I’m upgrading a workstation that already have a RTX3060 12Gb by adding to it another card, a RTX4060Ti 8Gb.
In a first attempt, I just plugged the new card, booted it up and checked nvidia-smi: seems ok but certainly it is only seeing the old card, not the additional one, since it only reports a 12Gb card in the system.
Since installing the card on my opensuse system was already a huge pain, I would like the less effort route to increase the TFlops available for my gromacs simulations (I plan to run single simulations on each card, and not a single simulation between both cards together).
Yes, there should be no problem with both cards in the system together and the driver currently in use should support the new card.
No harm in trying the 4060 on it’s own, but before doing that, one thing to double check, would be that the power connector is securely attached to the card and if you are using any sort of power adapter, eg 8p → 16p, that it is working correctly.
Ok, the link you provided does not mention the RTX4060Ti in the supported list, so that means that unfortunately I will have to reinstall driver and probably cuda.
Can I be Hopeful that I’ll not have to recompile the softwares I’ve already compiled with the older driver? :(
I’ll begin to give it a try later this week. I’ll keep you posted, right now just crossed fingers.
One question: would it be better or not to reinstall the driver with the board plugged on it? I just noticed that the Xwindows does not come up with it on, for obvious reasons now. :P
In the end, the trick was at the driver, but given that opensuse leap 15.2 (with nvidia dirvers + cuda installed the “hard way”) could not support an updated driver for the card (and 15.4 was a no go at the time, t simply didn’t work with cuda), I had to upgrade it to 15.6.
However, I’ve had the pleasant surprise that it worked almost “automagically” with the rpms, what is a great improvement. :)
Anyway, thanks a lot for the help, I would had taken a long time more to verify the card X driver version issue. :)