Simplify collision models when importing!

Hello, community.
When importing files into IsaacGym using URDF files, I noticed that IsaacGym simplifies the collision model while the visual model remains correct. As shown in the images, the first image is the correct visual model, and the second image is the simplified collision model. My import settings are as follows. Could you please help identify what might be causing this issue?

collision_filter = 0  
replace_cylinder_with_capsule = False  
flip_visual_attachments = False  
convex_decomposition_from_submeshes = True 
thickness = 0.001 
fix_base_link = False 
armature = 0.001  
max_angular_velocity = 100.0 
angular_damping = 0.0  
linear_damping = 0.0  
max_linear_velocity = 100.0  
disable_gravity = False  
enable_gyroscopic_forces = True  
use_mesh_materials = False  
override_com = False 
override_inertia = False 
collapse_fixed_joints = False  
density = 0.001  
class VhacdParamsConfig2:
   resolution =  1,000,000 
   max_convex_hulls = 50 
   max_num_vertices_per_ch = 256 
   concavity = 0.0005 
   plane_downsampling = 2 
   convex_hull_downsampling = 2 
   alpha = 0.05 
   beta = 0.05 
   pca = False 
   mode = 0 
   max_num_vertices_per_face = 128 
   min_volume_per_ch = 0.0001
vhacd_enabled = True  
vhacd_params = VhacdParamsConfig()