Pixelated Frames in Deepstream Pipeline

Please provide complete information as applicable to your setup.

• Hardware Platform (Jetson / GPU) Jetson
• DeepStream Version (6.3 & 7.0)
• JetPack Version (valid for Jetson only) (5.1.3 & 6.0)
• TensorRT Version
• NVIDIA GPU Driver Version (valid for GPU only)
• Issue Type( questions, new requirements, bugs)

I am using the deepstream-imagedata-multistream sample application without any pgie element. It works when I run it on sample video sample_1080p_h264.mp4 but when I run it pipeline with rtsp camera the frame gets pixelated.

I have tried to run the sample video as rtsp using the this script

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import gi

gi.require_version('Gst', '1.0')
gi.require_version('GstRtspServer', '1.0')
from gi.repository import Gst, GstRtspServer, GObject, GLib

loop = GLib.MainLoop()

class TestRtspMediaFactory(GstRtspServer.RTSPMediaFactory):
    def __init__(self):

    def do_create_element(self, url):
        #set mp4 file path to filesrc's location property
        src_demux = "filesrc location=/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-7.0/samples/streams/sample_1080p_h264.mp4 ! qtdemux name=demux"
        h264_transcode = "demux.video_0"
        #uncomment following line if video transcoding is necessary
        #h264_transcode = "demux.video_0 ! decodebin ! queue ! x264enc"
        pipeline = "{0} {1} ! queue ! rtph264pay name=pay0 config-interval=1 pt=96".format(src_demux, h264_transcode)
        print ("Element created: " + pipeline)
        return Gst.parse_launch(pipeline)

class GstreamerRtspServer():
    def __init__(self):
        self.rtspServer = GstRtspServer.RTSPServer()
        factory = TestRtspMediaFactory()
        mountPoints = self.rtspServer.get_mount_points()
        mountPoints.add_factory("/stream1", factory)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    s = GstreamerRtspServer()

This is the pixelated frames from the pipeline on rtsp url generated by above script

Can you guide me how can I fix this issue? and I have tried it on Deepstream 6.3 with Jetpack 5.1.3 and Deepstream 7.0 with Jetpack 6.0

This doesn’t seem to be a DeepStream issue. It’s more like a gstreamer rtsp server problem. You can file the topic on the Gstreamer forum. Thanks

I have built the Gstreamer from source but still facing the same issue

What do you mean by built the Gstreamer from source? Since you are using the native plugins of Gstreamer, not the NV plugins. So this problem is most likely a Gstreamer rtspserver problem, you’d better file the topic on the Gstreamer forum.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2020-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import sys

import gi
import configparser

gi.require_version('Gst', '1.0')
from gi.repository import GLib, Gst
from ctypes import *
import time
import sys
import math
import platform
from common.platform_info import PlatformInfo
from common.bus_call import bus_call
from common.FPS import PERF_DATA
import numpy as np
import pyds
import cv2
import os
import os.path
from os import path

perf_data = None
frame_count = {}
saved_count = {}

pgie_classes_str = ["Vehicle", "TwoWheeler", "Person", "RoadSign"]


# tiler_sink_pad_buffer_probe  will extract metadata received on tiler src pad
# and update params for drawing rectangle, object information etc.
def tiler_sink_pad_buffer_probe(pad, info, u_data):
    frame_number = 0
    num_rects = 0
    gst_buffer = info.get_buffer()
    if not gst_buffer:
        print("Unable to get GstBuffer ")

    # Retrieve batch metadata from the gst_buffer
    # Note that pyds.gst_buffer_get_nvds_batch_meta() expects the
    # C address of gst_buffer as input, which is obtained with hash(gst_buffer)
    batch_meta = pyds.gst_buffer_get_nvds_batch_meta(hash(gst_buffer))

    l_frame = batch_meta.frame_meta_list
    while l_frame is not None:
            # Note that l_frame.data needs a cast to pyds.NvDsFrameMeta
            # The casting is done by pyds.NvDsFrameMeta.cast()
            # The casting also keeps ownership of the underlying memory
            # in the C code, so the Python garbage collector will leave
            # it alone.
            frame_meta = pyds.NvDsFrameMeta.cast(l_frame.data)
        except StopIteration:

        frame_number = frame_meta.frame_num
        l_obj = frame_meta.obj_meta_list
        num_rects = frame_meta.num_obj_meta
        is_first_obj = True
        save_image = False
        obj_counter = {
            PGIE_CLASS_ID_VEHICLE: 0,
            PGIE_CLASS_ID_PERSON: 0,
            PGIE_CLASS_ID_BICYCLE: 0,
        while l_obj is not None:
                # Casting l_obj.data to pyds.NvDsObjectMeta
                obj_meta = pyds.NvDsObjectMeta.cast(l_obj.data)
            except StopIteration:
            obj_counter[obj_meta.class_id] += 1
            # Periodically check for objects with borderline confidence value that may be false positive detections.
            # If such detections are found, annotate the frame with bboxes and confidence value.
            # Save the annotated frame to file.
            if saved_count["stream_{}".format(frame_meta.pad_index)] % 30 == 0 and (
                    MIN_CONFIDENCE < obj_meta.confidence < MAX_CONFIDENCE):
                if is_first_obj:
                    is_first_obj = False
                    # Getting Image data using nvbufsurface
                    # the input should be address of buffer and batch_id
                    n_frame = pyds.get_nvds_buf_surface(hash(gst_buffer), frame_meta.batch_id)
                    n_frame = draw_bounding_boxes(n_frame, obj_meta, obj_meta.confidence)
                    # convert python array into numpy array format in the copy mode.
                    frame_copy = np.array(n_frame, copy=True, order='C')
                    # convert the array into cv2 default color format
                    frame_copy = cv2.cvtColor(frame_copy, cv2.COLOR_RGBA2BGRA)
                    if platform_info.is_integrated_gpu():
                        # If Jetson, since the buffer is mapped to CPU for retrieval, it must also be unmapped 
                        pyds.unmap_nvds_buf_surface(hash(gst_buffer), frame_meta.batch_id) # The unmap call should be made after operations with the original array are complete.
                                                                                            #  The original array cannot be accessed after this call.

                save_image = True

                l_obj = l_obj.next
            except StopIteration:
        n_frame = pyds.get_nvds_buf_surface(hash(gst_buffer), frame_meta.batch_id)
        frame_copy = np.array(n_frame, copy=True, order='C')
        frame_copy = cv2.cvtColor(frame_copy, cv2.COLOR_RGBA2BGRA)
        if platform_info.is_integrated_gpu():
            pyds.unmap_nvds_buf_surface(hash(gst_buffer), frame_meta.batch_id)
        cv2.imwrite('frames/frame__'+str(frame_meta.source_id)+'____'+str(frame_number)+'.jpg', frame_copy)

        print("Source ID:", frame_meta.source_id, "Frame Number=", frame_number, "Number of Objects=", num_rects, "Vehicle_count=",obj_counter[PGIE_CLASS_ID_VEHICLE], "Person_count=", obj_counter[PGIE_CLASS_ID_PERSON])
        # update frame rate through this probe
        stream_index = "stream{0}".format(frame_meta.pad_index)
        global perf_data
        if save_image:
            img_path = "{}/stream_{}/frame_{}.jpg".format(folder_name, frame_meta.pad_index, frame_number)
            cv2.imwrite(img_path, frame_copy)
        #saved_count["stream_{}".format(frame_meta.pad_index)] += 1
            l_frame = l_frame.next
        except StopIteration:

    return Gst.PadProbeReturn.OK

def draw_bounding_boxes(image, obj_meta, confidence):
    confidence = '{0:.2f}'.format(confidence)
    rect_params = obj_meta.rect_params
    top = int(rect_params.top)
    left = int(rect_params.left)
    width = int(rect_params.width)
    height = int(rect_params.height)
    obj_name = pgie_classes_str[obj_meta.class_id]
    # image = cv2.rectangle(image, (left, top), (left + width, top + height), (0, 0, 255, 0), 2, cv2.LINE_4)
    color = (0, 0, 255, 0)
    w_percents = int(width * 0.05) if width > 100 else int(width * 0.1)
    h_percents = int(height * 0.05) if height > 100 else int(height * 0.1)
    linetop_c1 = (left + w_percents, top)
    linetop_c2 = (left + width - w_percents, top)
    image = cv2.line(image, linetop_c1, linetop_c2, color, 6)
    linebot_c1 = (left + w_percents, top + height)
    linebot_c2 = (left + width - w_percents, top + height)
    image = cv2.line(image, linebot_c1, linebot_c2, color, 6)
    lineleft_c1 = (left, top + h_percents)
    lineleft_c2 = (left, top + height - h_percents)
    image = cv2.line(image, lineleft_c1, lineleft_c2, color, 6)
    lineright_c1 = (left + width, top + h_percents)
    lineright_c2 = (left + width, top + height - h_percents)
    image = cv2.line(image, lineright_c1, lineright_c2, color, 6)
    # Note that on some systems cv2.putText erroneously draws horizontal lines across the image
    image = cv2.putText(image, obj_name + ',C=' + str(confidence), (left - 10, top - 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5,
                        (0, 0, 255, 0), 2)
    return image

def cb_newpad(decodebin, decoder_src_pad, data):
    print("In cb_newpad\n")
    caps = decoder_src_pad.get_current_caps()
    gststruct = caps.get_structure(0)
    gstname = gststruct.get_name()
    source_bin = data
    features = caps.get_features(0)

    # Need to check if the pad created by the decodebin is for video and not
    # audio.
    if (gstname.find("video") != -1):
        # Link the decodebin pad only if decodebin has picked nvidia
        # decoder plugin nvdec_*. We do this by checking if the pad caps contain
        # NVMM memory features.
        if features.contains("memory:NVMM"):
            # Get the source bin ghost pad
            bin_ghost_pad = source_bin.get_static_pad("src")
            if not bin_ghost_pad.set_target(decoder_src_pad):
                sys.stderr.write("Failed to link decoder src pad to source bin ghost pad\n")
            sys.stderr.write(" Error: Decodebin did not pick nvidia decoder plugin.\n")

def decodebin_child_added(child_proxy, Object, name, user_data):
    print("Decodebin child added:", name, "\n")
    if name.find("decodebin") != -1:
        Object.connect("child-added", decodebin_child_added, user_data)

    if not platform_info.is_integrated_gpu() and name.find("nvv4l2decoder") != -1:
        # Use CUDA unified memory in the pipeline so frames can be easily accessed on CPU in Python.
        # Dont use direct macro here like NVBUF_MEM_CUDA_UNIFIED since nvv4l2decoder uses a
        # different enum internally
        Object.set_property("cudadec-memtype", 2)

    if "source" in name:
        source_element = child_proxy.get_by_name("source")
        if source_element.find_property('drop-on-latency') != None:
            Object.set_property("drop-on-latency", True)

def create_source_bin(index, uri):
    print("Creating source bin")

    # Create a source GstBin to abstract this bin's content from the rest of the
    # pipeline
    bin_name = "source-bin-%02d" % index
    nbin = Gst.Bin.new(bin_name)
    if not nbin:
        sys.stderr.write(" Unable to create source bin \n")

    # Source element for reading from the uri.
    # We will use decodebin and let it figure out the container format of the
    # stream and the codec and plug the appropriate demux and decode plugins.
    uri_decode_bin = Gst.ElementFactory.make("uridecodebin", "uri-decode-bin")
    if not uri_decode_bin:
        sys.stderr.write(" Unable to create uri decode bin \n")
    # We set the input uri to the source element
    uri_decode_bin.set_property("uri", uri)
    # Connect to the "pad-added" signal of the decodebin which generates a
    # callback once a new pad for raw data has beed created by the decodebin
    uri_decode_bin.connect("pad-added", cb_newpad, nbin)
    uri_decode_bin.connect("child-added", decodebin_child_added, nbin)

    # We need to create a ghost pad for the source bin which will act as a proxy
    # for the video decoder src pad. The ghost pad will not have a target right
    # now. Once the decode bin creates the video decoder and generates the
    # cb_newpad callback, we will set the ghost pad target to the video decoder
    # src pad.
    Gst.Bin.add(nbin, uri_decode_bin)
    bin_pad = nbin.add_pad(Gst.GhostPad.new_no_target("src", Gst.PadDirection.SRC))
    if not bin_pad:
        sys.stderr.write(" Failed to add ghost pad in source bin \n")
        return None
    return nbin

def on_pad_added(element, element_src_pad, data):
    print("In cb_newpad\n")
    caps = element_src_pad.get_current_caps()
    str = caps.get_structure(0)
    name = str.get_name()
    depay_elem = data

    media = str.get_string("media")
    is_video = media == 'video'
    if 'x-rtp' in name and is_video is True:
        print('Start binding RTSP')
        sinkpad = depay_elem.get_static_pad("sink")
        state = element_src_pad.link(sinkpad)
        if state != Gst.PadLinkReturn.OK:
            print('Unable to link depay loader to rtsp src')
            print('Binding RTSP successfully')
        print('Cannot be bound,get_name=', name, ' , media=', media)

def main(args):
    # Check input arguments
    if len(args) < 1:
        sys.stderr.write("usage: %s <uri1> [uri2] ... [uriN] <folder to save frames>\n" % args[0])

    global perf_data
    perf_data = PERF_DATA(2)
    number_sources = 2
    rtsp = 'rtsp://'
    rtsp2 = 'rtsp://'
    global folder_name
    folder_name = 'frames'
    # if path.exists(folder_name):
    #     sys.stderr.write("The output folder %s already exists. Please remove it first.\n" % folder_name)
    #     sys.exit(1)
    if not os.path.exists(folder_name):
    print("Frames will be saved in ", folder_name)
    global platform_info
    platform_info = PlatformInfo()
    # Standard GStreamer initialization

    # Create gstreamer elements */
    # Create Pipeline element that will form a connection of other elements
    print("Creating Pipeline \n ")
    pipeline = Gst.Pipeline()
    is_live = False

    if not pipeline:
        sys.stderr.write(" Unable to create Pipeline \n")
    print("Creating streamux \n ")

    print("Creating elements for the first camera")
    source1 = Gst.ElementFactory.make("rtspsrc", "rtspsrc1")
    source1.set_property("latency", 0)  #
    source1.set_property("protocols", "udp")
    depay1 = Gst.ElementFactory.make("rtph264depay", "depay1")
    source1.connect('pad-added', on_pad_added, depay1)
    h264parser1 = Gst.ElementFactory.make("h264parse", "h264parse1")
    decoder1 = Gst.ElementFactory.make("nvv4l2decoder", "decode1")

    print("Creating elements for the second camera")
    source2 = Gst.ElementFactory.make("rtspsrc", "rtspsrc2")
    source2.set_property("latency", 0)  #
    source2.set_property("protocols", "udp")
    depay2 = Gst.ElementFactory.make("rtph264depay", "depay2")
    source2.connect('pad-added', on_pad_added, depay2)

    h264parser2 = Gst.ElementFactory.make("h264parse", "h264parse2")
    decoder2 = Gst.ElementFactory.make("nvv4l2decoder", "decode2")

    # Create nvstreammux instance to form batches from one or more sources.
    streammux = Gst.ElementFactory.make("nvstreammux", "Stream-muxer")
    if not streammux:
        sys.stderr.write(" Unable to create NvStreamMux \n")

    print("Creating Pgie \n ")
    pgie = Gst.ElementFactory.make("nvinfer", "primary-inference")
    if not pgie:
        sys.stderr.write(" Unable to create pgie \n")
    # Add nvvidconv1 and filter1 to convert the frames to RGBA
    # which is easier to work with in Python.
    print("Creating nvvidconv1 \n ")
    nvvidconv1 = Gst.ElementFactory.make("nvvideoconvert", "convertor1")
    if not nvvidconv1:
        sys.stderr.write(" Unable to create nvvidconv1 \n")
    print("Creating filter1 \n ")
    caps1 = Gst.Caps.from_string("video/x-raw(memory:NVMM), format=RGBA")
    filter1 = Gst.ElementFactory.make("capsfilter", "filter1")
    if not filter1:
        sys.stderr.write(" Unable to get the caps filter1 \n")
    filter1.set_property("caps", caps1)
    print("Creating tiler \n ")
    tiler = Gst.ElementFactory.make("nvmultistreamtiler", "nvtiler")
    if not tiler:
        sys.stderr.write(" Unable to create tiler \n")
    print("Creating nvvidconv \n ")
    nvvidconv = Gst.ElementFactory.make("nvvideoconvert", "convertor")
    if not nvvidconv:
        sys.stderr.write(" Unable to create nvvidconv \n")
    print("Creating nvosd \n ")
    nvosd = Gst.ElementFactory.make("nvdsosd", "onscreendisplay")
    if not nvosd:
        sys.stderr.write(" Unable to create nvosd \n")
    if platform_info.is_integrated_gpu():
        print("Creating nv3dsink \n")
        sink = Gst.ElementFactory.make("nv3dsink", "nv3d-sink")
        if not sink:
            sys.stderr.write(" Unable to create nv3dsink \n")
        if platform_info.is_platform_aarch64():
            print("Creating nv3dsink \n")
            sink = Gst.ElementFactory.make("nv3dsink", "nv3d-sink")
            print("Creating EGLSink \n")
            sink = Gst.ElementFactory.make("nveglglessink", "nvvideo-renderer")
        if not sink:
            sys.stderr.write(" Unable to create egl sink \n")

    if is_live:
        print("Atleast one of the sources is live")
        streammux.set_property('live-source', 1)

    source1.set_property('location', rtsp)
    source2.set_property('location', rtsp2)

    streammux.set_property('width', 1920)
    streammux.set_property('height', 1080)
    streammux.set_property('batch-size', number_sources)
    streammux.set_property('batched-push-timeout', MUXER_BATCH_TIMEOUT_USEC)
    pgie.set_property('config-file-path', "dstest_imagedata_config.txt")
    pgie_batch_size = pgie.get_property("batch-size")
    if (pgie_batch_size != number_sources):
        print("WARNING: Overriding infer-config batch-size", pgie_batch_size, " with number of sources ",
              number_sources, " \n")
        pgie.set_property("batch-size", number_sources)
    tiler_rows = int(math.sqrt(number_sources))
    tiler_columns = int(math.ceil((1.0 * number_sources) / tiler_rows))
    tiler.set_property("rows", tiler_rows)
    tiler.set_property("columns", tiler_columns)
    tiler.set_property("width", TILED_OUTPUT_WIDTH)
    tiler.set_property("height", TILED_OUTPUT_HEIGHT)

    sink.set_property("sync", 1)
    sink.set_property("qos", 0)

    if not platform_info.is_integrated_gpu():
        # Use CUDA unified memory in the pipeline so frames
        # can be easily accessed on CPU in Python.
        mem_type = int(pyds.NVBUF_MEM_CUDA_UNIFIED)
        streammux.set_property("nvbuf-memory-type", mem_type)
        nvvidconv.set_property("nvbuf-memory-type", mem_type)
        if platform_info.is_wsl():
            #opencv functions like cv2.line and cv2.putText is not able to access NVBUF_MEM_CUDA_UNIFIED memory
            #in WSL systems due to some reason and gives SEGFAULT. Use NVBUF_MEM_CUDA_PINNED memory for such
            #usecases in WSL. Here, nvvidconv1's buffer is used in tiler sink pad probe and cv2 operations are
            #done on that.
            print("using nvbuf_mem_cuda_pinned memory for nvvidconv1\n")
            vc_mem_type = int(pyds.NVBUF_MEM_CUDA_PINNED)
            nvvidconv1.set_property("nvbuf-memory-type", vc_mem_type)
            nvvidconv1.set_property("nvbuf-memory-type", mem_type)
        tiler.set_property("nvbuf-memory-type", mem_type)

    print("Adding elements to Pipeline \n")

    print("Linking elements in the Pipeline \n")

    sinkpad = streammux.get_request_pad("sink_0")
    if not sinkpad:
        sys.stderr.write(" Unable to get the sink pad of streammux \n")
    srcpad = decoder1.get_static_pad("src")
    if not srcpad:
        sys.stderr.write(" Unable to get source pad of decoder \n")


    sinkpad = streammux.get_request_pad("sink_1")
    if not sinkpad:
        sys.stderr.write(" Unable to get the sink pad of streammux \n")
    srcpad = decoder2.get_static_pad("src")
    if not srcpad:
        sys.stderr.write(" Unable to get source pad of decoder \n")


    # create an event loop and feed gstreamer bus mesages to it
    loop = GLib.MainLoop()
    bus = pipeline.get_bus()
    bus.connect("message", bus_call, loop)

    tiler_sink_pad = tiler.get_static_pad("sink")
    if not tiler_sink_pad:
        sys.stderr.write(" Unable to get src pad \n")
        tiler_sink_pad.add_probe(Gst.PadProbeType.BUFFER, tiler_sink_pad_buffer_probe, 0)
        # perf callback function to print fps every 5 sec
        GLib.timeout_add(5000, perf_data.perf_print_callback)

    # List the sources
    print("Now playing...")
    for i, source in enumerate(args):
        if i != 0:
            print(i, ": ", source)

    print("Starting pipeline \n")
    # start play back and listed to events		
    # cleanup
    print("Exiting app\n")

if __name__ == '__main__':

I have replaced the uribin/uridecoder with rtspsrc/depay/decoder, and the pixelation issue is fixed, but now I am facing another issue.
After running the pipeline for few Hours FPS drops to {0: 0.25, 1:0.00} for cameras.

Can you guide me how can I fix this thing.

You need to make sure that the fps of you camera is stable.

Is the code, and elements linking correct?

Same cameras are working on default deepstream sample application.

1.You can try to set the is_live = True
2.Since you are using 2 sources, you can set the batch-size of the nvstreammux to 2.
3.You can set the batched-push-timeout according to the fps of your source.

I have modified the is_live, batch_size, batched-push-timeout, and tested on rtsp and still getting the same issue.

Since you said Same cameras are working on default deepstream sample application., could you refer to our FAQ to get the pipeline graphs of the deepstream sample application and your app? You can compare the difference between the 2 pipelines.

@yuweiw, I have tried the deepstream_imagedata-multistream.py sample application with deepstream 6.0.1, 6.2, 6.3, 7.0 and different gstreamer versions with different rtsp cameras, and video to rtsp converted using script, but every version has that pixelated issue.

When I replaced the element the uribin/uridecoder with rtspsrc/depay/decoder it fixed the pixelated issue, but it has some other issues.

Can you check why that sample application has that pixelated issue?

I have been working on that since last 2 months, I have tried so many things like modifying the batch-size, batched-timeout but nothing has worked.

So do you get the pipeline graph by referring to the FAQ I attached before and compare that? This graph shows the details of the plugin and the parameter of that.

According to the above, this is most likely due to the parameter configuration of the rtspsrc plugin. You can just get the graph and compare them.

Pipeline with Default Component

Pipeline with rtspsrc component

Pipeline with rtspsrc with working on x86 with deepstream 7.0, but on jetson FPS drops to 0 after few minutes

From the pipeline graph, you set the batched-push-timeout to 8000000. That might be the reason for the 0 fps on the Jetson.
And for the pixelated issue, you can try to set the protocols of the rtspsrc to 4.

Pipeline with rtspsrc component and tcp protocol is working, but the default deepstream pipeline still has that pixelated issue.

Have you set the protocol to 4 according to the #16? You can refer to Source group to set the related parameters.

Because your pipeline graph is got when the pipeline transfers the state from pause to play, it does not get the source plugin. You can try to get the graph when the pipeline is at the playing state.

I set the latency to 0 by this code

def decodebin_child_added(child_proxy, Object, name, user_data):
    print("Decodebin child added:", name, "\n")
    if name.find("decodebin") != -1:
        Object.connect("child-added", decodebin_child_added, user_data)

    if "source" in name:
        Object.set_property("drop-on-latency", True)

The pixelation issue is fixed, now the camera get disconnected after some time.

Glad to hear that. About the new disconnected issue, you can file a new topic. For the convenience of others’ reference, we will only discuss one issue per topic. Thanks

There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue anymore. Hence we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one. Thanks