[SOLVED] Jetson TK1 h264 Encoding


I just received my TK1 and am trying to do some gstreamer h264 encoding. I believe the element I need is omxh264enc, correct? …so where do I find it? It doesn’t seem to come pre-installed and install mentioned in the ‘JETSON TK1/TEGRA LINUX DRIVER PACKAGE MULTIMEDIA USER GUIDE’ doesn’t seem to help.

What I’m I missing?


The exact naming of the elements depends on if you’re using gstreamer-0.10 or gstreamer-1.0.
I recall that NVIDIA’s gstreamer-0.10 elements are prefixed with “nv_” whereas the gstreamer-1.0 elements aren’t.
For example, the gstreamer-0.10 H.264 encoder element is entitled “nv_omx_h264enc”.

Run gst-inspect to check. It will list all of the available elements. Then to query the information about a particular element (for example nv_omx_h264enc), run “gst-inspect nv_omx_h264enc”

Thanks for the reply.

I’ve looked for both the 0.10 and 1.0 elements and can’t find either. If I run:

gst-inspect | grep -i omx

I get nothing.

Ok, make sure that these files are on your Jetson:


Here are the elements you should see for 0.10 and 1.0:

ubuntu@tegra-ubuntu:~$ gst-inspect-0.10
subparse: subparse_typefind: srt, sub, mpsub, mdvd, smi, txt, dks
subparse:  subparse: Subtitle parser
subparse:  ssaparse: SSA Subtitle Parser
equalizer:  equalizer-nbands: N Band Equalizer
equalizer:  equalizer-3bands: 3 Band Equalizer
equalizer:  equalizer-10bands: 10 Band Equalizer
videofilter:  gamma: Video gamma correction
videofilter:  videobalance: Video balance
videofilter:  videoflip: Video flipper
subenc:  srtenc: Srt encoder
subenc:  webvttenc: WebVTT encoder
faceoverlay:  faceoverlay: faceoverlay
flac:  flacenc: FLAC audio encoder
flac:  flacdec: FLAC audio decoder
flac:  flactag: FLAC tagger
sdp:  sdpdemux: SDP session setup
gaudieffects:  burn: Burn
gaudieffects:  chromium: Chromium
gaudieffects:  dilate: Dilate
gaudieffects:  dodge: Dodge
gaudieffects:  exclusion: Exclusion
gaudieffects:  solarize: Solarize
gaudieffects:  gaussianblur: GaussBlur
isomp4:  qtdemux: QuickTime demuxer
isomp4:  rtpxqtdepay: RTP packet depayloader
isomp4:  qtmux: QuickTime Muxer
isomp4:  mp4mux: MP4 Muxer
isomp4:  ismlmux: ISML Muxer
isomp4:  3gppmux: 3GPP Muxer
isomp4:  gppmux: 3GPP Muxer
isomp4:  mj2mux: MJ2 Muxer
isomp4:  qtmoovrecover: QT Moov Recover
dvbsuboverlay:  dvbsuboverlay: DVB Subtitles Overlay
fsrawconference:  fsrawconference: Generic bin
wavenc:  wavenc: WAV audio muxer
soup:  souphttpsrc: HTTP client source
soup:  souphttpclientsink: HTTP client sink
pnm:  pnmdec: PNM image decoder
pnm:  pnmenc: PNM image encoder
theora:  theoradec: Theora video decoder
theora:  theoraenc: Theora video encoder
theora:  theoraparse: Theora video parser
annodex:  cmmlenc: CMML streams encoder
annodex:  cmmldec: CMML stream decoder
vorbis:  vorbisenc: Vorbis audio encoder
vorbis:  vorbisdec: Vorbis audio decoder
vorbis:  vorbisparse: VorbisParse
vorbis:  vorbistag: VorbisTag
decklink:  decklinksrc: Decklink source
decklink:  decklinksink: Decklink Sink
mve:  mvedemux: MVE Demuxer
mve:  mvemux: MVE Multiplexer
rsvg:  rsvgoverlay: RSVG overlay
rsvg:  rsvgdec: SVG image decoder
flv:  flvdemux: FLV Demuxer
flv:  flvmux: FLV muxer
gdkpixbuf:  gdkpixbufdec: GdkPixbuf image decoder
gdkpixbuf:  gdkpixbufsink: GdkPixbuf sink
gdkpixbuf:  gdkpixbufscale: GdkPixbuf image scaler
freeverb:  freeverb: Stereo positioning
ffmpegcolorspace:  ffmpegcolorspace: FFMPEG Colorspace converter
dtsdec:  dtsdec: DTS audio decoder
bayer:  bayer2rgb: Bayer to RGB decoder for cameras
bayer:  rgb2bayer: RGB to Bayer converter
modplug:  modplug: ModPlug
audioresample:  audioresample: Audio resampler
autoconvert:  autoconvert: Select convertor based on caps
autoconvert:  autovideoconvert: Select color space convertor based on caps
gio:  giosink: GIO sink
gio:  giosrc: GIO source
gio:  giostreamsink: GIO stream sink
gio:  giostreamsrc: GIO stream source
dirac:  diracenc: Dirac Encoder
interleave:  interleave: Audio interleaver
interleave:  deinterleave: Audio deinterleaver
png:  pngdec: PNG image decoder
png:  pngenc: PNG image encoder
wildmidi:  wildmidi: WildMidi
coreelements:  capsfilter: CapsFilter
coreelements:  fakesrc: Fake Source
coreelements:  fakesink: Fake Sink
coreelements:  fdsrc: Filedescriptor Source
coreelements:  fdsink: Filedescriptor Sink
coreelements:  filesrc: File Source
coreelements:  funnel: Funnel pipe fitting
coreelements:  identity: Identity
coreelements:  input-selector: Input selector
coreelements:  output-selector: Output selector
coreelements:  queue: Queue
coreelements:  queue2: Queue 2
coreelements:  filesink: File Sink
coreelements:  tee: Tee pipe fitting
coreelements:  typefind: TypeFind
coreelements:  multiqueue: MultiQueue
coreelements:  valve: Valve element
videomixer:  videomixer: Video mixer
videomixer:  videomixer2: Video mixer 2
nvvidconv:  nvvidconv: NvVidConv Plugin
vcdsrc:  vcdsrc: VCD Source
sdi:  sdidemux: SDI Demuxer
sdi:  sdimux: SDI Muxer
interlace:  interlace: Interlace filter
videoscale:  videoscale: Video scaler
soundtouch:  pitch: Pitch controller
soundtouch:  bpmdetect: BPM Detector
mpegdemux2:  mpegpsdemux: The Fluendo MPEG Program Stream Demuxer
mpegdemux2:  mpegtsdemux: The Fluendo MPEG Transport stream demuxer
mpegdemux2:  mpegtsparse: MPEG transport stream parser
h264parse:  legacyh264parse: H264Parse
pango:  textoverlay: Text overlay
pango:  timeoverlay: Time overlay
pango:  clockoverlay: Clock overlay
pango:  textrender: Text renderer
mpegpsmux:  mpegpsmux: MPEG Program Stream Muxer
zbar:  zbar: Barcode detector
videotestsrc:  videotestsrc: Video test source
rawparse:  videoparse: Video Parse
rawparse:  audioparse: Audio Parse
mulaw:  mulawenc: Mu Law audio encoder
mulaw:  mulawdec: Mu Law audio decoder
cutter:  cutter: Audio cutter
ogg:  oggdemux: Ogg demuxer
ogg:  oggmux: Ogg muxer
ogg:  ogmaudioparse: OGM audio stream parser
ogg:  ogmvideoparse: OGM video stream parser
ogg:  ogmtextparse: OGM text stream parser
ogg:  oggparse: Ogg parser
ogg:  oggaviparse: Ogg AVI parser
videocrop:  videocrop: Crop
videocrop:  aspectratiocrop: aspectratiocrop
audiorate:  audiorate: Audio rate adjuster
openal:  openalsink: Audio sink (OpenAL)
openal:  openalsrc: OpenAL src
aiff:  aiffparse: AIFF audio demuxer
aiff:  aiffmux: AIFF audio muxer
aasink:  aasink: ASCII art video sink
curl:  curlsink: Curl sink
inter:  interaudiosrc: FIXME Long name
inter:  interaudiosink: FIXME Long name
inter:  intervideosrc: FIXME Long name
inter:  intervideosink: FIXME Long name
sndfile:  sfsink: Sndfile sink
sndfile:  sfsrc: Sndfile source
geometrictransform:  circle: circle
geometrictransform:  diffuse: diffuse
geometrictransform:  kaleidoscope: kaleidoscope
geometrictransform:  marble: marble
geometrictransform:  pinch: pinch
geometrictransform:  rotate: rotate
geometrictransform:  sphere: sphere
geometrictransform:  twirl: twirl
geometrictransform:  waterripple: waterripple
geometrictransform:  stretch: stretch
geometrictransform:  bulge: bulge
geometrictransform:  tunnel: tunnel
geometrictransform:  square: square
geometrictransform:  mirror: mirror
geometrictransform:  fisheye: fisheye
coloreffects:  coloreffects: Color Look-up Table filter
coloreffects:  chromahold: Chroma hold filter
id3tag:  id3mux: ID3 v1 and v2 Muxer
app:  appsrc: AppSrc
app:  appsink: AppSink
wavparse:  wavparse: WAV audio demuxer
mms:  mmssrc: MMS streaming source
rtmp:  rtmpsrc: RTMP Source
rtmp:  rtmpsink: RTMP output sink
asfmux:  asfmux: ASF muxer
asfmux:  rtpasfpay: RTP ASF payloader
asfmux:  asfparse: ASF parser
debug:  breakmydata: Break my data
debug:  capssetter: CapsSetter
debug:  rndbuffersize: Random buffer size
debug:  navseek: Seek based on left-right arrows
debug:  pushfilesrc: Push File Source
debug:  progressreport: Progress report
debug:  taginject: TagInject
debug:  testsink: Test plugin
debug:  capsdebug: Caps debug
debug:  cpureport: CPU report
gdp:  gdpdepay: GDP Depayloader
gdp:  gdppay: GDP Payloader
linsys:  linsyssdisrc: SDI video source
linsys:  linsyssdisink: SDI video sink
speex:  speexenc: Speex audio encoder
speex:  speexdec: Speex audio decoder
replaygain:  rganalysis: ReplayGain analysis
replaygain:  rglimiter: ReplayGain limiter
replaygain:  rgvolume: ReplayGain volume
dv:  dvdemux: DV system stream demuxer
dv:  dvdec: DV video decoder
tta:  ttaparse: TTA file parser
tta:  ttadec: TTA audio decoder
jack:  jackaudiosrc: Audio Source (Jack)
jack:  jackaudiosink: Audio Sink (Jack)
video4linux2:  v4l2src: Video (video4linux2) Source
video4linux2:  v4l2sink: Video (video4linux2) Sink
video4linux2:  v4l2radio: Radio (video4linux2) Tuner
mimic:  mimenc: Mimic Encoder
mimic:  mimdec: Mimic Decoder
videomaxrate:  videomaxrate: Video maximum rate adjuster
rtpvp8:  rtpvp8depay: RTP VP8 depayloader
rtpvp8:  rtpvp8pay: RTP VP8 payloader
cog:  cogdownsample: Scale down video by factor of 2
cog:  cogcolorspace: YCbCr/RGB format conversion
cog:  cogscale: Video scaler
cog:  cogcolorconvert: Convert colorspace
cog:  coglogoinsert: Overlay image onto video
cog:  cogmse: Calculate MSE
icydemux:  icydemux: ICY tag demuxer
festival:  festival: Festival Text-to-Speech synthesizer
dfbvideosink:  dfbvideosink: DirectFB video sink
multipart:  multipartdemux: Multipart demuxer
multipart:  multipartmux: Multipart muxer
nvjpeg:  nvjpegenc: JPEG image encoder
nvjpeg:  nvjpegdec: JPEG image decoder
gsettings:  gsettingsaudiosink: GSettings audio sink
gsettings:  gsettingsaudiosrc: GSettings audio src
gsettings:  gsettingsvideosink: GSettings video sink
gsettings:  gsettingsvideosrc: GSettings video src
rtp:  rtpdepay: Dummy RTP session manager
rtp:  rtpac3depay: RTP AC3 depayloader
rtp:  rtpac3pay: RTP AC3 audio payloader
rtp:  rtpbvdepay: RTP BroadcomVoice depayloader
rtp:  rtpbvpay: RTP BV Payloader
rtp:  rtpceltdepay: RTP CELT depayloader
rtp:  rtpceltpay: RTP CELT payloader
rtp:  rtpdvdepay: RTP DV Depayloader
rtp:  rtpdvpay: RTP DV Payloader
rtp:  rtpgstdepay: GStreamer depayloader
rtp:  rtpgstpay: RTP GStreamer payloader
rtp:  rtpilbcpay: RTP iLBC Payloader
rtp:  rtpilbcdepay: RTP iLBC depayloader
rtp:  rtpg722depay: RTP audio depayloader
rtp:  rtpg722pay: RTP audio payloader
rtp:  rtpg723depay: RTP G.723 depayloader
rtp:  rtpg723pay: RTP G.723 payloader
rtp:  rtpg726depay: RTP G.726 depayloader
rtp:  rtpg726pay: RTP G.726 payloader
rtp:  rtpg729depay: RTP G.729 depayloader
rtp:  rtpg729pay: RTP G.729 payloader
rtp:  rtpgsmdepay: RTP GSM depayloader
rtp:  rtpgsmpay: RTP GSM payloader
rtp:  rtpamrdepay: RTP AMR depayloader
rtp:  rtpamrpay: RTP AMR payloader
rtp:  rtppcmadepay: RTP PCMA depayloader
rtp:  rtppcmudepay: RTP PCMU depayloader
rtp:  rtppcmupay: RTP PCMU payloader
rtp:  rtppcmapay: RTP PCMA payloader
rtp:  rtpmpadepay: RTP MPEG audio depayloader
rtp:  rtpmpapay: RTP MPEG audio payloader
rtp:  rtpmparobustdepay: RTP MPEG audio depayloader
rtp:  rtpmpvdepay: RTP MPEG video depayloader
rtp:  rtpmpvpay: RTP MPEG2 ES video payloader
rtp:  rtph263ppay: RTP H263 payloader
rtp:  rtph263pdepay: RTP H263 depayloader
rtp:  rtph263depay: RTP H263 depayloader
rtp:  rtph263pay: RTP H263 packet payloader
rtp:  rtph264depay: RTP H264 depayloader
rtp:  rtph264pay: RTP H264 payloader
rtp:  rtpj2kdepay: RTP JPEG 2000 depayloader
rtp:  rtpj2kpay: RTP JPEG 2000 payloader
rtp:  rtpjpegdepay: RTP JPEG depayloader
rtp:  rtpjpegpay: RTP JPEG payloader
rtp:  rtpL16pay: RTP audio payloader
rtp:  rtpL16depay: RTP audio depayloader
rtp:  asteriskh263: RTP Asterisk H263 depayloader
rtp:  rtpmp1sdepay: RTP MPEG1 System Stream depayloader
rtp:  rtpmp2tdepay: RTP MPEG Transport Stream depayloader
rtp:  rtpmp2tpay: RTP MPEG2 Transport Stream payloader
rtp:  rtpmp4vpay: RTP MPEG4 Video payloader
rtp:  rtpmp4vdepay: RTP MPEG4 video depayloader
rtp:  rtpmp4apay: RTP MPEG4 audio payloader
rtp:  rtpmp4adepay: RTP MPEG4 audio depayloader
rtp:  rtpmp4gdepay: RTP MPEG4 ES depayloader
rtp:  rtpmp4gpay: RTP MPEG4 ES payloader
rtp:  rtpqcelpdepay: RTP QCELP depayloader
rtp:  rtpqdm2depay: RTP QDM2 depayloader
rtp:  rtpsirenpay: RTP Payloader for Siren Audio
rtp:  rtpsirendepay: RTP Siren packet depayloader
rtp:  rtpspeexpay: RTP Speex payloader
rtp:  rtpspeexdepay: RTP Speex depayloader
rtp:  rtpsv3vdepay: RTP SVQ3 depayloader
rtp:  rtptheoradepay: RTP Theora depayloader
rtp:  rtptheorapay: RTP Theora payloader
rtp:  rtpvorbisdepay: RTP Vorbis depayloader
rtp:  rtpvorbispay: RTP Vorbis depayloader
rtp:  rtpvrawdepay: RTP Raw Video depayloader
rtp:  rtpvrawpay: RTP Raw Video payloader
monoscope:  monoscope: Monoscope
autodetect:  autovideosink: Auto video sink
autodetect:  autovideosrc: Auto video source
autodetect:  autoaudiosink: Auto audio sink
autodetect:  autoaudiosrc: Auto audio source
xvid:  xvidenc: XviD video encoder
xvid:  xviddec: XviD video decoder
videorate:  videorate: Video rate adjuster
level:  level: Level
removesilence:  removesilence: RemoveSilence
ximagesink:  ximagesink: Video sink
mpegtsmux:  mpegtsmux: MPEG Transport Stream Muxer
audioconvert:  audioconvert: Audio converter
voaacenc:  voaacenc: AAC audio encoder
cdaudio:  cdaudio: CD player
ofa:  ofa: OFA
gstsiren:  sirendec: Siren Decoder element
gstsiren:  sirenenc: Siren Encoder element
omx:  nv_omx_mpeg4enc: OpenMAX IL MPEG-4 video encoder
omx:  nv_omx_h264enc: OpenMAX IL H.264/AVC video encoder
omx:  nv_omx_h263enc: OpenMAX IL H.263 video encoder
omx:  nv_omx_vorbisdec: OpenMAX IL Vorbis audio decoder
omx:  nv_omx_amrnbenc: OpenMAX IL AMR-NB audio encoder
omx:  nv_omx_amrwbenc: OpenMAX IL AMR-WB audio encoder
omx:  nv_omx_ilbcenc: OpenMAX IL iLBC audio encoder
omx:  nv_omx_jpegenc: OpenMAX IL JPEG image encoder
omx:  nv_omx_filereadersrc: OpenMAX IL filereader src element
omx:  nv_omx_camera: OpenMAX IL camera src element
omx:  nv_omx_mpeg2dec: OpenMAX IL MPEG2 video decoder
omx:  nv_omx_mpeg4dec: OpenMAX IL MPEG-4 video decoder
omx:  nv_omx_h264dec: OpenMAX IL H.264/AVC video decoder
omx:  nv_omx_vp8dec: OpenMAX IL VP8 video decoder
omx:  nv_omx_h263dec: OpenMAX IL H.263 video decoder
omx:  nv_omx_wmvdec: OpenMAX IL WMV video decoder
omx:  nv_omx_jpegdec: OpenMAX IL JPEG decoder
omx:  nv_omx_wmadec: OpenMAX IL WMA audio decoder
omx:  nv_omx_wmaprodec: OpenMAX IL WMA audio decoder
omx:  nv_omx_wmalosslessdec: OpenMAX IL WMA audio decoder
omx:  nv_omx_mp3dec: OpenMAX IL MP3 audio decoder
omx:  nv_omx_mp2dec: OpenMAX IL MP2 audio decoder
omx:  nv_omx_aacdec: OpenMAX IL AAC audio decoder
omx:  nv_omx_aacenc: OpenMAX IL AAC audio encoder
omx:  nv_omx_vp8enc: OpenMAX IL VP8 video encoder
omx:  nv_omx_audiosink: OpenMAX IL audiosink element
omx:  nv_gstbin_videosink: OpenMAX IL videosink element
omx:  nv_omx_videomixer: OpenMAX IL Nvidia Mixer component
omx:  nv_omx_videosink: OpenMAX IL videosink element
omx:  nv_omx_hdmi_videosink: OpenMAX IL hdmi videosink element
omx:  nv_omx_overlaysink: OpenMAX IL overlaysink element
omx:  nv_gl_eglimagesink: OpenMAX IL videosink element
omx:  nv_omx_vip: OpenMAX IL vip src element
omx:  nv_omx_camera2: Nvidia OMX Camera2
videomeasure:  ssim: SSim
videomeasure:  measurecollector: Video measure collector
jpegformat:  jpegparse: JPEG stream parser
jpegformat:  jifmux: JPEG stream muxer
typefindfunctions: video/x-ms-asf: asf, wm, wma, wmv
typefindfunctions: audio/x-musepack: mpc, mpp, mp+
typefindfunctions: audio/x-au: au, snd
typefindfunctions: video/x-msvideo: avi
typefindfunctions: audio/qcelp: qcp
typefindfunctions: video/x-cdxa: dat
typefindfunctions: video/x-vcd: dat
typefindfunctions: audio/x-imelody: imy, ime, imelody
typefindfunctions: audio/midi: mid, midi
typefindfunctions: audio/riff-midi: mid, midi
typefindfunctions: audio/mobile-xmf: mxmf
typefindfunctions: video/x-fli: flc, fli
typefindfunctions: application/x-id3v2: mp3, mp2, mp1, mpga, ogg, flac, tta
typefindfunctions: application/x-id3v1: mp3, mp2, mp1, mpga, ogg, flac, tta
typefindfunctions: application/x-apetag: mp3, ape, mpc, wv
typefindfunctions: audio/x-ttafile: tta
typefindfunctions: audio/x-mod: 669, amf, dsm, gdm, far, imf, it, med, mod, mtm, okt, sam, s3m, stm, stx, ult, xm
typefindfunctions: audio/mpeg: mp3, mp2, mp1, mpga
typefindfunctions: audio/x-ac3: ac3, eac3
typefindfunctions: audio/x-dts: dts
typefindfunctions: audio/x-gsm: gsm
typefindfunctions: video/mpeg-sys: mpe, mpeg, mpg
typefindfunctions: video/mpegts: ts, mts
typefindfunctions: application/ogg: anx, ogg, ogm
typefindfunctions: video/mpeg-elementary: mpv, mpeg, mpg
typefindfunctions: video/mpeg4: m4v
typefindfunctions: video/x-h263: h263, 263
typefindfunctions: video/x-h264: h264, x264, 264
typefindfunctions: video/x-nuv: nuv
typefindfunctions: audio/x-m4a: m4a
typefindfunctions: application/x-3gp: 3gp
typefindfunctions: video/quicktime: mov
typefindfunctions: image/x-quicktime: qif, qtif, qti
typefindfunctions: image/jp2: jp2
typefindfunctions: video/mj2: mj2
typefindfunctions: text/html: htm, html
typefindfunctions: application/vnd.rn-realmedia: ra, ram, rm, rmvb
typefindfunctions: application/x-pn-realaudio: ra, ram, rm, rmvb
typefindfunctions: application/x-shockwave-flash: swf, swfl
typefindfunctions: video/x-flv: flv
typefindfunctions: text/plain: txt
typefindfunctions: text/utf-16: txt
typefindfunctions: text/utf-32: txt
typefindfunctions: text/uri-list: ram
typefindfunctions: application/x-hls: m3u8
typefindfunctions: application/sdp: sdp
typefindfunctions: application/smil: smil
typefindfunctions: application/xml: xml
typefindfunctions: audio/x-wav: wav
typefindfunctions: audio/x-aiff: aiff, aif, aifc
typefindfunctions: audio/x-svx: iff, svx
typefindfunctions: audio/x-paris: paf
typefindfunctions: audio/x-nist: nist
typefindfunctions: audio/x-voc: voc
typefindfunctions: audio/x-sds: sds
typefindfunctions: audio/x-ircam: sf
typefindfunctions: audio/x-w64: w64
typefindfunctions: audio/x-shorten: shn
typefindfunctions: application/x-ape: ape
typefindfunctions: image/jpeg: jpg, jpe, jpeg
typefindfunctions: image/gif: gif
typefindfunctions: image/png: png
typefindfunctions: image/bmp: bmp
typefindfunctions: image/tiff: tif, tiff
typefindfunctions: image/x-portable-pixmap: pnm, ppm, pgm, pbm
typefindfunctions: video/x-matroska: mkv, mka
typefindfunctions: video/webm: webm
typefindfunctions: application/mxf: mxf
typefindfunctions: video/x-mve: mve
typefindfunctions: video/x-dv: dv, dif
typefindfunctions: audio/x-amr-nb-sh: amr
typefindfunctions: audio/x-amr-wb-sh: amr
typefindfunctions: audio/iLBC-sh: ilbc
typefindfunctions: audio/x-sid: sid
typefindfunctions: image/x-xcf: xcf
typefindfunctions: video/x-mng: mng
typefindfunctions: image/x-jng: jng
typefindfunctions: image/x-xpixmap: xpm
typefindfunctions: image/x-sun-raster: ras
typefindfunctions: application/x-bzip: bz2
typefindfunctions: application/x-gzip: gz
typefindfunctions: application/zip: zip
typefindfunctions: application/x-compress: Z
typefindfunctions: subtitle/x-kate: no extensions
typefindfunctions: audio/x-flac: flac
typefindfunctions: audio/x-vorbis: no extensions
typefindfunctions: video/x-theora: no extensions
typefindfunctions: application/x-ogm-video: no extensions
typefindfunctions: application/x-ogm-audio: no extensions
typefindfunctions: application/x-ogm-text: no extensions
typefindfunctions: audio/x-speex: no extensions
typefindfunctions: audio/x-celt: no extensions
typefindfunctions: application/x-ogg-skeleton: no extensions
typefindfunctions: text/x-cmml: no extensions
typefindfunctions: application/x-executable: no extensions
typefindfunctions: audio/aac: aac, adts, adif, loas
typefindfunctions: audio/x-spc: spc
typefindfunctions: audio/x-wavpack: wv, wvp
typefindfunctions: audio/x-wavpack-correction: wvc
typefindfunctions: application/postscript: ps
typefindfunctions: image/svg+xml: svg
typefindfunctions: application/x-rar: rar
typefindfunctions: application/x-tar: tar
typefindfunctions: application/x-ar: a
typefindfunctions: application/x-ms-dos-executable: dll, exe, ocx, sys, scr, msstyles, cpl
typefindfunctions: video/x-dirac: no extensions
typefindfunctions: multipart/x-mixed-replace: no extensions
typefindfunctions: application/x-mmsh: no extensions
typefindfunctions: video/vivo: viv
typefindfunctions: audio/x-nsf: nsf
typefindfunctions: audio/x-gym: gym
typefindfunctions: audio/x-ay: ay
typefindfunctions: audio/x-gbs: gbs
typefindfunctions: audio/x-vgm: vgm
typefindfunctions: audio/x-sap: sap
typefindfunctions: video/x-ivf: ivf
typefindfunctions: audio/x-kss: kss
typefindfunctions: application/pdf: pdf
typefindfunctions: application/msword: doc
typefindfunctions: application/octet-stream: DS_Store
typefindfunctions: image/vnd.adobe.photoshop: psd
typefindfunctions: image/vnd.wap.wbmp: no extensions
typefindfunctions: application/x-yuv4mpeg: y4m
typefindfunctions: image/x-icon: no extensions
typefindfunctions: xdgmime-base: no extensions
typefindfunctions: image/x-degas: no extensions
mpegtsdemux:  tsparse: MPEG transport stream parser
mpegtsdemux:  tsdemux: MPEG transport stream demuxer
fsvideoanyrate:  fsvideoanyrate: Videoanyrate element
decodebin:  decodebin: Decoder Bin
rfbsrc:  rfbsrc: Rfb source
apetag:  apedemux: APE tag demuxer
faad:  faad: AAC audio decoder
goom:  goom: GOOM: what a GOOM!
uridecodebin:  decodebin2: Decoder Bin
uridecodebin:  uridecodebin: URI Decoder
cdparanoia:  cdparanoiasrc: CD Audio (cdda) Source, Paranoia IV
assrender:  assrender: ASS/SSA Render
dtmf:  dtmfdetect: DTMF detector element
dtmf:  dtmfsrc: DTMF tone generator
dtmf:  rtpdtmfsrc: RTP DTMF packet generator
dtmf:  rtpdtmfdepay: RTP DTMF packet depayloader
alphacolor:  alphacolor: Alpha color filter
alpha:  alpha: Alpha filter
rtpmux:  rtpmux: RTP muxer
rtpmux:  rtpdtmfmux: RTP muxer
fsrtcpfilter:  fsrtcpfilter: RTCP Filter element
cairo:  cairotextoverlay: Text overlay
cairo:  cairotimeoverlay: Time overlay
cairo:  cairooverlay: Cairo overlay
cairo:  cairorender: Cairo encoder
colorspace:  colorspace:  Colorspace converter
camerabin2:  viewfinderbin: Viewfinder Bin
camerabin2:  wrappercamerabinsrc: V4l2 camera src element for camerabin
camerabin2:  camerabin2: CameraBin2
gmedec:  gmedec: Gaming console music file decoder
gsm:  gsmenc: GSM audio encoder
gsm:  gsmdec: GSM audio decoder
dataurisrc:  dataurisrc: data: URI source element
volume:  volume: Volume
videofiltersbad:  scenechange: Scene change detector
videofiltersbad:  zebrastripe: Zebra stripe overlay
voamrwbenc:  voamrwbenc: AMR-WB audio encoder
debugutilsbad:  checksumsink: Checksum sink
debugutilsbad:  fpsdisplaysink: Measure and show framerate on videosink
debugutilsbad:  chopmydata: FIXME
debugutilsbad:  compare: Compare buffers
debugutilsbad:  debugspy: DebugSpy
coreindexers:  memindex: A index that stores entries in memory
coreindexers:  fileindex: A index that stores entries in file
spandsp:  spanplc: SpanDSP PLC
avi:  avidemux: Avi demuxer
avi:  avimux: Avi muxer
avi:  avisubtitle: Avi subtitle parser
schro:  schrodec: Dirac Decoder
schro:  schroenc: Dirac Encoder
fbdevsink:  fbdevsink: fbdev video sink
speed:  speed: Speed
kate:  katedec: Kate stream text decoder
kate:  kateenc: Kate stream encoder
kate:  kateparse: Kate stream parser
kate:  katetag: Kate stream tagger
cdxaparse:  cdxaparse: (S)VCD parser
cdxaparse:  vcdparse: (S)VCD stream parser
dvb:  dvbsrc: DVB Source
dvb:  dvbbasebin: DVB bin
bz2:  bz2enc: BZ2 encoder
bz2:  bz2dec: BZ2 decoder
gstrtpmanager:  gstrtpbin: RTP Bin
gstrtpmanager:  gstrtpjitterbuffer: RTP packet jitter-buffer
gstrtpmanager:  gstrtpptdemux: RTP Demux
gstrtpmanager:  gstrtpsession: RTP Session
gstrtpmanager:  gstrtpssrcdemux: RTP SSRC Demux
flite:  flitetestsrc: Flite speech test source
adder:  adder: Adder
audiovisualizers:  spacescope: Stereo visualizer
audiovisualizers:  spectrascope: Frequency spectrum scope
audiovisualizers:  synaescope: Synaescope
audiovisualizers:  wavescope: Waveform oscilloscope
nuvdemux:  nuvdemux: Nuv demuxer
rtsp:  rtspsrc: RTSP packet receiver
rtsp:  rtpdec: RTP Decoder
fieldanalysis:  fieldanalysis: Video field analysis
vmnc:  vmncdec: VMnc video decoder
shout2send:  shout2send: Icecast network sink
ossaudio:  ossmixer: OSS Mixer
ossaudio:  osssrc: Audio Source (OSS)
ossaudio:  osssink: Audio Sink (OSS)
hdvparse:  hdvparse: HDVParser
mxf:  mxfdemux: MXF Demuxer
mxf:  mxfmux: MXF muxer
imagefreeze:  imagefreeze: Still frame stream generator
legacyresample:  legacyresample: Audio scaler
navigationtest:  navigationtest: Video navigation test
stereo:  stereo: Stereo effect
liveadder:  liveadder: Live Adder element
id3demux:  id3demux: ID3 tag demuxer
smooth:  smooth: Smooth effect
adpcmenc:  adpcmenc: ADPCM encoder
wavpack:  wavpackparse: Wavpack parser
wavpack:  wavpackdec: Wavpack audio decoder
wavpack:  wavpackenc: Wavpack audio encoder
fragmented:  hlsdemux: HLS Demuxer
y4menc:  y4menc: YUV4MPEG video encoder
jpeg:  jpegenc: JPEG image encoder
jpeg:  jpegdec: JPEG image decoder
jpeg:  smokeenc: Smoke video encoder
jpeg:  smokedec: Smoke video decoder
dvdspu:  dvdspu: Sub-picture Overlay
shapewipe:  shapewipe: Shape Wipe transition filter
cacasink:  cacasink: A colored ASCII art video sink
segmentclip:  audiosegmentclip: Audio buffer segment clipper
segmentclip:  videosegmentclip: Video buffer segment clipper
udp:  udpsink: UDP packet sender
udp:  multiudpsink: UDP packet sender
udp:  dynudpsink: UDP packet sender
udp:  udpsrc: UDP packet receiver
scaletempo:  scaletempo: Scaletempo
goom2k1:  goom2k1: GOOM: what a GOOM! 2k1 edition
musepack:  musepackdec: Musepack decoder
audioparsers:  aacparse: AAC audio stream parser
audioparsers:  amrparse: AMR audio stream parser
audioparsers:  ac3parse: AC3 audio stream parser
audioparsers:  dcaparse: DTS Coherent Acoustics audio stream parser
audioparsers:  flacparse: FLAC audio parser
audioparsers:  mpegaudioparse: MPEG1 Audio Parser
patchdetect:  patchdetect: Color Patch Detector
playback:  playbin: Player Bin
playback:  playbin2: Player Bin 2
playback:  playsink: Player Sink
playback:  subtitleoverlay: Subtitle Overlay
videoparsersbad:  h263parse: H.263 parser
videoparsersbad:  h264parse: H.264 parser
videoparsersbad:  diracparse: Dirac parser
videoparsersbad:  mpegvideoparse: MPEG video elementary stream parser
videoparsersbad:  mpeg4videoparse: MPEG 4 video elementary stream parser
dc1394:  dc1394src: 1394 IIDC Video Source
fsfunnel:  fsfunnel: Farstream Funnel pipe fitting
taglib:  id3v2mux: TagLib-based ID3v2 Muxer
taglib:  apev2mux: TagLib-based APEv2 Muxer
flxdec:  flxdec: FLX video decoder
fsrtpconference:  fsrtpconference: Farstream RTP Conference
spectrum:  spectrum: Spectrum analyzer
shm:  shmsrc: Shared Memory Source
shm:  shmsink: Shared Memory Sink
oss4:  oss4sink: OSS v4 Audio Sink
oss4:  oss4src: OSS v4 Audio Source
oss4:  oss4mixer: OSS v4 Audio Mixer
pcapparse:  pcapparse: PCapParse
pcapparse:  irtspparse: IRTSPParse
audiotestsrc:  audiotestsrc: Audio test source
camerabin:  camerabin: Camera Bin
adpcmdec:  adpcmdec: ADPCM decoder
dccp:  dccpclientsrc: DCCP client source
dccp:  dccpserversink: DCCP server sink
dccp:  dccpclientsink: DCCP client sink
dccp:  dccpserversrc: DCCP server source
audiofx:  audiopanorama: Stereo positioning
audiofx:  audioinvert: Audio inversion
audiofx:  audiokaraoke: AudioKaraoke
audiofx:  audioamplify: Audio amplifier
audiofx:  audiodynamic: Dynamic range controller
audiofx:  audiocheblimit: Low pass & high pass filter
audiofx:  audiochebband: Band pass & band reject filter
audiofx:  audioiirfilter: Audio IIR filter
audiofx:  audiowsinclimit: Low pass & high pass filter
audiofx:  audiowsincband: Band pass & band reject filter
audiofx:  audiofirfilter: Audio FIR filter
audiofx:  audioecho: Audio echo
opus:  opusenc: Opus audio encoder
opus:  opusdec: Opus audio decoder
opus:  opusparse: Opus audio parser
opus:  rtpopusdepay: RTP Opus packet depayloader
opus:  rtpopuspay: RTP Opus payloader
smpte:  smpte: SMPTE transitions
smpte:  smptealpha: SMPTE transitions
alsa:  alsamixer: Alsa mixer
alsa:  alsasrc: Audio source (ALSA)
alsa:  alsasink: Audio sink (ALSA)
ximagesrc:  ximagesrc: Ximage video source
ivfparse:  ivfparse: IVF parser
fsmsnconference:  fsmsncamsendconference: Farstream MSN Sending Conference
fsmsnconference:  fsmsncamrecvconference: Farstream MSN Reception Conference
multifile:  multifilesrc: Multi-File Source
multifile:  multifilesink: Multi-File Sink
multifile:  splitfilesrc: Split-File Source
teletext:  teletextdec: Teletext decoder
jp2k:  jp2kdec: Jasper JPEG2000 image decoder
jp2k:  jp2kenc: Jasper JPEG2000 image encoder
mpegvideoparse:  legacympegvideoparse: MPEG video elementary stream parser
1394:  dv1394src: Firewire (1394) DV video source
1394:  hdv1394src: Firewire (1394) HDV video source
freeze:  freeze: Stream freezer
pulseaudio:  pulsesink: PulseAudio Audio Sink
pulseaudio:  pulsesrc: PulseAudio Audio Source
pulseaudio:  pulseaudiosink: Bin wrapping pulsesink
pulseaudio:  pulsemixer: PulseAudio Mixer
matroska:  matroskademux: Matroska demuxer
matroska:  matroskaparse: Matroska parser
matroska:  matroskamux: Matroska muxer
matroska:  webmmux: WebM muxer
videobox:  videobox: Video box filter
nice:  nicesrc: ICE source
nice:  nicesink: ICE sink
encoding:  encodebin: Encoder Bin
xvimagesink:  xvimagesink: Video sink
jp2kdecimator:  jp2kdecimator: JPEG2000 decimator
tcp:  tcpclientsink: TCP client sink
tcp:  tcpclientsrc: TCP client source
tcp:  tcpserversink: TCP server sink
tcp:  tcpserversrc: TCP server source
tcp:  multifdsink: Multi filedescriptor sink
alaw:  alawenc: A Law audio encoder
alaw:  alawdec: A Law audio decoder
y4mdec:  y4mdec: YUV4MPEG demuxer/decoder
libvisual:  libvisual_bumpscope: libvisual Bumpscope plugin plugin v.0.0.1
libvisual:  libvisual_corona: libvisual libvisual corona plugin plugin v.0.1
libvisual:  libvisual_infinite: libvisual infinite plugin plugin v.0.1
libvisual:  libvisual_jakdaw: libvisual Jakdaw plugin plugin v.0.0.1
libvisual:  libvisual_jess: libvisual jess plugin plugin v.0.1
libvisual:  libvisual_lv_analyzer: libvisual libvisual analyzer plugin v.1.0
libvisual:  libvisual_lv_scope: libvisual libvisual scope plugin v.0.1
libvisual:  libvisual_oinksie: libvisual oinksie plugin plugin v.0.1
effectv:  edgetv: EdgeTV effect
effectv:  agingtv: AgingTV effect
effectv:  dicetv: DiceTV effect
effectv:  warptv: WarpTV effect
effectv:  shagadelictv: ShagadelicTV
effectv:  vertigotv: VertigoTV effect
effectv:  revtv: RevTV effect
effectv:  quarktv: QuarkTV effect
effectv:  optv: OpTV effect
effectv:  radioactv: RadioacTV effect
effectv:  streaktv: StreakTV effect
effectv:  rippletv: RippleTV effect
efence:  efence: Electric Fence
vp8:  vp8dec: On2 VP8 Decoder
vp8:  vp8enc: On2 VP8 Encoder
resindvd:  rsndvdbin: rsndvdbin
nsf:  nsfdec: Nsf decoder
videosignal:  videoanalyse: Video analyser
videosignal:  videodetect: Video detecter
videosignal:  videomark: Video marker
auparse:  auparse: AU audio demuxer
deinterlace:  deinterlace: Deinterlacer
apexsink:  apexsink: Apple AirPort Express Audio Sink
staticelements:  bin: Generic bin
staticelements:  pipeline: Pipeline object

Total count: 226 plugins, 713 features
ubuntu@tegra-ubuntu:~$ gst-inspect-1.0 
gio:  giosink: GIO sink
gio:  giosrc: GIO source
gio:  giostreamsink: GIO stream sink
gio:  giostreamsrc: GIO stream source
subparse:  ssaparse: SSA Subtitle Parser
subparse:  subparse: Subtitle parser
subparse: subparse_typefind: srt, sub, mpsub, mdvd, smi, txt, dks
equalizer:  equalizer-10bands: 10 Band Equalizer
equalizer:  equalizer-3bands: 3 Band Equalizer
equalizer:  equalizer-nbands: N Band Equalizer
videoconvert:  videoconvert: Colorspace converter
videofilter:  videomedian: Median effect
videofilter:  videoflip: Video flipper
videofilter:  videobalance: Video balance
videofilter:  gamma: Video gamma correction
flac:  flactag: FLAC tagger
flac:  flacdec: FLAC audio decoder
flac:  flacenc: FLAC audio encoder
isomp4:  qtmoovrecover: QT Moov Recover
isomp4:  mj2mux: MJ2 Muxer
isomp4:  3gppmux: 3GPP Muxer
isomp4:  ismlmux: ISML Muxer
isomp4:  mp4mux: MP4 Muxer
isomp4:  qtmux: QuickTime Muxer
isomp4:  rtpxqtdepay: RTP packet depayloader
isomp4:  qtdemux: QuickTime demuxer
fsrawconference:  fsrawconference: Generic bin
wavenc:  wavenc: WAV audio muxer
soup:  souphttpclientsink: HTTP client sink
soup:  souphttpsrc: HTTP client source
theora:  theoraparse: Theora video parser
theora:  theoraenc: Theora video encoder
theora:  theoradec: Theora video decoder
vorbis:  vorbistag: VorbisTag
vorbis:  vorbisparse: VorbisParse
vorbis:  vorbisdec: Vorbis audio decoder
vorbis:  vorbisenc: Vorbis audio encoder
flv:  flvmux: FLV muxer
flv:  flvdemux: FLV Demuxer
gdkpixbuf:  gdkpixbufsink: GdkPixbuf sink
gdkpixbuf:  gdkpixbufoverlay: GdkPixbuf Overlay
gdkpixbuf:  gdkpixbufdec: GdkPixbuf image decoder
audioresample:  audioresample: Audio resampler
interleave:  deinterleave: Audio deinterleaver
interleave:  interleave: Audio interleaver
png:  pngenc: PNG image encoder
png:  pngdec: PNG image decoder
coreelements:  valve: Valve element
coreelements:  multiqueue: MultiQueue
coreelements:  typefind: TypeFind
coreelements:  tee: Tee pipe fitting
coreelements:  filesink: File Sink
coreelements:  queue2: Queue 2
coreelements:  queue: Queue
coreelements:  output-selector: Output selector
coreelements:  input-selector: Input selector
coreelements:  identity: Identity
coreelements:  funnel: Funnel pipe fitting
coreelements:  filesrc: File Source
coreelements:  fdsink: Filedescriptor Sink
coreelements:  fdsrc: Filedescriptor Source
coreelements:  fakesink: Fake Sink
coreelements:  fakesrc: Fake Source
coreelements:  capsfilter: CapsFilter
videomixer:  videomixer: Video mixer 2
nvvidconv:  nvvidconv: NvVidConv Plugin
eglglessink:  nveglglessink: EGL/GLES vout Sink
videoscale:  videoscale: Video scaler
pango:  textrender: Text renderer
pango:  clockoverlay: Clock overlay
pango:  timeoverlay: Time overlay
pango:  textoverlay: Text overlay
videotestsrc:  videotestsrc: Video test source
mulaw:  mulawdec: Mu Law audio decoder
mulaw:  mulawenc: Mu Law audio encoder
cutter:  cutter: Audio cutter
ogg:  oggaviparse: Ogg AVI parser
ogg:  oggparse: Ogg parser
ogg:  ogmtextparse: OGM text stream parser
ogg:  ogmvideoparse: OGM video stream parser
ogg:  ogmaudioparse: OGM audio stream parser
ogg:  oggmux: Ogg muxer
ogg:  oggdemux: Ogg demuxer
videocrop:  aspectratiocrop: aspectratiocrop
videocrop:  videocrop: Crop
audiorate:  audiorate: Audio rate adjuster
aasink:  aasink: ASCII art video sink
app:  appsink: AppSink
app:  appsrc: AppSrc
wavparse:  wavparse: WAV audio demuxer
debug:  cpureport: CPU report
debug:  testsink: Test plugin
debug:  taginject: TagInject
debug:  progressreport: Progress report
debug:  pushfilesrc: Push File Source
debug:  navseek: Seek based on left-right arrows
debug:  rndbuffersize: Random buffer size
debug:  capssetter: CapsSetter
debug:  breakmydata: Break my data
speex:  speexdec: Speex audio decoder
speex:  speexenc: Speex audio encoder
replaygain:  rgvolume: ReplayGain volume
replaygain:  rglimiter: ReplayGain limiter
replaygain:  rganalysis: ReplayGain analysis
dv:  dvdec: DV video decoder
dv:  dvdemux: DV system stream demuxer
vpx:  vp9enc: On2 VP9 Encoder
vpx:  vp9dec: On2 VP9 Decoder
vpx:  vp8enc: On2 VP8 Encoder
vpx:  vp8dec: On2 VP8 Decoder
nvcamera:  nvtee: NvTee
nvcamera:  nvcamerasrc: Nvidia Camera Source
jack:  jackaudiosink: Audio Sink (Jack)
jack:  jackaudiosrc: Audio Source (Jack)
video4linux2:  v4l2radio: Radio (video4linux2) Tuner
video4linux2:  v4l2sink: Video (video4linux2) Sink
video4linux2:  v4l2src: Video (video4linux2) Source
icydemux:  icydemux: ICY tag demuxer
multipart:  multipartmux: Multipart muxer
multipart:  multipartdemux: Multipart demuxer
nvjpeg:  nvjpegdec: JPEG image decoder
nvjpeg:  nvjpegenc: JPEG image encoder
rtp:  rtpvrawpay: RTP Raw Video payloader
rtp:  rtpvrawdepay: RTP Raw Video depayloader
rtp:  rtpvp8pay: RTP VP8 payloader
rtp:  rtpvp8depay: RTP VP8 depayloader
rtp:  rtpvorbispay: RTP Vorbis depayloader
rtp:  rtpvorbisdepay: RTP Vorbis depayloader
rtp:  rtptheorapay: RTP Theora payloader
rtp:  rtptheoradepay: RTP Theora depayloader
rtp:  rtpsv3vdepay: RTP SVQ3 depayloader
rtp:  rtpspeexdepay: RTP Speex depayloader
rtp:  rtpspeexpay: RTP Speex payloader
rtp:  rtpsirendepay: RTP Siren packet depayloader
rtp:  rtpsirenpay: RTP Payloader for Siren Audio
rtp:  rtpsbcpay: RTP packet payloader
rtp:  rtpsbcdepay: RTP SBC audio depayloader
rtp:  rtpqdm2depay: RTP QDM2 depayloader
rtp:  rtpqcelpdepay: RTP QCELP depayloader
rtp:  rtpmp4gpay: RTP MPEG4 ES payloader
rtp:  rtpmp4gdepay: RTP MPEG4 ES depayloader
rtp:  rtpmp4adepay: RTP MPEG4 audio depayloader
rtp:  rtpmp4apay: RTP MPEG4 audio payloader
rtp:  rtpmp4vdepay: RTP MPEG4 video depayloader
rtp:  rtpmp4vpay: RTP MPEG4 Video payloader
rtp:  rtpmp2tpay: RTP MPEG2 Transport Stream payloader
rtp:  rtpmp2tdepay: RTP MPEG Transport Stream depayloader
rtp:  rtpmp1sdepay: RTP MPEG1 System Stream depayloader
rtp:  asteriskh263: RTP Asterisk H263 depayloader
rtp:  rtpL24depay: RTP audio depayloader
rtp:  rtpL24pay: RTP audio payloader
rtp:  rtpL16depay: RTP audio depayloader
rtp:  rtpL16pay: RTP audio payloader
rtp:  rtpjpegpay: RTP JPEG payloader
rtp:  rtpjpegdepay: RTP JPEG depayloader
rtp:  rtpj2kpay: RTP JPEG 2000 payloader
rtp:  rtpj2kdepay: RTP JPEG 2000 depayloader
rtp:  rtph264pay: RTP H264 payloader
rtp:  rtph264depay: RTP H264 depayloader
rtp:  rtph263pay: RTP H263 packet payloader
rtp:  rtph263depay: RTP H263 depayloader
rtp:  rtph263pdepay: RTP H263 depayloader
rtp:  rtph263ppay: RTP H263 payloader
rtp:  rtpmpvpay: RTP MPEG2 ES video payloader
rtp:  rtpmpvdepay: RTP MPEG video depayloader
rtp:  rtpmparobustdepay: RTP MPEG audio depayloader
rtp:  rtpmpapay: RTP MPEG audio payloader
rtp:  rtpmpadepay: RTP MPEG audio depayloader
rtp:  rtppcmapay: RTP PCMA payloader
rtp:  rtppcmupay: RTP PCMU payloader
rtp:  rtppcmudepay: RTP PCMU depayloader
rtp:  rtppcmadepay: RTP PCMA depayloader
rtp:  rtpamrpay: RTP AMR payloader
rtp:  rtpamrdepay: RTP AMR depayloader
rtp:  rtpgsmpay: RTP GSM payloader
rtp:  rtpgsmdepay: RTP GSM depayloader
rtp:  rtpg729pay: RTP G.729 payloader
rtp:  rtpg729depay: RTP G.729 depayloader
rtp:  rtpg726pay: RTP G.726 payloader
rtp:  rtpg726depay: RTP G.726 depayloader
rtp:  rtpg723pay: RTP G.723 payloader
rtp:  rtpg723depay: RTP G.723 depayloader
rtp:  rtpg722pay: RTP audio payloader
rtp:  rtpg722depay: RTP audio depayloader
rtp:  rtpilbcdepay: RTP iLBC depayloader
rtp:  rtpilbcpay: RTP iLBC Payloader
rtp:  rtpgstpay: RTP GStreamer payloader
rtp:  rtpgstdepay: GStreamer depayloader
rtp:  rtpdvpay: RTP DV Payloader
rtp:  rtpdvdepay: RTP DV Depayloader
rtp:  rtpceltpay: RTP CELT payloader
rtp:  rtpceltdepay: RTP CELT depayloader
rtp:  rtpbvpay: RTP BV Payloader
rtp:  rtpbvdepay: RTP BroadcomVoice depayloader
rtp:  rtpac3pay: RTP AC3 audio payloader
rtp:  rtpac3depay: RTP AC3 depayloader
monoscope:  monoscope: Monoscope
autodetect:  autoaudiosrc: Auto audio source
autodetect:  autoaudiosink: Auto audio sink
autodetect:  autovideosrc: Auto video source
autodetect:  autovideosink: Auto video sink
clutter:  autocluttersink: Auto Clutter Sink
clutter:  cluttersink: Clutter video sink
videorate:  videorate: Video rate adjuster
level:  level: Level
ximagesink:  ximagesink: Video sink
audioconvert:  audioconvert: Audio converter
omx:  nvoverlaysink: OpenMax Video Sink
omx:  nvhdmioverlaysink: OpenMax HDMI Video Sink
omx:  omxvp8enc: OpenMAX VP8 Video Encoder
omx:  omxh264enc: OpenMAX H.264 Video Encoder
omx:  omxmpegaudiodec: OpenMax MP3/MP2 decoder
omx:  omxaacdec: OpenMax AAC decoder
omx:  omxwmvdec: OpenMAX WMV Video Decoder
omx:  omxh263dec: OpenMAX H.263 Video Decoder
omx:  omxmpeg2videodec: OpenMAX MPEG2 Video Decoder
omx:  omxvp8dec: OpenMAX VP8 Video Decoder
omx:  omxh264dec: OpenMAX H.264 Video Decoder
omx:  omxmpeg4videodec: OpenMAX MPEG4 Video Decoder
jpegformat:  jifmux: JPEG stream muxer
jpegformat:  jpegparse: JPEG stream parser
typefindfunctions: video/x-pva: pva
typefindfunctions: application/x-ssa: ssa, ass
typefindfunctions: application/octet-stream: no extensions
typefindfunctions: image/x-degas: no extensions
typefindfunctions: image/x-icon: no extensions
typefindfunctions: application/x-yuv4mpeg: no extensions
typefindfunctions: image/vnd.wap.wbmp: no extensions
typefindfunctions: image/vnd.adobe.photoshop: psd
typefindfunctions: application/msword: doc
typefindfunctions: application/pdf: pdf
typefindfunctions: audio/x-kss: kss
typefindfunctions: video/x-ivf: ivf
typefindfunctions: audio/x-sap: sap
typefindfunctions: audio/x-vgm: vgm
typefindfunctions: audio/x-gbs: gbs
typefindfunctions: audio/x-ay: ay
typefindfunctions: audio/x-gym: gym
typefindfunctions: audio/x-nsf: nsf
typefindfunctions: video/vivo: viv
typefindfunctions: application/x-mmsh: no extensions
typefindfunctions: multipart/x-mixed-replace: no extensions
typefindfunctions: video/x-dirac: no extensions
typefindfunctions: application/x-ms-dos-executable: dll, exe, ocx, sys, scr, msstyles, cpl
typefindfunctions: application/x-ar: a
typefindfunctions: application/x-tar: tar
typefindfunctions: application/x-rar: rar
typefindfunctions: image/svg+xml: svg
typefindfunctions: application/postscript: ps
typefindfunctions: audio/x-wavpack-correction: wvc
typefindfunctions: audio/x-wavpack: wv, wvp
typefindfunctions: audio/x-spc: spc
typefindfunctions: audio/aac: aac, adts, adif, loas
typefindfunctions: application/x-executable: no extensions
typefindfunctions: text/x-cmml: no extensions
typefindfunctions: application/x-ogg-skeleton: no extensions
typefindfunctions: audio/x-celt: no extensions
typefindfunctions: audio/x-speex: no extensions
typefindfunctions: application/x-ogm-text: no extensions
typefindfunctions: application/x-ogm-audio: no extensions
typefindfunctions: application/x-ogm-video: no extensions
typefindfunctions: video/x-theora: no extensions
typefindfunctions: audio/x-vorbis: no extensions
typefindfunctions: audio/x-flac: flac
typefindfunctions: subtitle/x-kate: no extensions
typefindfunctions: application/x-compress: Z
typefindfunctions: application/zip: zip
typefindfunctions: application/x-gzip: gz
typefindfunctions: application/x-bzip: bz2
typefindfunctions: image/x-sun-raster: ras
typefindfunctions: image/x-xpixmap: xpm
typefindfunctions: image/x-jng: jng
typefindfunctions: video/x-mng: mng
typefindfunctions: image/x-xcf: xcf
typefindfunctions: audio/x-sid: sid
typefindfunctions: audio/x-sbc: sbc
typefindfunctions: audio/iLBC-sh: ilbc
typefindfunctions: audio/x-amr-wb-sh: amr
typefindfunctions: audio/x-amr-nb-sh: amr
typefindfunctions: video/x-dv: dv, dif
typefindfunctions: video/x-mve: mve
typefindfunctions: application/mxf: mxf
typefindfunctions: video/x-matroska: mkv, mka, mk3d, webm
typefindfunctions: image/x-portable-pixmap: pnm, ppm, pgm, pbm
typefindfunctions: image/webp: webp
typefindfunctions: image/tiff: tif, tiff
typefindfunctions: image/bmp: bmp
typefindfunctions: image/png: png
typefindfunctions: image/gif: gif
typefindfunctions: image/jpeg: jpg, jpe, jpeg
typefindfunctions: application/x-ape: ape
typefindfunctions: audio/x-shorten: shn
typefindfunctions: audio/x-w64: w64
typefindfunctions: audio/x-ircam: sf
typefindfunctions: audio/x-sds: sds
typefindfunctions: audio/x-voc: voc
typefindfunctions: audio/x-nist: nist
typefindfunctions: audio/x-paris: paf
typefindfunctions: audio/x-svx: iff, svx
typefindfunctions: audio/x-aiff: aiff, aif, aifc
typefindfunctions: audio/x-wav: wav
typefindfunctions: application/xml: xml
typefindfunctions: application/smil: smil
typefindfunctions: application/sdp: sdp
typefindfunctions: application/x-hls: m3u8
typefindfunctions: text/uri-list: ram
typefindfunctions: text/utf-32: txt
typefindfunctions: text/utf-16: txt
typefindfunctions: text/plain: txt
typefindfunctions: video/x-flv: flv
typefindfunctions: application/vnd.ms-sstr+xml: no extensions
typefindfunctions: application/x-shockwave-flash: swf, swfl
typefindfunctions: application/x-pn-realaudio: ra, ram, rm, rmvb
typefindfunctions: application/vnd.rn-realmedia: ra, ram, rm, rmvb
typefindfunctions: text/html: htm, html
typefindfunctions: video/mj2: mj2
typefindfunctions: image/jp2: jp2
typefindfunctions: image/x-quicktime: qif, qtif, qti
typefindfunctions: video/quicktime: mov
typefindfunctions: application/x-3gp: 3gp
typefindfunctions: audio/x-m4a: m4a
typefindfunctions: video/x-nuv: nuv
typefindfunctions: video/x-h264: h264, x264, 264
typefindfunctions: video/x-h263: h263, 263
typefindfunctions: video/mpeg4: m4v
typefindfunctions: video/mpeg-elementary: mpv, mpeg, mpg
typefindfunctions: application/ogg: ogg, oga, ogv, ogm, ogx, spx, anx, axa, axv
typefindfunctions: video/mpegts: ts, mts
typefindfunctions: video/mpeg-sys: mpe, mpeg, mpg
typefindfunctions: audio/x-gsm: gsm
typefindfunctions: audio/x-dts: dts
typefindfunctions: audio/x-ac3: ac3, eac3
typefindfunctions: audio/mpeg: mp3, mp2, mp1, mpga
typefindfunctions: audio/x-mod: 669, amf, ams, dbm, digi, dmf, dsm, gdm, far, imf, it, j2b, mdl, med, mod, mt2, mtm, okt, psm, ptm, sam, s3m, stm, stx, ult, xm
typefindfunctions: audio/x-ttafile: tta
typefindfunctions: application/x-apetag: mp3, ape, mpc, wv
typefindfunctions: application/x-id3v1: mp3, mp2, mp1, mpga, ogg, flac, tta
typefindfunctions: application/x-id3v2: mp3, mp2, mp1, mpga, ogg, flac, tta
typefindfunctions: video/x-fli: flc, fli
typefindfunctions: audio/mobile-xmf: mxmf
typefindfunctions: audio/riff-midi: mid, midi
typefindfunctions: audio/midi: mid, midi
typefindfunctions: audio/x-imelody: imy, ime, imelody
typefindfunctions: video/x-vcd: dat
typefindfunctions: video/x-cdxa: dat
typefindfunctions: audio/qcelp: qcp
typefindfunctions: video/x-msvideo: avi
typefindfunctions: audio/x-au: au, snd
typefindfunctions: audio/x-musepack: mpc, mpp, mp+
typefindfunctions: video/x-ms-asf: asf, wm, wma, wmv
fsvideoanyrate:  fsvideoanyrate: Videoanyrate element
apetag:  apedemux: APE tag demuxer
PLUGIN_NAME:  nicesink: ICE sink
PLUGIN_NAME:  nicesrc: ICE source
goom:  goom: GOOM: what a GOOM!
cdparanoia:  cdparanoiasrc: CD Audio (cdda) Source, Paranoia IV
dtmf:  rtpdtmfdepay: RTP DTMF packet depayloader
dtmf:  rtpdtmfsrc: RTP DTMF packet generator
dtmf:  dtmfsrc: DTMF tone generator
alphacolor:  alphacolor: Alpha color filter
alpha:  alpha: Alpha filter
fsrtcpfilter:  fsrtcpfilter: RTCP Filter element
cairo:  cairooverlay: Cairo overlay
camerabin:  camerabin: Camera Bin
camerabin:  wrappercamerabinsrc: Wrapper camera src element for camerabin2
camerabin:  viewfinderbin: Viewfinder Bin
volume:  volume: Volume
avi:  avisubtitle: Avi subtitle parser
avi:  avimux: Avi muxer
avi:  avidemux: Avi demuxer
rtpmanager:  rtpdtmfmux: RTP muxer
rtpmanager:  rtpmux: RTP muxer
rtpmanager:  rtpssrcdemux: RTP SSRC Demux
rtpmanager:  rtprtxqueue: RTP Retransmission Queue
rtpmanager:  rtpsession: RTP Session
rtpmanager:  rtpptdemux: RTP Demux
rtpmanager:  rtpjitterbuffer: RTP packet jitter-buffer
rtpmanager:  rtpbin: RTP Bin
adder:  adder: Adder
rtsp:  rtpdec: RTP Decoder
rtsp:  rtspsrc: RTSP packet receiver
shout2send:  shout2send: Icecast network sink
ossaudio:  osssink: Audio Sink (OSS)
ossaudio:  osssrc: Audio Source (OSS)
imagefreeze:  imagefreeze: Still frame stream generator
navigationtest:  navigationtest: Video navigation test
id3demux:  id3demux: ID3 tag demuxer
wavpack:  wavpackenc: Wavpack audio encoder
wavpack:  wavpackdec: Wavpack audio decoder
y4menc:  y4menc: YUV4MPEG video encoder
jpeg:  jpegdec: JPEG image decoder
jpeg:  jpegenc: JPEG image encoder
shapewipe:  shapewipe: Shape Wipe transition filter
cacasink:  cacasink: A colored ASCII art video sink
udp:  udpsrc: UDP packet receiver
udp:  dynudpsink: UDP packet sender
udp:  multiudpsink: UDP packet sender
udp:  udpsink: UDP packet sender
goom2k1:  goom2k1: GOOM: what a GOOM! 2k1 edition
audioparsers:  wavpackparse: Wavpack audio stream parser
audioparsers:  sbcparse: SBC audio parser
audioparsers:  mpegaudioparse: MPEG1 Audio Parser
audioparsers:  flacparse: FLAC audio parser
audioparsers:  dcaparse: DTS Coherent Acoustics audio stream parser
audioparsers:  ac3parse: AC3 audio stream parser
audioparsers:  amrparse: AMR audio stream parser
audioparsers:  aacparse: AAC audio stream parser
taglib:  apev2mux: TagLib-based APEv2 Muxer
taglib:  id3v2mux: TagLib-based ID3v2 Muxer
flxdec:  flxdec: FLX video decoder
fsrtpconference:  fsrtpconference: Farstream RTP Conference
spectrum:  spectrum: Spectrum analyzer
oss4:  oss4src: OSS v4 Audio Source
oss4:  oss4sink: OSS v4 Audio Sink
audiotestsrc:  audiotestsrc: Audio test source
audiofx:  scaletempo: Scaletempo
audiofx:  audioecho: Audio echo
audiofx:  audiofirfilter: Audio FIR filter
audiofx:  audiowsincband: Band pass & band reject filter
audiofx:  audiowsinclimit: Low pass & high pass filter
audiofx:  audioiirfilter: Audio IIR filter
audiofx:  audiochebband: Band pass & band reject filter
audiofx:  audiocheblimit: Low pass & high pass filter
audiofx:  audiodynamic: Dynamic range controller
audiofx:  audioamplify: Audio amplifier
audiofx:  audiokaraoke: AudioKaraoke
audiofx:  audioinvert: Audio inversion
audiofx:  audiopanorama: Stereo positioning
smpte:  smptealpha: SMPTE transitions
smpte:  smpte: SMPTE transitions
alsa:  alsasink: Audio sink (ALSA)
alsa:  alsasrc: Audio source (ALSA)
ximagesrc:  ximagesrc: Ximage video source
fsmsnconference:  fsmsncamrecvconference: Farstream MSN Reception Conference
fsmsnconference:  fsmsncamsendconference: Farstream MSN Sending Conference
multifile:  splitfilesrc: Split-File Source
multifile:  multifilesink: Multi-File Sink
multifile:  multifilesrc: Multi-File Source
1394:  hdv1394src: Firewire (1394) HDV video source
1394:  dv1394src: Firewire (1394) DV video source
pulseaudio:  pulsesrc: PulseAudio Audio Source
pulseaudio:  pulsesink: PulseAudio Audio Sink
matroska:  webmmux: WebM muxer
matroska:  matroskamux: Matroska muxer
matroska:  matroskaparse: Matroska parser
matroska:  matroskademux: Matroska demuxer
videobox:  videobox: Video box filter
encoding:  encodebin: Encoder Bin
xvimagesink:  xvimagesink: Video sink
tcp:  multisocketsink: Multi socket sink
tcp:  multifdsink: Multi filedescriptor sink
tcp:  tcpserversrc: TCP server source
tcp:  tcpserversink: TCP server sink
tcp:  tcpclientsrc: TCP client source
tcp:  tcpclientsink: TCP client sink
alaw:  alawdec: A Law audio decoder
alaw:  alawenc: A Law audio encoder
playback:  uridecodebin: URI Decoder
playback:  decodebin: Decoder Bin
playback:  streamsynchronizer: Stream Synchronizer
playback:  subtitleoverlay: Subtitle Overlay
playback:  playsink: Player Sink
playback:  playbin: Player Bin 2
libvisual:  libvisual_oinksie: libvisual oinksie plugin plugin v.0.1
libvisual:  libvisual_lv_scope: libvisual libvisual scope plugin v.0.1
libvisual:  libvisual_lv_analyzer: libvisual libvisual analyzer plugin v.1.0
libvisual:  libvisual_jakdaw: libvisual Jakdaw plugin plugin v.0.0.1
libvisual:  libvisual_infinite: libvisual infinite plugin plugin v.0.1
libvisual:  libvisual_corona: libvisual libvisual corona plugin plugin v.0.1
libvisual:  libvisual_bumpscope: libvisual Bumpscope plugin plugin v.0.0.1
libvisual:  libvisual_jess: libvisual jess plugin plugin v.0.1
effectv:  rippletv: RippleTV effect
effectv:  streaktv: StreakTV effect
effectv:  radioactv: RadioacTV effect
effectv:  optv: OpTV effect
effectv:  quarktv: QuarkTV effect
effectv:  revtv: RevTV effect
effectv:  vertigotv: VertigoTV effect
effectv:  shagadelictv: ShagadelicTV
effectv:  warptv: WarpTV effect
effectv:  dicetv: DiceTV effect
effectv:  agingtv: AgingTV effect
effectv:  edgetv: EdgeTV effect
auparse:  auparse: AU audio demuxer
deinterlace:  deinterlace: Deinterlacer
staticelements:  bin: Generic bin
staticelements:  pipeline: Pipeline object

Total count: 109 plugins, 487 features

I see…I have neither of those two files.

Where would I get them? When I try the apt-get commands in the “JETSON TK1/TEGRA LINUX DRIVER PACKAGE MULTIMEDIA USER GUIDE” I just get…

This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source

Recommend that you re-flash your Jetson TK1 with Linux for Tegra R21.4, available here: https://developer.nvidia.com/linux-tegra-r214

Here are the instructions to follow: http://developer.download.nvidia.com/embedded/L4T/r21_Release_v4.0/l4t_quick_start_guide.txt

Hope that helps,

Thank you sir…I’ll give it a go.

That did the trick…thanks for your help