Resulting fps is half of expected fps

I am trying to work with Jetson TX2 module but I am facing following problem right now :
I am expecting to 50 fps but the measured fps is 25.

I am using L4T 32.4.4, but I also tried to get 50 fps video in L4T 28.2 but nothing changes.
Here is my .dtsi file related with camera settings :

 * Copyright (c) 2015-2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
 * more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

 /* gstreamer calismasa da 25 fps vere dev tree */

#include "dt-bindings/clock/tegra186-clock.h"


/ {
	host1x {
		vi_base: vi@15700000 {
			num-channels = <1>;
			ports {
				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <0>;
				port@0 {
					status = "okay";
					reg = <0>;
					e3326_vi_in0: endpoint {
						status = "okay";
						port-index = <0>;
						bus-width = <4>;
						remote-endpoint = <&e3326_csi_out0>;

		nvcsi@150c0000 {
			num-channels = <1>;
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <0>;
			channel@0 {
				status = "okay";
				reg = <0>;
				ports {
					#address-cells = <1>;
					#size-cells = <0>;
					port@0 {
						status = "okay";
						reg = <0>;
						e3326_csi_in0: endpoint@0 {
							status = "okay";
							port-index = <0>;
							bus-width = <4>;
							remote-endpoint = <&e3326_ov5693_out0>;
					port@1 {
						status = "okay";
						reg = <1>;
						e3326_csi_out0: endpoint@1 {
							status = "okay";
							remote-endpoint = <&e3326_vi_in0>;

	i2c@3180000 {
		ov5693_c@36 {
			compatible = "nvidia,ov5693";
			/* I2C device address */
			reg = <0x36>;

			/* V4L2 device node location */
			devnode = "video0";

			/* Physical dimensions of sensor */
			physical_w = "3.674";
			physical_h = "2.738";

			/* Define any required hw resources needed by driver */
			/* ie. clocks, io pins, power sources */
			avdd-reg = "vana";
			iovdd-reg = "vif";

			/* Sensor output flip settings */
			vertical-flip = "true";

			status = "okay";

			/* Define any required hw resources needed by driver */
			/* ie. clocks, io pins, power sources */
			/* mclk-index indicates the index of the */
			/* mclk-name with in the clock-names array */

			clocks = <&tegra_car TEGRA186_CLK_EXTPERIPH1>,
					 <&tegra_car TEGRA186_CLK_PLLP_OUT0>;
			clock-names = "extperiph1", "pllp_grtba";
			mclk = "extperiph1";
			clock-frequency = <24000000>;
			reset-gpios = <&tegra_main_gpio CAM0_RST_L GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
			pwdn-gpios = <&tegra_main_gpio CAM0_PWDN GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
			vana-supply = <&en_vdd_cam_hv_2v8>;
			vif-supply = <&en_vdd_cam>;

			* A modeX node is required to support v4l2 driver
			* implementation with NVIDIA camera software stack
			* mclk_khz = "";
			* Standard MIPI driving clock, typically 24MHz
			* num_lanes = "";
			* Number of lane channels sensor is programmed to output
			* tegra_sinterface = "";
			* The base tegra serial interface lanes are connected to
			* Incase of virtual HW devices, use virtual
			* For SW emulated devices, use host
			* phy_mode = "";
			* PHY mode used by the MIPI lanes for this device
			* discontinuous_clk = "";
			* The sensor is programmed to use a discontinuous clock on MIPI lanes
			* dpcm_enable = "true";
			* The sensor is programmed to use a DPCM modes
			* cil_settletime = "";
			* MIPI lane settle time value.
			* A "0" value attempts to autocalibrate based on mclk_multiplier
			* active_w = "";
			* Pixel active region width
			* active_h = "";
			* Pixel active region height
			* pixel_t = "";
			* The sensor readout pixel pattern
			* readout_orientation = "0";
			* Based on camera module orientation.
			* Only change readout_orientation if you specifically
			* Program a different readout order for this mode
			* line_length = "";
			* Pixel line length (width) for sensor mode.
			* This is used to calibrate features in our camera stack.
			* mclk_multiplier = "";
			* Multiplier to MCLK to help time hardware capture sequence
			* TODO: Assign to PLL_Multiplier as well until fixed in core
			* pix_clk_hz = "";
			* Sensor pixel clock used for calculations like exposure and framerate
			* inherent_gain = "";
			* Gain obtained inherently from mode (ie. pixel binning)
			* == Source Control Settings ==
			* Gain factor used to convert fixed point integer to float
			* Gain range [min_gain/gain_factor, max_gain/gain_factor]
			* Gain step [step_gain/gain_factor is the smallest step that can be configured]
			* Default gain [Default gain to be initialized for the control.
			*     use min_gain_val as default for optimal results]
			* Framerate factor used to convert fixed point integer to float
			* Framerate range [min_framerate/framerate_factor, max_framerate/framerate_factor]
			* Framerate step [step_framerate/framerate_factor is the smallest step that can be configured]
			* Default Framerate [Default framerate to be initialized for the control.
			*     use max_framerate to get required performance]
			* Exposure factor used to convert fixed point integer to float
			* For convenience use 1 sec = 1000000us as conversion factor
			* Exposure range [min_exp_time/exposure_factor, max_exp_time/exposure_factor]
			* Exposure step [step_exp_time/exposure_factor is the smallest step that can be configured]
			* Default Exposure Time [Default exposure to be initialized for the control.
			*     Set default exposure based on the default_framerate for optimal exposure settings]
			* gain_factor = ""; (integer factor used for floating to fixed point conversion)
			* min_gain_val = ""; (ceil to integer)
			* max_gain_val = ""; (ceil to integer)
			* step_gain_val = ""; (ceil to integer)
			* default_gain = ""; (ceil to integer)
			* Gain limits for mode
			* exposure_factor = ""; (integer factor used for floating to fixed point conversion)
			* min_exp_time = ""; (ceil to integer)
			* max_exp_time = ""; (ceil to integer)
			* step_exp_time = ""; (ceil to integer)
			* default_exp_time = ""; (ceil to integer)
			* Exposure Time limits for mode (us)
			* min_hdr_ratio = "";
			* max_hdr_ratio = "";
			* HDR Ratio limits for mode
			* framerate_factor = ""; (integer factor used for floating to fixed point conversion)
			* min_framerate = "";
			* max_framerate = "";
			* step_framerate = ""; (ceil to integer)
			* default_framerate = ""; (ceil to integer)
			* Framerate limits for mode (fps)
			mode0 { //OV5693_MODE_1280X720
				mclk_khz = "74250";
				num_lanes = "4";
				tegra_sinterface = "serial_a";
				phy_mode = "DPHY";
				discontinuous_clk = "no";
				dpcm_enable = "false";
				cil_settletime = "0";

				active_w = "1280";
				active_h = "720";
				mode_type = "rgb";
				pixel_phase = "rgb";
				csi_pixel_bit_depth = "8";
				readout_orientation = "90";
				line_length = "1980";
				inherent_gain = "1";
				mclk_multiplier = "1";
				pix_clk_hz = "74250000";

				gain_factor = "10";
				min_gain_val = "10"; /* 1DB*/ 
				max_gain_val = "160"; /* 16DB*/ 
				step_gain_val = "1";
				default_gain = "10";
				min_hdr_ratio = "1";
				max_hdr_ratio = "64"; 
				framerate_factor = "1000000";
				min_framerate = "45000000"; /* 45 */ 
				max_framerate = "60000000"; /* 60*/
				step_framerate = "1";
				default_framerate = "50000000";
				exposure_factor = "1000000";
				min_exp_time = "34"; /* us */
				max_exp_time = "550385"; /* us */
				step_exp_time = "1";
				default_exp_time = "8334"; /* us */
				embedded_metadata_height = "0";

			mode1 { //OV5693_MODE_1280X720
				mclk_khz = "74250";
				num_lanes = "4";
				tegra_sinterface = "serial_a";
				phy_mode = "DPHY";
				discontinuous_clk = "no"; 
				dpcm_enable = "false";
				cil_settletime = "0";

				active_w = "1280";
				active_h = "720";
				mode_type = "rgb";
				pixel_phase = "rgb";
				csi_pixel_bit_depth = "8";
				readout_orientation = "90";
				line_length = "1980";
				inherent_gain = "1";
				mclk_multiplier = "1";
				pix_clk_hz = "74250000";

				gain_factor = "10";
				min_gain_val = "10"; /* 1DB*/ 
				max_gain_val = "160"; /* 16DB*/ 
				step_gain_val = "1";
				default_gain = "10";
				min_hdr_ratio = "1";
				max_hdr_ratio = "64"; 
				framerate_factor = "1000000";
				min_framerate = "45000000"; /* 45 */ 
				max_framerate = "60000000"; /* 60*/
				step_framerate = "1";
				default_framerate = "50000000";
				exposure_factor = "1000000";
				min_exp_time = "34"; /* us */
				max_exp_time = "550385"; /* us */
				step_exp_time = "1";
				default_exp_time = "8334"; /* us */
				embedded_metadata_height = "0";
			mode2 { //OV5693_MODE_1280X720
				mclk_khz = "74250";
				num_lanes = "4";
				tegra_sinterface = "serial_a";
				phy_mode = "DPHY";
				discontinuous_clk = "no";
				dpcm_enable = "false";
				cil_settletime = "0";

				active_w = "1280";
				active_h = "720";
				mode_type = "rgb";
				pixel_phase = "rgb";
				csi_pixel_bit_depth = "8";
				readout_orientation = "90";
				line_length = "1980";
				inherent_gain = "1";
				mclk_multiplier = "1";
				pix_clk_hz = "74250000";

				gain_factor = "10";
				min_gain_val = "10"; /* 1DB*/ 
				max_gain_val = "160"; /* 16DB*/ 
				step_gain_val = "1";
				default_gain = "10";
				min_hdr_ratio = "1";
				max_hdr_ratio = "64"; 
				framerate_factor = "1000000";
				min_framerate = "45000000"; /* 45 */ 
				max_framerate = "60000000"; /* 60*/
				step_framerate = "1";
				default_framerate = "50000000";
				exposure_factor = "1000000";
				min_exp_time = "34"; /* us */
				max_exp_time = "550385"; /* us */
				step_exp_time = "1";
				default_exp_time = "8334"; /* us */
				embedded_metadata_height = "0";

			ports {
				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <0>;

				port@0 {
					reg = <0>;
					e3326_ov5693_out0: endpoint {
						port-index = <0>;
						bus-width = <4>;
						remote-endpoint = <&e3326_csi_in0>;

	e3326_lens_ov5693@P5V27C {
		min_focus_distance = "0.0";
		hyper_focal = "0.0";
		focal_length = "2.67";
		f_number = "2.0";
		aperture = "2.0";

	tegra-camera-platform {
		compatible = "nvidia, tegra-camera-platform";
		* Physical settings to calculate max ISO BW
		* num_csi_lanes = <>;
		* Total number of CSI lanes when all cameras are active
		* max_lane_speed = <>;
		* Max lane speed in Kbit/s
		* min_bits_per_pixel = <>;
		* Min bits per pixel
		* vi_peak_byte_per_pixel = <>;
		* Max byte per pixel for the VI ISO case
		* vi_bw_margin_pct = <>;
		* Vi bandwidth margin in percentage
		* max_pixel_rate = <>;
		* Max pixel rate in Kpixel/s for the ISP ISO case
		* isp_peak_byte_per_pixel = <>;
		* Max byte per pixel for the ISP ISO case
		* isp_bw_margin_pct = <>;
		* Isp bandwidth margin in percentage
		num_csi_lanes = <4>;
		max_lane_speed = <1500000>;
		min_bits_per_pixel = <10>;
		vi_peak_byte_per_pixel = <2>;
		vi_bw_margin_pct = <25>;
		max_pixel_rate = <160000>;
		isp_peak_byte_per_pixel = <5>;
		isp_bw_margin_pct = <25>;

		* The general guideline for naming badge_info contains 3 parts, and is as follows,
		* The first part is the camera_board_id for the module; if the module is in a FFD
		* platform, then use the platform name for this part.
		* The second part contains the position of the module, ex. “rear” or “front”.
		* The third part contains the last 6 characters of a part number which is found
		* in the module's specsheet from the vender.
		modules {
			module0 {
				badge = "e3326_front_P5V27C";
				position = "rear";
				orientation = "1";
				status = "okay";
				drivernode0 {
					status = "okay";
					/* Declare PCL support driver (classically known as guid)  */
					pcl_id = "v4l2_sensor";
					/* Driver v4l2 device name */
					devname = "ov5693 2-0036";
					/* Declare the device-tree hierarchy to driver instance */
					proc-device-tree = "/proc/device-tree/i2c@3180000/ov5693_c@36";
				drivernode1 {
					status = "okay";
					/* Declare PCL support driver (classically known as guid)  */
					pcl_id = "v4l2_lens";
					proc-device-tree = "/proc/device-tree/e3326_lens_ov5693@P5V27C/";

And here is the trace logs:

 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   181.861963: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5957861140 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5957860692 data:0x00000000
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [003] ....   181.874077: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:181.764120928
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [003] ....   181.914078: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:181.804118112
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   181.917961: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5958486255 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5958485734 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   181.917963: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5958486422 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5958485741 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   181.917964: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5959085834 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5959085419 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   181.917965: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5959111055 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5959110607 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   181.917965: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5959736168 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5959735646 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   181.917966: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5959736337 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5959735655 data:0x00000000
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [003] ....   181.954135: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:181.844115360
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   181.973929: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5960335745 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5960335333 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   181.973932: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5960360968 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5960360519 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   181.973933: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5960986069 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5960985560 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   181.973933: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5960986236 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5960985569 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   181.973934: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5961585655 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5961585246 data:0x02cf0002
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [003] ....   181.994063: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:181.884112640
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.029951: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5961610883 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5961610433 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.029954: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5962235994 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5962235475 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.029955: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5962236165 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5962235483 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.029958: rtos_queue_peek_from_isr_failed: tstamp:5962237367 queue:0x0b4b4500
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.029959: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5962835573 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5962835160 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.029960: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5962860798 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5962860346 data:0x00000000
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [003] ....   182.034134: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:181.924109856
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [003] ....   182.074071: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:181.964107072
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.085919: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5963485908 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5963485388 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.085921: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5963486078 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5963485396 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.085922: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5964085495 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5964085074 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.085923: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5964110712 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5964110262 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.085923: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5964735809 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5964735301 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.085924: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5964735983 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5964735310 data:0x00000000
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [003] ....   182.114069: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:182.4104320
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.141985: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5965335408 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5965334987 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.141988: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5965360622 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5965360174 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.141990: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5965985734 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5965985215 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.141991: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5965985904 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5965985223 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.141992: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5966585312 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5966584901 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.141992: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5966610544 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5966610088 data:0x00000000
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [003] ....   182.154060: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:182.44101568
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [003] ....   182.194050: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:182.84098816
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.197960: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5967235639 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5967235129 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.197962: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5967235809 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5967235137 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.197964: rtos_queue_peek_from_isr_failed: tstamp:5967237373 queue:0x0b4b4500
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.197965: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5967835228 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5967834814 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.197966: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5967860465 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5967860002 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.197966: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5968485552 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5968485043 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.197967: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5968485719 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5968485051 data:0x00000000
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [003] ....   182.234052: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:182.124096064
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.253924: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5969085141 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5969084728 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.253926: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5969110367 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5969109916 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.253927: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5969735491 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5969734957 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.253928: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5969735661 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5969734965 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.253928: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5970335055 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5970334643 data:0x02cf0002
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [003] ....   182.274053: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:182.164093312
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.309917: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5970360278 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5970359829 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.309920: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5970985383 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5970984871 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.309921: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5970985552 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5970984880 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.309922: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5971584967 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5971584556 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.309922: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5971610193 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5971609743 data:0x00000000
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [003] ....   182.314044: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:182.204090528
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [003] ....   182.354047: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:182.244087744
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.365922: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5972235292 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5972234784 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.365925: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5972235463 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5972234792 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.365927: rtos_queue_peek_from_isr_failed: tstamp:5972237377 queue:0x0b4b4500
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.365928: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5972834897 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5972834470 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.365929: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5972860107 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5972859657 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.365930: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5973485207 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5973484697 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.365930: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5973485374 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5973484706 data:0x00000000
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [003] ....   182.394042: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:182.284084992
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.421968: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5974084797 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5974084383 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.421971: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5974110021 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5974109570 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.421972: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5974735121 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5974734611 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.421973: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5974735290 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5974734620 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.421973: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5975334707 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5975334297 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.421974: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5975359932 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5975359484 data:0x00000000
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [003] ....   182.434043: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:182.324082240
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [003] ....   182.474036: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:182.364079456
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.477957: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5975985040 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5975984525 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.477959: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5975985208 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5975984534 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.477960: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5976584620 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5976584211 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.477961: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5976609846 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5976609397 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.477962: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5977234964 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5977234438 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.477962: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5977235132 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5977234446 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.477964: rtos_queue_peek_from_isr_failed: tstamp:5977237383 queue:0x0b4b4500
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [003] ....   182.514039: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:182.404076736
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.533923: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5977834536 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5977834125 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.533926: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5977859774 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5977859311 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.533927: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5978484861 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5978484353 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.533928: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5978485030 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5978484361 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.533928: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5979084449 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5979084039 data:0x02cf0002
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [003] ....   182.554038: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:182.444073952
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.589935: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5979109673 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5979109225 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.589939: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5979734769 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5979734266 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.589940: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5979734949 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5979734275 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.589941: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5980334368 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5980333952 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.589942: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5980359591 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5980359140 data:0x00000000
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [003] ....   182.594026: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:182.484071200
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [003] ....   182.634033: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:182.524068448
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.645920: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5980984687 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5980984180 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.645922: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5980984854 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5980984188 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.645923: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5981584276 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5981583866 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.645924: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5981609503 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5981609053 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.645924: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5982234603 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5982234094 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.645925: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5982234783 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5982234102 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.645927: rtos_queue_peek_from_isr_failed: tstamp:5982237398 queue:0x0b4b4500
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [004] ....   182.674026: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:182.564065664
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.701971: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5982834194 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5982833779 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.701975: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5982859420 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5982858967 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.701975: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5983484521 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5983484007 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.701976: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5983484690 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5983484015 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.701977: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5984084106 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5984083693 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.701977: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5984109329 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5984108879 data:0x00000000
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [004] ....   182.714017: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:182.604062912
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [004] ....   182.754018: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:182.644060160
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.757956: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5984734444 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5984733921 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.757959: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5984734613 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5984733929 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.757959: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5985334028 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5985333607 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.757960: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5985359243 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5985358794 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.757961: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5985984344 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5985983835 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.757961: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5985984519 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5985983843 data:0x00000000
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [004] ....   182.794012: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:182.684057408
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.813923: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5986583929 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5986583520 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.813925: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5986609158 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5986608708 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.813926: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5987234260 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5987233749 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.813927: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5987234430 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5987233757 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.813929: rtos_queue_peek_from_isr_failed: tstamp:5987237399 queue:0x0b4b4500
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.813930: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5987833849 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5987833434 data:0x02cf0002
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [004] ....   182.834009: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:182.724054624
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.869942: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5987859073 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5987858622 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.869945: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5988484173 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5988483662 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.869946: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5988484343 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5988483671 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.869947: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5989083755 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5989083348 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.869948: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5989108985 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5989108535 data:0x00000000
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [004] ....   182.874004: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:182.764051840
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [004] ....   182.914009: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:182.804049088
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.925920: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5989734083 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5989733575 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.925922: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5989734253 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5989733584 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.925923: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5990333671 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5990333262 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.925923: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5990358895 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5990358448 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.925924: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5990984008 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5990983489 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.925925: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5990984175 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5990983497 data:0x00000000
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [004] ....   182.954013: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:182.844046336
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.981982: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5991583585 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5991583176 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.981986: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5991608812 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5991608362 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.981987: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5992233922 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5992233403 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.981988: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5992234093 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5992233411 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.981990: rtos_queue_peek_from_isr_failed: tstamp:5992237406 queue:0x0b4b4500
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.981991: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5992833501 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5992833090 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   182.981992: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5992858730 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5992858276 data:0x00000000
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [003] ....   182.994007: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:182.884043584
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [003] ....   183.034003: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:182.924040832
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.037970: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5993483825 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5993483317 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.037972: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5993483992 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5993483324 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.037972: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5994083411 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5994083002 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.037973: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5994108637 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5994108189 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.037974: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5994733740 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5994733231 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.037975: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5994733909 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5994733240 data:0x00000000
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [003] ....   183.074009: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:182.964038048
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.093918: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5995333327 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5995332917 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.093921: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5995358551 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5995358103 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.093922: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5995983652 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5995983144 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.093923: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5995983819 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5995983152 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.093923: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5996583241 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5996582830 data:0x02cf0002
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [003] ....   183.113992: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:183.4035264
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.149940: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5996608463 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5996608017 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.149944: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5997233564 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5997233057 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.149944: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5997233734 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5997233066 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.149947: rtos_queue_peek_from_isr_failed: tstamp:5997237414 queue:0x0b4b4500
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.149948: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5997833165 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5997832744 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.149949: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5997858381 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5997857931 data:0x00000000
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [003] ....   183.153994: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:183.44032512
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [004] ....   183.194079: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:183.84029792
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.205922: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5998483490 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5998482971 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.205924: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5998483658 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5998482980 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.205925: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5999083068 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5999082657 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.205926: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5999108292 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5999107844 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.205926: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5999733405 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5999732886 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.205927: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:5999733575 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:5999732894 data:0x00000000
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [004] ....   183.233988: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:183.124026976
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.261975: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6000332983 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6000332571 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.261978: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6000358207 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6000357759 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.261979: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6000983305 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6000982798 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.261980: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6000983473 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6000982807 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.261981: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6001582896 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6001582485 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.261981: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6001608124 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6001607671 data:0x00000000
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [004] ....   183.273991: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:183.164024256
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [004] ....   183.313976: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:183.204021504
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.317932: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6002233218 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6002232713 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.317935: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6002233395 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6002232721 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.317937: rtos_queue_peek_from_isr_failed: tstamp:6002237418 queue:0x0b4b4500
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.317938: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6002832814 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6002832399 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.317938: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6002858039 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6002857585 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.317939: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6003483135 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6003482627 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.317940: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6003483303 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6003482635 data:0x00000000
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [004] ....   183.354045: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:183.244018720
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.373923: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6004082732 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6004082312 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.373926: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6004107949 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6004107499 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.373927: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6004733046 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6004732540 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.373927: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6004733214 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6004732548 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.373928: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6005332633 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6005332225 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.373929: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6005357862 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6005357412 data:0x00000000
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [004] ....   183.394002: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:183.284015936
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.429972: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6005982959 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6005982453 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.429976: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6005983135 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6005982461 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.429976: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6006582549 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6006582139 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.429977: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6006607776 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6006607326 data:0x00000000
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [004] ....   183.433981: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:183.324013216
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [004] ....   183.473968: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:183.364010432
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.485920: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6007232889 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6007232368 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.485923: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6007233060 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6007232375 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.485926: rtos_queue_peek_from_isr_failed: tstamp:6007237424 queue:0x0b4b4500
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.485926: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6007832467 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6007832054 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.485927: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6007857691 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6007857240 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.485928: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6008482791 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6008482281 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.485928: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6008482959 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6008482289 data:0x00000000
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [004] ....   183.513965: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:183.404007680
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.541973: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6009082384 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6009081966 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.541976: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6009107616 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6009107154 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.541977: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6009732700 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6009732195 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.541978: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6009732873 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6009732203 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.541978: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6010332292 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6010331880 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.541979: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6010357521 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6010357068 data:0x00000000
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [000] ....   183.554111: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:183.444004928
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [004] ....   183.593973: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:183.484002144
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.598005: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6010982617 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6010982109 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.598007: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6010982785 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6010982117 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.598008: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6011582205 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6011581794 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.598009: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6011607428 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6011606981 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.598010: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6012232534 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6012232022 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.598010: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6012232703 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6012232031 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.598013: rtos_queue_peek_from_isr_failed: tstamp:6012237433 queue:0x0b4b4500
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [004] ....   183.634043: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:183.523999360
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.653919: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6012832135 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6012831708 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.653922: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6012857345 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6012856895 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.653923: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6013482443 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6013481935 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.653923: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6013482613 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6013481944 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.653924: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6014082032 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6014081622 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.653924: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6014107255 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6014106809 data:0x00000000
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [004] ....   183.673964: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:183.563996608
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.709934: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6014732369 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6014731849 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.709938: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6014732540 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6014731857 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.709938: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6015331945 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6015331536 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.709939: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6015357172 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6015356722 data:0x00000000
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [004] ....   183.713963: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:183.603993856
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [004] ....   183.753985: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:183.643991104
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.765933: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6015982273 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6015981763 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.765936: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6015982440 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6015981772 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.765937: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6016581862 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6016581449 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.765938: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6016607089 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6016606636 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.765938: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6017232189 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6017231677 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.765939: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6017232357 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6017231686 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.765942: rtos_queue_peek_from_isr_failed: tstamp:6017237440 queue:0x0b4b4500
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [004] ....   183.793957: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:183.683988320
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.821936: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6017831783 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6017831363 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.821940: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6017857001 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6017856549 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.821941: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6018482112 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6018481590 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.821941: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6018482282 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6018481599 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.821942: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6019081687 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6019081277 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.821942: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6019106912 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6019106463 data:0x00000000
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [004] ....   183.833983: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:183.723985600
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [004] ....   183.873962: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:183.763982816
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.881918: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6019732012 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6019731505 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.881920: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6019732183 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6019731512 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.881921: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6020331602 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6020331190 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.881922: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6020356825 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6020356377 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.881924: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6020981925 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6020981418 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.881925: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6020982092 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6020981426 data:0x00000000
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [004] ....   183.913964: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:183.803980064
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.937942: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6021581515 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6021581103 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.937945: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6021606742 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6021606291 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.937945: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6022231864 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6022231332 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.937946: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6022232034 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6022231340 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.937949: rtos_queue_peek_from_isr_failed: tstamp:6022237449 queue:0x0b4b4500
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.937950: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6022831432 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6022831017 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.937950: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6022856655 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6022856204 data:0x00000000
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [005] ....   183.953954: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:183.843977248
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.993982: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6023481752 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6023481244 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.993990: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6023481920 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6023481253 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.993992: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6024081348 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6024080931 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.993994: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6024106568 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6024106119 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.993996: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6024731691 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6024731158 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   183.993998: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6024731860 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6024731167 data:0x00000000
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [005] ....   183.994014: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:183.883974496
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [005] ....   184.034003: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:183.923971776
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   184.049943: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6025331256 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6025330845 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   184.049946: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6025356481 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6025356032 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   184.049947: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6025981594 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6025981073 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   184.049948: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6025981765 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6025981081 data:0x00000000
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [004] ....   184.073976: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:183.963969024
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   184.105961: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6026581170 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6026580759 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   184.105965: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6026606407 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6026605946 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   184.105966: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6027231495 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6027230987 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   184.105966: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6027231665 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6027230995 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   184.105969: rtos_queue_peek_from_isr_failed: tstamp:6027237455 queue:0x0b4b4500
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   184.105970: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6027831087 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6027830672 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   184.105971: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6027856310 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6027855859 data:0x00000000
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [004] ....   184.114001: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:184.3966240
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [004] ....   184.153950: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:184.43963456
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   184.161934: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6028481411 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6028480900 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   184.161937: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6028481578 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6028480909 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   184.161937: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6029080996 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6029080585 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   184.161938: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6029106223 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6029105774 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   184.161939: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6029731346 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6029730813 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   184.161939: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6029731516 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6029730822 data:0x00000000
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [005] ....   184.193970: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:184.83960704
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   184.217917: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6030330911 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6030330500 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   184.217921: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6030356136 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6030355687 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   184.217921: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6030981238 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6030980727 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   184.217922: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6030981405 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6030980735 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   184.217922: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6031580823 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6031580414 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   184.217923: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6031606080 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6031605600 data:0x00000000
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [005] ....   184.234011: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:184.123957952
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   184.273917: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6032231173 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6032230641 data:0x00000001
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [004] ....   184.273921: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:184.163955168
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   184.273921: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6032231348 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6032230649 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   184.273924: rtos_queue_peek_from_isr_failed: tstamp:6032237465 queue:0x0b4b4500
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   184.273925: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6032830750 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6032830326 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   184.273925: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6032855990 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6032855513 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   184.273926: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6033481102 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6033480554 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   184.273927: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6033481272 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6033480562 data:0x00000000
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [003] ....   184.313954: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:184.203952448
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   184.329917: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6034080662 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_EOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6034080241 data:0x02cf0002
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   184.329920: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6034105907 tag:ATOMP_FE channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6034105427 data:0x00000000
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   184.329920: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6034731012 tag:CHANSEL_PXL_SOF channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6034730469 data:0x00000001
 kworker/0:2-1151  [000] ....   184.329921: rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:6034731182 tag:ATOMP_FS channel:0x00 frame:0 vi_tstamp:6034730478 data:0x00000000
 vi-output, ov56-7430  [003] ....   184.353940: tegra_channel_capture_frame: sof:184.243949664

I suspect from the MIPI signals at first because the sof timestamps shown in the trace.
But, When I try to get video in 50 fps in TX1, result is successful. Note that base board and the camera is
same in both trials.

I read another post related with this issue and I do following trials:
1- I tried to increase “pix_clk_hz” in device tree and nothing changes.
2- I executed suggested commands in this post : Tegra Multimedia APIs could get raw image via v4l2 only at 15fps - #9 by JerryChang

Here is the “v4l2-ctl --list-formats-ext” command result :

nvidia@nvidia-desktop:~$ v4l2-ctl --list-formats-ext
    Index       : 0
    Type        : Video Capture
    Pixel Format: 'AR24'
    Name        : 32-bit BGRA 8-8-8-8
        Size: Discrete 1280x720
            Interval: Discrete 0.020s (50.000 fps)
        Size: Discrete 1280x720
            Interval: Discrete 0.020s (50.000 fps)
        Size: Discrete 1280x720
            Interval: Discrete 0.020s (50.000 fps)

I am stuck at this point, If you have any recommendation about debugging the problem, please let me know.

hello sukrubahadirarslan,

could you please check Applications Using V4L2 IOCTL Directly.
By using V4L2 IOCTL to verify camera basic functionality. you may increase --stream-count to fetch more frame captures, it’ll report fps below the command line.
for example,
$ v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video0 --set-fmt-video=width=1920,height=1080,pixelformat=RG10 --set-ctrl bypass_mode=0 --stream-mmap --stream-count=100

Hello JerryChang,

Here is the executed command and its output:

root@nvidia-desktop:/home/nvidia# v4l2-ctl --set-fmt-video=width=1280,height=720,pixelformat=BGRA --set-ctrl bypass_mode=0 --stream-mmap --stream-count=100 -d /dev/video0 --stream-to=ov491.raw
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 25.24 fps
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 25.12 fps
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 25.00 fps

I also confirm that result with the gstreamer’s “fpsdisplaysink” element.

hello sukrubahadirarslan,

v4l2-ctl is a standard tool to fetch sensor stream, it simply configure sensor hardware specific settings and v4l frameworks to enable the sensor for testing.
according to above, that means it’s issue from the sensor side, since it’s reporting 25 frames per second.
please also contact with your sensor vendor to dig into this.

Thanks for quick response JerryChang,

First of all, We are using FPGA instead of sensor.
And When we insert TX1 instead of TX2 in the same base board, we can get 50 fps from the same camera.
Only one difference exists and this difference is the model of nvidia board. Maybe we should search the problem in FPGA side but where should we start ?
Is TX1/TX2 situation that I told above, give you some hint ? Could you please share your experiences about this issue?

hello sukrubahadirarslan,

are you able to probe the output signaling of FPGA? or, are you able to enable test-pattern-generator for verification?

may I know what’s the latest L4T release version you’d confirm the stream able to reach 50-fps, is it l4t-r28.2?
since there’s Linux kernel upgrade after rel-28, it’s moving from kernel-4.4 to kernel-4.9. also, there’re changes for the V4L2 API. please refer to Camera Sensor Drivers Porting Guide to review your driver implementation.

Hello JerryChang,
We are tried to get 50 fps in both L4T 28.4 and L4T32.4.4, but we are unable to get 50 fps in both version.
We will probe the output signal of FPGA and try to give you information about signals.

thanks for your suggesstions.