Series 550 freezes laptop

Gentlemen I am thrilled to report, MY ISSUES APPEAR TO BE RESOLVED !!! 🥳🎉🤞

It has been 3 days of heavy use, zero crashes. Let me back up.

My setup Razer Blade 15, 3080, Arch, KDE, Wayland, closed 550 (current arch version)

Really all it took was is adding this empty file sudo touch /etc/systemd/do-not-udevadm-trigger-on-update to stop tiggers durring reloading manager phase.

I have also added nvidia.NVreg_EnableGpuFirmware=0 to DEFAULT_COMMAND_LINE in /etc/default/grub.

And added following OGL_DEDICATED_HW_STATE_PER_CONTEXT=ENABLE_ROBUST to /etc/enviroment.

It has been rock solid for three days. Used to get at very least one crash a day on nouveau. Often more.

I should also note. I have disabled sddm (login manager). Lanching waylaynd session from command line /usr/lib/plasma-dbus-run-session-if-needed /usr/bin/startplasma-wayland

Before running sudo pacman -Suuyy I logout of GUI. In an effort to try to minimize chances of triggering crash on reloading phase. I am not sure if it makes any difference. Probably does not, but I am now traumatized from bricking the system trice.

So, so far so good. No crashes. Smooth frame rate, prime-run works as expected. CUDA works as expected (when used in tensorflow and dacinci).