Running yolov10 real-time on camera feed in Jetson ORIN NX


Part of my python script that shows images from Intel RealSense D435 camera in real-time is

model = YOLO("")

def predict(chosen_model, img, classes=[], conf=0.5):
   if classes:
       results = chosen_model.predict(img, classes=classes, conf=conf)
       results = chosen_model.predict(img, conf=conf)

   return results

def predict_and_detect(chosen_model, img, classes=[], conf=0.5, rectangle_thickness=3, text_thickness=3):
   results = predict(chosen_model, img, classes, conf=conf)
   for result in results:
       for box in result.boxes:
           cv2.rectangle(img, (int(box.xyxy[0][0]), int(box.xyxy[0][1])),
                         (int(box.xyxy[0][2]), int(box.xyxy[0][3])), (49, 49, 255), rectangle_thickness)
           cv2.putText(img, f"{result.names[int(box.cls[0])]}",
                       (int(box.xyxy[0][0]), int(box.xyxy[0][1]) - 10),
                       cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (49, 49, 255), text_thickness)
   return img, results

result_img, _ = predict_and_detect(model, color_image, classes=[0, 7], conf=0.5)

The last line, predict_and_detect unfortunately is not real-time (lagged and gets stuck) on real-time video stream from Intel RealSense D435 camera. So, I am wondering what are the ways I can make it real-time on the Jetson device.

The code as is, is real-time on my laptop with a 3080 GPU.


Please try to maximize the device performance:

$ sudo nvpmodel -m 0
$ sudo jetson_clocks


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@AastaLLL We just ordered a new Jetson AGX ORIN 64G DevKit. Once I received it and I flash it, I will test these command and let you know about it. Thanks a lot for your response.

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