11.99, ‘stream9’: 11.99}

Calling Stop 0


**PERF: {‘stream0’: 7.2, ‘stream1’: 12.0, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 12.0, ‘stream4’: 12.0, ‘stream5’: 12.0, ‘stream6’: 11.8, ‘stream7’: 12.0, ‘stream8’: 12.0, ‘stream9’: 12.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 12.0, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 12.0, ‘stream4’: 12.0, ‘stream5’: 12.0, ‘stream6’: 12.2, ‘stream7’: 12.0, ‘stream8’: 12.0, ‘stream9’: 12.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 11.99, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 11.99, ‘stream4’: 11.99, ‘stream5’: 11.99, ‘stream6’: 11.99, ‘stream7’: 11.99, ‘stream8’: 11.99, ‘stream9’: 11.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 11.99, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 11.99, ‘stream4’: 11.99, ‘stream5’: 11.99, ‘stream6’: 11.99, ‘stream7’: 11.99, ‘stream8’: 11.99, ‘stream9’: 11.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 11.99, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 11.99, ‘stream4’: 11.99, ‘stream5’: 11.99, ‘stream6’: 11.99, ‘stream7’: 11.99, ‘stream8’: 11.99, ‘stream9’: 11.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 12.0, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 12.0, ‘stream4’: 12.0, ‘stream5’: 12.0, ‘stream6’: 12.0, ‘stream7’: 12.0, ‘stream8’: 12.0, ‘stream9’: 12.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 12.0, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 12.0, ‘stream4’: 12.0, ‘stream5’: 12.0, ‘stream6’: 12.0, ‘stream7’: 12.0, ‘stream8’: 12.0, ‘stream9’: 12.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 11.99, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 11.99, ‘stream4’: 11.99, ‘stream5’: 11.99, ‘stream6’: 11.99, ‘stream7’: 11.99, ‘stream8’: 11.99, ‘stream9’: 11.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 11.99, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 11.99, ‘stream4’: 11.99, ‘stream5’: 11.99, ‘stream6’: 11.99, ‘stream7’: 11.99, ‘stream8’: 11.99, ‘stream9’: 11.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 11.99, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 11.99, ‘stream4’: 11.99, ‘stream5’: 11.99, ‘stream6’: 11.99, ‘stream7’: 11.99, ‘stream8’: 11.99, ‘stream9’: 11.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 12.0, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 12.0, ‘stream4’: 12.0, ‘stream5’: 12.0, ‘stream6’: 12.0, ‘stream7’: 12.0, ‘stream8’: 12.0, ‘stream9’: 12.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 11.99, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 11.99, ‘stream4’: 11.99, ‘stream5’: 11.99, ‘stream6’: 11.99, ‘stream7’: 11.99, ‘stream8’: 11.99, ‘stream9’: 11.99}

Calling Stop 4


**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 11.99, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 11.99, ‘stream4’: 7.2, ‘stream5’: 11.99, ‘stream6’: 11.99, ‘stream7’: 11.99, ‘stream8’: 11.99, ‘stream9’: 11.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 12.19, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 12.19, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 12.19, ‘stream6’: 12.19, ‘stream7’: 12.19, ‘stream8’: 12.19, ‘stream9’: 12.19}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 11.79, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 11.79, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 11.79, ‘stream6’: 11.79, ‘stream7’: 11.79, ‘stream8’: 11.79, ‘stream9’: 11.79}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 11.99, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 11.99, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 11.99, ‘stream6’: 11.99, ‘stream7’: 11.99, ‘stream8’: 11.99, ‘stream9’: 11.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 12.19, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 12.19, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 12.19, ‘stream6’: 12.19, ‘stream7’: 12.19, ‘stream8’: 12.19, ‘stream9’: 12.19}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 11.99, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 11.99, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 11.99, ‘stream6’: 11.99, ‘stream7’: 11.99, ‘stream8’: 11.99, ‘stream9’: 11.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 11.99, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 11.99, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 11.99, ‘stream6’: 11.99, ‘stream7’: 11.99, ‘stream8’: 11.99, ‘stream9’: 11.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 11.99, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 11.99, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 11.99, ‘stream6’: 11.99, ‘stream7’: 11.99, ‘stream8’: 11.99, ‘stream9’: 11.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 11.99, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 11.99, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 11.99, ‘stream6’: 11.99, ‘stream7’: 11.99, ‘stream8’: 11.99, ‘stream9’: 11.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 11.99, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 11.99, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 11.99, ‘stream6’: 11.99, ‘stream7’: 11.99, ‘stream8’: 11.99, ‘stream9’: 11.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 11.99, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 11.99, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 11.99, ‘stream6’: 11.99, ‘stream7’: 11.99, ‘stream8’: 11.99, ‘stream9’: 11.99}

The timeout is better to be set according to the FPS of the sources.

Current pad releasing/adding will impact nvstreammux since “It tries to collect an average of (batch-size/num-source) frames per batch from each source (if all sources are live and their frame rates are all the same). ”Gst-nvstreammux — DeepStream 6.2 Release documentation

You may try “export NVSTREAMMUX_ADAPTIVE_BATCHING=yes” to avoid the waiting.

Thanks Fiona,

I will test and update.

Hi @Fiona.Chen ,

I have tested with NVSTREAMUX_ADPATIVE_BATCHING and it seems working but has another observation. All sources shows same frame/seconds, even which is weird.

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.2, ‘stream1’: 0.2, ‘stream2’: 0.2, ‘stream3’: 0.2, ‘stream4’: 0.2, ‘stream5’: 0.2, ‘stream6’: 0.0, ‘stream7’: 0.2, ‘stream8’: 0.2, ‘stream9’: 0.2}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 13.0, ‘stream1’: 13.0, ‘stream2’: 13.0, ‘stream3’: 13.0, ‘stream4’: 13.0, ‘stream5’: 13.0, ‘stream6’: 14.97, ‘stream7’: 13.0, ‘stream8’: 13.0, ‘stream9’: 13.0}

Calling Stop 3


**PERF: {‘stream0’: 5.2, ‘stream1’: 5.2, ‘stream2’: 5.2, ‘stream3’: 5.2, ‘stream4’: 5.2, ‘stream5’: 5.2, ‘stream6’: 5.2, ‘stream7’: 5.2, ‘stream8’: 5.2, ‘stream9’: 5.2}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 24.79, ‘stream1’: 24.79, ‘stream2’: 24.79, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 24.79, ‘stream5’: 24.79, ‘stream6’: 24.79, ‘stream7’: 24.79, ‘stream8’: 24.79, ‘stream9’: 24.79}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 14.79, ‘stream1’: 14.79, ‘stream2’: 14.79, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 14.79, ‘stream5’: 14.79, ‘stream6’: 14.79, ‘stream7’: 14.79, ‘stream8’: 14.79, ‘stream9’: 14.79}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 15.0, ‘stream1’: 15.0, ‘stream2’: 15.0, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 15.0, ‘stream5’: 15.0, ‘stream6’: 15.0, ‘stream7’: 15.0, ‘stream8’: 15.0, ‘stream9’: 15.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 15.0, ‘stream1’: 15.0, ‘stream2’: 15.0, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 15.0, ‘stream5’: 15.0, ‘stream6’: 15.0, ‘stream7’: 15.0, ‘stream8’: 15.0, ‘stream9’: 15.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 15.0, ‘stream1’: 15.0, ‘stream2’: 15.0, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 15.0, ‘stream5’: 15.0, ‘stream6’: 15.0, ‘stream7’: 15.0, ‘stream8’: 15.0, ‘stream9’: 15.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 15.0, ‘stream1’: 15.0, ‘stream2’: 15.0, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 15.0, ‘stream5’: 15.0, ‘stream6’: 15.0, ‘stream7’: 15.0, ‘stream8’: 15.0, ‘stream9’: 15.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 11.39, ‘stream1’: 11.39, ‘stream2’: 11.39, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 11.39, ‘stream5’: 11.39, ‘stream6’: 11.39, ‘stream7’: 11.39, ‘stream8’: 11.39, ‘stream9’: 11.39}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 18.39, ‘stream1’: 18.39, ‘stream2’: 18.39, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 18.39, ‘stream5’: 18.39, ‘stream6’: 18.39, ‘stream7’: 18.39, ‘stream8’: 18.39, ‘stream9’: 18.39}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 14.99, ‘stream1’: 14.99, ‘stream2’: 14.99, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 14.99, ‘stream5’: 14.99, ‘stream6’: 14.99, ‘stream7’: 14.99, ‘stream8’: 14.99, ‘stream9’: 14.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 15.0, ‘stream1’: 15.0, ‘stream2’: 15.0, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 15.0, ‘stream5’: 15.0, ‘stream6’: 15.0, ‘stream7’: 15.0, ‘stream8’: 15.0, ‘stream9’: 15.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 14.99, ‘stream1’: 14.99, ‘stream2’: 14.99, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 14.99, ‘stream5’: 14.99, ‘stream6’: 14.99, ‘stream7’: 14.99, ‘stream8’: 14.99, ‘stream9’: 14.99}

Calling Stop 0


**PERF: {‘stream0’: 8.0, ‘stream1’: 8.0, ‘stream2’: 8.0, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 8.0, ‘stream5’: 8.0, ‘stream6’: 8.0, ‘stream7’: 8.0, ‘stream8’: 8.0, ‘stream9’: 8.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.2, ‘stream1’: 22.2, ‘stream2’: 22.2, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 22.2, ‘stream5’: 22.2, ‘stream6’: 22.0, ‘stream7’: 22.2, ‘stream8’: 22.2, ‘stream9’: 22.2}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 14.99, ‘stream2’: 14.99, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 14.99, ‘stream5’: 14.99, ‘stream6’: 14.99, ‘stream7’: 14.99, ‘stream8’: 14.99, ‘stream9’: 14.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 14.99, ‘stream2’: 14.99, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 14.99, ‘stream5’: 14.99, ‘stream6’: 14.99, ‘stream7’: 14.99, ‘stream8’: 14.99, ‘stream9’: 14.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 14.99, ‘stream2’: 14.99, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 14.99, ‘stream5’: 14.99, ‘stream6’: 14.99, ‘stream7’: 14.99, ‘stream8’: 14.99, ‘stream9’: 14.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 15.0, ‘stream2’: 15.0, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 15.0, ‘stream5’: 15.0, ‘stream6’: 15.0, ‘stream7’: 15.0, ‘stream8’: 15.0, ‘stream9’: 15.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 14.99, ‘stream2’: 14.99, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 14.99, ‘stream5’: 14.99, ‘stream6’: 14.99, ‘stream7’: 14.99, ‘stream8’: 14.99, ‘stream9’: 14.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 14.99, ‘stream2’: 14.99, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 14.99, ‘stream5’: 14.99, ‘stream6’: 14.99, ‘stream7’: 14.99, ‘stream8’: 14.99, ‘stream9’: 14.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 15.19, ‘stream2’: 15.19, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 15.19, ‘stream5’: 15.19, ‘stream6’: 15.19, ‘stream7’: 15.19, ‘stream8’: 15.19, ‘stream9’: 15.19}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 14.98, ‘stream2’: 14.98, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 14.98, ‘stream5’: 14.98, ‘stream6’: 14.98, ‘stream7’: 14.98, ‘stream8’: 14.98, ‘stream9’: 14.98}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 15.0, ‘stream2’: 15.0, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 15.0, ‘stream5’: 15.0, ‘stream6’: 15.0, ‘stream7’: 15.0, ‘stream8’: 15.0, ‘stream9’: 15.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 14.98, ‘stream2’: 14.98, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 14.98, ‘stream5’: 14.98, ‘stream6’: 14.98, ‘stream7’: 14.98, ‘stream8’: 14.98, ‘stream9’: 14.98}

Calling Stop 4


**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 7.79, ‘stream2’: 7.79, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 7.79, ‘stream5’: 7.79, ‘stream6’: 7.79, ‘stream7’: 7.79, ‘stream8’: 7.79, ‘stream9’: 7.79}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 22.38, ‘stream2’: 22.38, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.2, ‘stream5’: 22.38, ‘stream6’: 22.18, ‘stream7’: 22.38, ‘stream8’: 22.38, ‘stream9’: 22.38}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 14.78, ‘stream2’: 14.78, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 14.78, ‘stream6’: 14.78, ‘stream7’: 14.78, ‘stream8’: 14.78, ‘stream9’: 14.78}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 14.99, ‘stream2’: 14.99, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 14.99, ‘stream6’: 14.99, ‘stream7’: 14.99, ‘stream8’: 14.99, ‘stream9’: 14.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 14.99, ‘stream2’: 14.99, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 14.99, ‘stream6’: 14.99, ‘stream7’: 14.99, ‘stream8’: 14.99, ‘stream9’: 14.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 14.99, ‘stream2’: 14.99, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 14.99, ‘stream6’: 14.99, ‘stream7’: 14.99, ‘stream8’: 14.99, ‘stream9’: 14.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 14.98, ‘stream2’: 14.98, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 14.98, ‘stream6’: 14.98, ‘stream7’: 14.98, ‘stream8’: 14.98, ‘stream9’: 14.98}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 11.2, ‘stream2’: 11.2, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 11.2, ‘stream6’: 11.2, ‘stream7’: 11.2, ‘stream8’: 11.2, ‘stream9’: 11.2}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 18.58, ‘stream2’: 18.58, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 18.58, ‘stream6’: 18.58, ‘stream7’: 18.58, ‘stream8’: 18.58, ‘stream9’: 18.58}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 15.0, ‘stream2’: 15.0, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 15.0, ‘stream6’: 15.0, ‘stream7’: 15.0, ‘stream8’: 15.0, ‘stream9’: 15.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 14.99, ‘stream2’: 14.99, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 14.99, ‘stream6’: 14.99, ‘stream7’: 14.99, ‘stream8’: 14.99, ‘stream9’: 14.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 14.98, ‘stream2’: 14.98, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 14.98, ‘stream6’: 14.98, ‘stream7’: 14.98, ‘stream8’: 14.98, ‘stream9’: 14.98}

Calling Stop 5


**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 7.79, ‘stream2’: 7.79, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 7.79, ‘stream6’: 7.79, ‘stream7’: 7.79, ‘stream8’: 7.79, ‘stream9’: 7.79}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 22.58, ‘stream2’: 22.58, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 0.2, ‘stream6’: 22.38, ‘stream7’: 22.58, ‘stream8’: 22.58, ‘stream9’: 22.58}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 14.99, ‘stream2’: 14.99, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 14.99, ‘stream7’: 14.99, ‘stream8’: 14.99, ‘stream9’: 14.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 15.0, ‘stream2’: 15.0, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 15.0, ‘stream7’: 15.0, ‘stream8’: 15.0, ‘stream9’: 15.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 14.78, ‘stream2’: 14.78, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 14.78, ‘stream7’: 14.78, ‘stream8’: 14.78, ‘stream9’: 14.78}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 14.98, ‘stream2’: 14.98, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 14.98, ‘stream7’: 14.98, ‘stream8’: 14.98, ‘stream9’: 14.98}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 14.99, ‘stream2’: 14.99, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 14.99, ‘stream7’: 14.99, ‘stream8’: 14.99, ‘stream9’: 14.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 10.99, ‘stream2’: 10.99, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 10.99, ‘stream7’: 10.99, ‘stream8’: 10.99, ‘stream9’: 10.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 18.78, ‘stream2’: 18.78, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 18.78, ‘stream7’: 18.78, ‘stream8’: 18.78, ‘stream9’: 18.78}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 14.98, ‘stream2’: 14.98, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 14.98, ‘stream7’: 14.98, ‘stream8’: 14.98, ‘stream9’: 14.98}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 14.99, ‘stream2’: 14.99, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 14.99, ‘stream7’: 14.99, ‘stream8’: 14.99, ‘stream9’: 14.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 14.79, ‘stream2’: 14.79, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 14.79, ‘stream7’: 14.79, ‘stream8’: 14.79, ‘stream9’: 14.79}

Calling Stop 2


**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 7.59, ‘stream2’: 7.59, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 7.59, ‘stream7’: 7.59, ‘stream8’: 7.59, ‘stream9’: 7.59}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 22.6, ‘stream2’: 0.2, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 22.4, ‘stream7’: 22.6, ‘stream8’: 22.6, ‘stream9’: 22.6}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 14.98, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 14.98, ‘stream7’: 14.98, ‘stream8’: 14.98, ‘stream9’: 14.98}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 14.98, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 14.98, ‘stream7’: 14.98, ‘stream8’: 14.98, ‘stream9’: 14.98}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 14.98, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 14.98, ‘stream7’: 14.98, ‘stream8’: 14.98, ‘stream9’: 14.98}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 15.0, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 15.0, ‘stream7’: 15.0, ‘stream8’: 15.0, ‘stream9’: 15.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 14.98, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 14.98, ‘stream7’: 14.98, ‘stream8’: 14.98, ‘stream9’: 14.98}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 15.18, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 15.18, ‘stream7’: 15.18, ‘stream8’: 15.18, ‘stream9’: 15.18}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 15.0, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 15.0, ‘stream7’: 15.0, ‘stream8’: 15.0, ‘stream9’: 15.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 14.98, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 14.98, ‘stream7’: 14.98, ‘stream8’: 14.98, ‘stream9’: 14.98}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 14.98, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 14.98, ‘stream7’: 14.98, ‘stream8’: 14.98, ‘stream9’: 14.98}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 15.0, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 15.0, ‘stream7’: 15.0, ‘stream8’: 15.0, ‘stream9’: 15.0}

Calling Start 4
Creating uridecodebin for [rtsp://]
Decodebin child added: source


total sources : 6
Decodebin child added: decodebin10

Decodebin child added: rtph264depay10

Decodebin child added: h264parse10

Decodebin child added: capsfilter10

Decodebin child added: nvv4l2decoder10

In cb_newpad

gstname= video/x-raw
Decodebin linked to pipeline

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 10.2, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 10.2, ‘stream7’: 10.2, ‘stream8’: 10.2, ‘stream9’: 10.2}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 0.2, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 0.0, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 0.0, ‘stream7’: 0.2, ‘stream8’: 0.2, ‘stream9’: 0.2}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 8.8, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 8.6, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 8.8, ‘stream7’: 8.8, ‘stream8’: 8.8, ‘stream9’: 8.8}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 15.0, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 15.0, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 15.0, ‘stream7’: 15.0, ‘stream8’: 15.0, ‘stream9’: 15.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 15.0, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 15.0, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 15.0, ‘stream7’: 15.0, ‘stream8’: 15.0, ‘stream9’: 15.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 15.0, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 15.0, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 15.0, ‘stream7’: 15.0, ‘stream8’: 15.0, ‘stream9’: 15.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 15.0, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 15.0, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 15.0, ‘stream7’: 15.0, ‘stream8’: 15.0, ‘stream9’: 15.0}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 10.8, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 10.8, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 10.8, ‘stream7’: 10.8, ‘stream8’: 10.8, ‘stream9’: 10.8}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 18.99, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 18.99, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 18.99, ‘stream7’: 18.99, ‘stream8’: 18.99, ‘stream9’: 18.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 14.99, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 14.99, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 14.99, ‘stream7’: 14.99, ‘stream8’: 14.99, ‘stream9’: 14.99}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 0.0, ‘stream1’: 14.98, ‘stream2’: 0.0, ‘stream3’: 0.0, ‘stream4’: 14.98, ‘stream5’: 0.0, ‘stream6’: 14.98, ‘stream7’: 14.98, ‘stream8’: 14.98, ‘stream9’: 14.98}

Since your timeout is a very large value, the time is enough for the nvstreammux to construct the full batch by the round-robin algorithm. So the FPS for each channel matches the number of batches per second.

The timeout is better to be set according to the FPS of the sources.

I understand this, but nvstreammux should never cause pipeline to halt. That requires investigation from your side. My theory is that when we set batch push timeout high and try to make modifications on the sources, nvstreammux still has old stream’s data in its buffer and gets a request to delete existing source when nvstreammux is processing. If batch push timeout is short, nvstreammux has a chance to flush and process pad release request. It seems like nvstreammux is running on the main thread only which kinda confirms this theory.

However, if streams are at different rates, even though we set batch push timeout to lower value we may still see this issue happening. It looks like nvstreammux is not handling it well.

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The “batched-push-timeout” is used to control the batch construction, so you need to set reasonable value according to the actual FPS of your sources if you don’t want it to impact the pipeline process.

The following log is what I got with “batched-push-timeout=400”:

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 25.95, ‘stream1’: 3.99, ‘stream2’: 23.95, ‘stream3’: 25.95, ‘stream4’: 23.95, ‘stream5’: 23.95, ‘stream6’: 0.0, ‘stream7’: 25.95, ‘stream8’: 0.0, ‘stream9’: 25.95}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 25.94, ‘stream1’: 7.98, ‘stream2’: 25.94, ‘stream3’: 21.95, ‘stream4’: 23.95, ‘stream5’: 21.95, ‘stream6’: 0.0, ‘stream7’: 21.95, ‘stream8’: 0.0, ‘stream9’: 23.95}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 25.97, ‘stream1’: 7.99, ‘stream2’: 21.97, ‘stream3’: 25.97, ‘stream4’: 27.96, ‘stream5’: 25.97, ‘stream6’: 0.0, ‘stream7’: 23.97, ‘stream8’: 0.0, ‘stream9’: 27.96}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 25.98, ‘stream1’: 6.0, ‘stream2’: 25.98, ‘stream3’: 27.98, ‘stream4’: 19.99, ‘stream5’: 23.98, ‘stream6’: 0.0, ‘stream7’: 21.99, ‘stream8’: 0.0, ‘stream9’: 23.98}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 27.96, ‘stream1’: 3.99, ‘stream2’: 17.98, ‘stream3’: 19.97, ‘stream4’: 23.97, ‘stream5’: 21.97, ‘stream6’: 0.0, ‘stream7’: 23.97, ‘stream8’: 0.0, ‘stream9’: 25.97}

**PERF: {‘stream0’: 23.97, ‘stream1’: 5.99, ‘stream2’: 25.97, ‘stream3’: 25.97, ‘stream4’: 29.96, ‘stream5’: 25.97, ‘stream6’: 0.0, ‘stream7’: 21.97, ‘stream8’: 0.0, ‘stream9’: 25.97}

There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue anymore. Hence we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one. Thanks

If “batched-push-timeout” is too short, it may cause every single frame be inferenced and processed but not in batch. The total performance will be impacted. So it is very important to arrange a proper “batched-push-timeout” value which may be a compromise decision by you.

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