Rivermax error code:28 ( RMAX_ERR_NO_DEVIC)

system info:
[root@localhost bin]# rpm -q rivermax
[root@localhost bin]# mst status -v
MST modules:

MST PCI module is not loaded
MST PCI configuration module loaded

PCI devices:

ConnectX6DX(rev:0) /dev/mst/mt4125_pciconf0.1 86:00.1 mlx5_1 net-enp134s0f1np1 1

ConnectX6DX(rev:0) /dev/mst/mt4125_pciconf0 86:00.0 mlx5_0 net-enp134s0f0np0 1

[root@localhost bin]# ethtool -i enp134s0f0np0
driver: mlx5_core
version: 24.07-0.6.1
firmware-version: 22.39.3004 (MT_0000000359)
bus-info: 0000:86:00.0
supports-statistics: yes
supports-test: yes
supports-eeprom-access: no
supports-register-dump: no
supports-priv-flags: yes


[root@localhost bin]# ./ArcRivermax
Rivermax Version: 1.50.7
API Version: 1.50.7
Writing log to default location: /tmp/rivermax_1018_140103_2764223.log
Created log file: /tmp/rivermax_1018_140103_2764223.log
[24-10-18 14:01:03.080900] Tid: 2764223 info [InitLogger:94] Logger started
[24-10-18 14:01:03.080928] Tid: 2764223 info [rmax_init:750] starting Rivermax: SDK version 1.50.7
[24-10-18 14:01:03.080940] Tid: 2764223 debug [Clock:32]
[24-10-18 14:01:03.080945] Tid: 2764223 debug [SysClock:43]
[24-10-18 14:01:03.080951] Tid: 2764223 debug [init_globals:362] parsed env RIVERMAX_LOG_LEVEL to the value 1
[24-10-18 14:01:03.080957] Tid: 2764223 debug [init_globals:362] parsed env RIVERMAX_DISABLE_STDOUT_LOG to the value 0
[24-10-18 14:01:03.080962] Tid: 2764223 debug [init_globals:362] parsed env RIVERMAX_DISABLE_FILE_LOG to the value 0
[24-10-18 14:01:03.080968] Tid: 2764223 debug [init_globals:362] parsed env RIVERMAX_VIDEO_PACE_INTERVAL to the value 1000000
[24-10-18 14:01:03.080974] Tid: 2764223 debug [init_globals:362] parsed env RIVERMAX_DISABLE_FLOW_ID to the value 0
[24-10-18 14:01:03.080977] Tid: 2764223 debug [init_globals:362] parsed env RIVERMAX_ENABLE_CUDA to the value 0
[24-10-18 14:01:03.080981] Tid: 2764223 debug [init_globals:362] parsed env RIVERMAX_ENABLE_STATISTICS to the value 0
[24-10-18 14:01:03.080990] Tid: 2764223 debug [init_globals:362] parsed env RIVERMAX_ENABLE_PTP_HW_RT_CLOCK to the value 0
[24-10-18 14:01:03.080994] Tid: 2764223 debug [init_globals:362] parsed env RIVERMAX_CQ_MODERATION_RX_COUNT to the value 1024
[24-10-18 14:01:03.080998] Tid: 2764223 debug [init_globals:362] parsed env RIVERMAX_CQ_MODERATION_RX_PERIOD to the value 4095
[24-10-18 14:01:03.081003] Tid: 2764223 debug [init_globals:362] parsed env RIVERMAX_6_ADJ to the value 0.999
[24-10-18 14:01:03.081007] Tid: 2764223 debug [init_globals:362] parsed env RIVERMAX_ENABLE_MP_WQE to the value 0
[24-10-18 14:01:03.081013] Tid: 2764223 debug [init_globals:362] parsed env RIVERMAX_HUGE_PAGE_SIZE_LOG2 to the value 0
[24-10-18 14:01:03.081020] Tid: 2764223 debug [init_globals:362] parsed env RIVERMAX_BURSTS to the value 0
[24-10-18 14:01:03.081031] Tid: 2764223 debug [SignalHandler:90] Successfully registered for signal 2
[24-10-18 14:01:03.081035] Tid: 2764223 debug [SignalHandler:90] Successfully registered for signal 15
[24-10-18 14:01:03.081039] Tid: 2764223 debug [SignalHandler:90] Successfully registered for signal 15
[24-10-18 14:01:03.081255] Tid: 2764223 debug [EventHandlerManager:126]
[24-10-18 14:01:03.081261] Tid: 2764223 info [EventHandlerManager:128] will wakeup before frame begin event in 2000000 ns
[24-10-18 14:01:03.081265] Tid: 2764223 debug [EventHandlerManagerHigh:258]
[24-10-18 14:01:03.081270] Tid: 2764223 debug [start_thread:340] Starting internal thread
[24-10-18 14:01:03.081337] Tid: 2764223 debug [rivermax_set_thread_priority:510] set priority successfully to 99
[24-10-18 14:01:03.081343] Tid: 2764223 debug [start_thread:343] Started event handler thread
[24-10-18 14:01:03.081352] Tid: 2764223 debug [init_globals:406] Rivermax BC API verification set to true
[24-10-18 14:01:03.081356] Tid: 2764223 debug [init_globals:407] Rivermax Legacy API verification set to false
[24-10-18 14:01:03.081359] Tid: 2764223 debug [init_globals:409] Time now is 1729231263081359729
[24-10-18 14:01:03.081399] Tid: 2764224 info [print_thread_info:118] High priority internal thread: PID = 2764223, thread ID = 2764224
[24-10-18 14:01:03.099388] Tid: 2764223 debug [load_provider:69] dpcp[0] = mlx5_0 ‘mlx5_0’
[24-10-18 14:01:03.099398] Tid: 2764223 debug [load_provider:69] dpcp[1] = mlx5_1 ‘mlx5_1’
[24-10-18 14:01:03.099401] Tid: 2764223 info [init:37] DPCP/DevX provider was loaded
[24-10-18 14:01:03.099905] Tid: 2764223 info [is_supported_device:178] Device lo is not supported
[24-10-18 14:01:03.100018] Tid: 2764223 info [is_supported_device:178] Device virbr0 is not supported
[24-10-18 14:01:03.100094] Tid: 2764223 info [is_supported_device:178] Device enp24s0f1 is not supported
[24-10-18 14:01:03.100101] Tid: 2764223 info [rmax_cleanup:833] Cleanup called
[24-10-18 14:01:03.100124] Tid: 2764223 debug [~EventHandlerManagerHigh:264]
[24-10-18 14:01:03.100129] Tid: 2764223 debug [~EventHandlerManager:135]
[24-10-18 14:01:03.100134] Tid: 2764223 debug [free_evh_resources:144]
[24-10-18 14:01:03.100210] Tid: 2764223 debug [stop_thread:159] event handler thread stopped
[24-10-18 14:01:03.100215] Tid: 2764223 debug [free_evh_resources:148] Thread stopped
[24-10-18 14:01:03.100296] Tid: 2764223 debug [~SysClock:48]
[24-10-18 14:01:03.100302] Tid: 2764223 debug [~Clock:37]
[24-10-18 14:01:03.100307] Tid: 2764223 debug [~DeviceCollection:28] ~DeviceCollection()
[24-10-18 14:01:03.100315] Tid: 2764223 info [~RiverLogger:107] logger closing
init : error[28]
May i ask What caused it