Riva_start.sh will not load the models

Please provide the following information when requesting support.

Hardware - Nvidia Geforce RTX 2060
Hardware - Intel(R) Core™ i7-10750H CPU @ 2.60GHz
Operating System fedora 38
Riva Version 2.12.0

How to reproduce the issue ? (This is for errors. Please share the command and the detailed log here)

Currently when I run riva_init.sh it does work however at the end of the output the follow is shown:

qemu-aarch64-static: Could not open ‘/lib/ld-linux-aarch64.so.1’: No such file or directory
qemu-aarch64-static: Could not open ‘/lib/ld-linux-aarch64.so.1’: No such file or directory
qemu-aarch64-static: Could not open ‘/lib/ld-linux-aarch64.so.1’: No such file or directory
qemu-aarch64-static: Could not open ‘/lib/ld-linux-aarch64.so.1’: No such file or directory

  • [[ tegra != \t\e\g\r\a ]]

  • [[ tegra == \t\e\g\r\a ]]

  • ‘[’ -d /home/samfarzamfar/Desktop/tests/ngc-cli/riva_quickstart_v2.12.0/model_repository/rmir ‘]’

  • [[ tegra == \t\e\g\r\a ]]

  • ‘[’ -d /home/samfarzamfar/Desktop/tests/ngc-cli/riva_quickstart_v2.12.0/model_repository/prebuilt ‘]’

  • echo

  • echo ‘Riva initialization complete. Run ./riva_start.sh to launch services.’
    Riva initialization complete. Run ./riva_start.sh to launch services.

and when I run the riva_start.sh i get the following message:
Starting Riva Speech Services. This may take several minutes depending on the number of models deployed.
Waiting for Riva server to load all models…retrying in 10 seconds
Waiting for Riva server to load all models…retrying in 10 seconds
Waiting for Riva server to load all models…retrying in 10 seconds
Waiting for Riva server to load all models…retrying in 10 seconds
Waiting for Riva server to load all models…retrying in 10 seconds
Waiting for Riva server to load all models…retrying in 10 seconds
Waiting for Riva server to load all models…retrying in 10 seconds
Waiting for Riva server to load all models…retrying in 10 seconds
Waiting for Riva server to load all models…retrying in 10 seconds
Waiting for Riva server to load all models…retrying in 10 seconds
Waiting for Riva server to load all models…retrying in 10 seconds
Waiting for Riva server to load all models…retrying in 10 seconds
Waiting for Riva server to load all models…retrying in 10 seconds
Waiting for Riva server to load all models…retrying in 10 seconds
Waiting for Riva server to load all models…retrying in 10 seconds
Waiting for Riva server to load all models…retrying in 10 seconds
Waiting for Riva server to load all models…retrying in 10 seconds
Waiting for Riva server to load all models…retrying in 10 seconds
Waiting for Riva server to load all models…retrying in 10 seconds
Waiting for Riva server to load all models…retrying in 10 seconds
Waiting for Riva server to load all models…retrying in 10 seconds
Waiting for Riva server to load all models…retrying in 10 seconds
Waiting for Riva server to load all models…retrying in 10 seconds
Waiting for Riva server to load all models…retrying in 10 seconds
Waiting for Riva server to load all models…retrying in 10 seconds
Waiting for Riva server to load all models…retrying in 10 seconds
Waiting for Riva server to load all models…retrying in 10 seconds
Waiting for Riva server to load all models…retrying in 10 seconds
Waiting for Riva server to load all models…retrying in 10 seconds
Waiting for Riva server to load all models…retrying in 10 seconds
Health ready check failed.
Check Riva logs with: docker logs riva-speech

and running docker logs riva-speech does not output anything. below is my configuration file:

Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.

NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property

and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation

and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or

distribution of this software and related documentation without an express

license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.

GPU family of target platform. Supported values: tegra, non-tegra


Name of tegra platform that is being used. Supported tegra platforms: orin, xavier


Enable or Disable Riva Services


Enable Riva Enterprise

If enrolled in Enterprise, enable Riva Enterprise by setting configuration

here. You must explicitly acknowledge you have read and agree to the EULA.




Language code to fetch models of a specify language

Currently only ASR supports languages other than English

Supported language codes: ar-AR, en-US, en-GB, de-DE, es-ES, es-US, fr-FR, hi-IN, it-IT, ja-JP, ru-RU, ko-KR, pt-BR, zh-CN, es-en-US

for any language other than English, set service_enabled_nlp and service_enabled_tts to False

for multiple languages enter space separated language codes.


ASR acoustic model architecture

Supported values are: conformer, conformer_unified (ja-JP and zh-CN only), conformer_xl (en-US + amd64 only), conformer_ml_cs (es-en-US only), citrinet_1024, citrinet_256 (en-US + arm64 only), jasper (en-US + amd64 only), quartznet (en-US + amd64 only)


Decoder type to be used

If you’d like to use greedy decoder for ASR instead of flashlight/os2s decoder then set the below $use_asr_greedy_decoder to true


Specify one or more GPUs to use

specifying more than one GPU is currently an experimental feature, and may result in undefined behaviours.


Specify the encryption key to use to deploy models


Locations to use for storing models artifacts

If an absolute path is specified, the data will be written to that location

Otherwise, a Docker volume will be used (default).

riva_init.sh will create a rmir and models directory in the volume or

path specified.

RMIR ($riva_model_loc/rmir)

Riva uses an intermediate representation (RMIR) for models

that are ready to deploy but not yet fully optimized for deployment. Pretrained

versions can be obtained from NGC (by specifying NGC models below) and will be

downloaded to $riva_model_loc/rmir by riva_init.sh

Custom models produced by NeMo or TLT and prepared using riva-build

may also be copied manually to this location $(riva_model_loc/rmir).

Models ($riva_model_loc/models)

During the riva_init process, the RMIR files in $riva_model_loc/rmir

are inspected and optimized for deployment. The optimized versions are

stored in $riva_model_loc/models. The riva server exclusively uses these

optimized versions.


if [[ $riva_target_gpu_family == “tegra” ]]; then

The default RMIRs are downloaded from NGC by default in the above $riva_rmir_loc directory

If you’d like to skip the download from NGC and use the existing RMIRs in the $riva_rmir_loc

then set the below $use_existing_rmirs flag to true. You can also deploy your set of custom

RMIRs by keeping them in the riva_rmir_loc dir and use this quickstart script with the

below flag to deploy them all together.


Ports to expose for Riva services


NGC orgs


Pre-built models listed below will be downloaded from NGC. If models already exist in $riva-rmir

then models can be commented out to skip download from NGC

########## ASR MODELS ##########


for lang_code in ${language_code[@]}; do

if [ "$use_asr_greedy_decoder" = true ]; then

if [[ ${asr_acoustic_model} == "conformer_xl" && ${lang_code} != "en-US" ]]; then
  echo "Conformer-XL acoustic model is only available for language code en-US."
  exit 1

if [[ ${asr_acoustic_model} == "conformer_unified" && ${lang_code} != "ja-JP" && ${lang_code} != "zh-CN" ]]; then
  echo "Unified Conformer acoustic model is only available for language code ja-JP and zh-CN."
  exit 1

if [[ ${asr_acoustic_model} == "conformer_ml_cs" && ${lang_code} != "es-en-US" ]]; then
  echo "Multilingual Code Switch Conformer acoustic model is only available for language code es-en-US."
  exit 1

if [[ $riva_target_gpu_family  == "tegra" ]]; then

  if [[ ${asr_acoustic_model} == "jasper" || \
        ${asr_acoustic_model} == "quartznet" || \
        ${asr_acoustic_model} == "conformer_xl" ]]; then
      echo "Conformer-XL, Jasper and Quartznet models are not available for arm64 architecture"
      exit 1

  if [[ ${asr_acoustic_model} == "citrinet_256" && ${lang_code} != "en-US" ]]; then
    echo "For arm64 architecture, citrinet_256 acoustic model is only available for language code en-US."
    exit 1

  ### Streaming w/ CPU decoder, best latency configuration

  ### Offline w/ CPU decoder
  #    "${riva_ngc_org}/${riva_ngc_team}/rmir_asr_${asr_acoustic_model}_${modified_lang_code}_ofl${decoder}:${riva_ngc_model_version}"

  if [[ ${asr_acoustic_model} != "conformer" && \
        ${asr_acoustic_model} != "conformer_unified" && \
        ${asr_acoustic_model} != "conformer_ml_cs" && \
        ${asr_acoustic_model} != "conformer_xl" && \
        ${asr_acoustic_model} != "citrinet_1024" && \
        ${asr_acoustic_model} != "jasper" && \
        ${asr_acoustic_model} != "quartznet" ]]; then
    echo "For amd64 architecture, valid acoustic models are conformer, conformer_unified, conformer_ml_cs, conformer_xl, citrinet_1024, jasper and quartznet."
    exit 1

  if [[ (${asr_acoustic_model} == "jasper" || \
        ${asr_acoustic_model} == "quartznet") && \
        ${lang_code} != "en-US" ]]; then
    echo "jasper and quartznet acoustic models are only available for language code en-US."
    exit 1

  ### Streaming w/ CPU decoder, best latency configuration

  ### Streaming w/ CPU decoder, best throughput configuration
  #    "${riva_ngc_org}/${riva_ngc_team}/rmir_asr_${asr_acoustic_model}_${modified_lang_code}_str_thr${decoder}:${riva_ngc_model_version}"

  ### Offline w/ CPU decoder

### Punctuation model
if [[ ${asr_acoustic_model} != "conformer_unified" ]]; then
  pnc_lang=$(echo $modified_lang_code | cut -d "_" -f 1)
  if [[ $riva_target_gpu_family == "tegra" ]]; then


Speaker diarization model




########## NLP MODELS ##########

if [[ $riva_target_gpu_family == “tegra” ]]; then

BERT Base Intent Slot model for misty domain fine-tuned on weather, smalltalk/personality, poi/map datasets.


DistilBERT Intent Slot model for misty domain fine-tuned on weather, smalltalk/personality, poi/map datasets.



Bert base Punctuation model


BERT base Named Entity Recognition model fine-tuned on GMB dataset with class labels LOC, PER, ORG etc.


BERT Base Intent Slot model fine-tuned on weather dataset.


BERT Base Question Answering model fine-tuned on Squad v2.


Megatron345M Question Answering model fine-tuned on Squad v2.


Bert base Text Classification model fine-tuned on 4class (weather, meteorology, personality, nomatch) domain model.



########## TTS MODELS ##########

if [[ $riva_target_gpu_family == “tegra” ]]; then

These models have been trained with energy conditioning and use the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) for inference and training.



This model uses the ARPABET for inference and training.



These models have been trained with energy conditioning and use the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) for inference and training.



This model uses the ARPABET for inference and training.



######### NMT models ###############

Only models specified here get loaded, commented models (preceded with #) are skipped.

models follow Source language _ One or more target languages model architecture

e.g., rmir_de_en_24x6 is a German to English 24x6 bilingual model


Bilingual models


Multilingual models


Megatron models


if [[ ! -z ${riva_ngc_team} ]]; then

Specify paths to SSL Key and Certificate files to use TLS/SSL Credentials for a secured connection.

If either are empty, an insecure connection will be used.

Stored within container at /ssl/servert.crt and /ssl/server.key

Optional, one can also specify a root certificate, stored within container at /ssl/root_server.crt


define Docker images required to run Riva


define Docker images required to setup Riva


daemon names

if [[ $riva_target_gpu_family != “tegra” ]]; then

HI @samfarfar

Thanks for your interest in Riva,

Quick check, are you running

  1. the Datacenter version of Riva
    ngc registry resource download-version nvidia/riva/riva_quickstart:2.12.0
  2. the Embedded version of Riva
    ngc registry resource download-version nvidia/riva/riva_quickstart_arm64:2.12.0

For your config you need to use the Datacenter version

Also your card RTX 2060 is won’t be very suitable for Riva workload,

Riva is supported on any NVIDIA Volta or later GPU (NVIDIA Turing and NVIDIA Ampere GPU architecture) for development purposes. Care must be taken to not exceed the memory available when selecting models to deploy. 16+ GB VRAM is recommended.



I am running the Datacenter version already however It still refuses to load the models from the riva server. Also although it is not very suitable my GPU should still work correct?

Hello, I’m having this issue as well, but I found an issue about port 8888 being occupied by running Riva’s docker image separately, so I tried replacing port 8888:8888 to 8889:8889 in the riva_start.sh file, and it ended up fixing the error, hope this works for you.

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