Hello nVidia Support,
I use the pinmux file for Xavier NX to generate my new dtsi files. (I only made two minor changes where set some GPIO output from 0 to 1).
Then I use the pinmux-dts2cfg.py to convert the .dtsi to .cfg file.
Here are the commands and errors i got:
user@user-System-Product-Name:~/xavier_nx/35.1.1/Linux_for_Tegra/kernel/pinmux/t19x$ python pinmux-dts2cfg.py --pinmux addr_info.txt gpio_addr_info.txt por_val.txt --mandatory_pinmux_file mandatory_pinmux.txt tegra19x-jetson_xavier_nx_module_1018_gpio-pinmux.dtsi tegra19x-jetson_xavier_nx_module_1018_gpio-gpio-default.dtsi 1.0 > tegra19x-jetson_xavier_nx_module_1018_gpio_p3668-a01.cfg
ERROR: pin dap3_sclk_pt1(0x00000440) field nvidia,enable-input(0x00000040) is not matching, val = 0x01 expected = 0x00
ERROR: pin dap3_fs_pt4(0x00000440) field nvidia,enable-input(0x00000040) is not matching, val = 0x01 expected = 0x00
ERROR: pin eqos_rd3_pf1(0x00022470) field nvidia,lpbk(0x00000020) is not matching, val = 0x01 expected = 0x00
ERROR: pin eqos_sma_mdio_pf4(0x00022440) field nvidia,pull(0x0000000c) is not matching, val = 0x00 expected = 0x02
ERROR: pin sdmmc4_cmd(0x00002440) field nvidia,pull(0x0000000c) is not matching, val = 0x00 expected = 0x02
ERROR: pin soc_gpio10_pg6(0x00000410) field nvidia,tristate(0x00000010) is not matching, val = 0x01 expected = 0x00
ERROR: pin gp_pwm2_px2(0x00000410) field nvidia,tristate(0x00000010) is not matching, val = 0x01 expected = 0x00
ERROR: pin uart2_tx_px4(0x00000400) field nvidia,pull(0x0000000c) is not matching, val = 0x00 expected = 0x02
ERROR: pin uart2_rx_px5(0x00000450) field nvidia,pull(0x0000000c) is not matching, val = 0x00 expected = 0x02
ERROR: pin can0_dout_paa2(0x0000c400) field nvidia,pull(0x0000000c) is not matching, val = 0x00 expected = 0x02
ERROR: pin can0_din_paa3(0x0000c450) field nvidia,pull(0x0000000c) is not matching, val = 0x00 expected = 0x02
ERROR: pin uart3_tx_pcc5(0x00000400) field nvidia,pull(0x0000000c) is not matching, val = 0x00 expected = 0x02
ERROR: pin uart3_rx_pcc6(0x00000450) field nvidia,pull(0x0000000c) is not matching, val = 0x00 expected = 0x02
ERROR: pin soc_gpio22_pq2(0x00000459) field nvidia,pull(0x0000000c) is not matching, val = 0x02 expected = 0x00
ERROR: pin uart1_tx_pr2(0x00000400) field nvidia,pull(0x0000000c) is not matching, val = 0x00 expected = 0x02
ERROR: pin uart1_rx_pr3(0x00000454) field nvidia,pull(0x0000000c) is not matching, val = 0x01 expected = 0x02
Would you please advice anything wrong here?
could you also elaborate how the .cfg file are being used when building the kernel and dtb files?
After I made the changes in pinmux file(configure for some gpio), how should I modify the main dts file? Could you point me to some guides in how to modify the dtsi files?
Thank you.
Mei Guodong