Send Timestamp Information using Gstreamer along with video frames for real time streaming from a Jetson Xavier


I am a beginner with Gstreamer, trying to send multiple camera feeds (6) from a Jetson Xavier for a realtime application. I was able to use the gst-launch cmd to transfer the frames seamlessly but couldn’t find a way to send time stamp for every frame that is streamed. Requirement: frame1, it’s time stamp1, frame2, timestamp2… or any other way to send the time stamp information across along with the video would be really helpful. Thanks.

I was able to embed the start time of the stream onto the video (‘timeoverlay’). eg: video has ‘00:00:00’ embedded in each frame and also, used ‘clockoverlay’ to embed the time in '23:13:05:89’ (hh:mm:ss:ms) format which I am NOT looking for. I would like to send the timestamp independently and not embedded in a video as such, so I can make use of it while receiving it

Any possible links to some source code would also be much appreciated.


You may try timeoverlay plugin. Please check

Hi, Thanks for the reply, I edited my post to mention that I used ‘timeoverlay’ as well. Moreoever, time overlay provides only different types of stream-time and never the absolute global clock time. Also, timeoverlay still doesn’t let me use the time in the receiver side, it’s just an overlay as such. I want to extract the time per se, and use it for an external synchronization.

We don’t have much experience in this. Did some search and this may help:

If you have further questions, please make a post in gstreamer forum. Users in the forum may be able to share guidance.