Just saw jetson_36.4.3 was released, but the source_sync.sh script cannot find the “jetson_36.4.3” tag.
Do you guys know when it will be available?
Usually you have to methods to get JetPack sources:
- Using the source_sync.sh script.
- By downloading them directly from the web page: Jetson Linux Archive | NVIDIA Developer.
You could achieve the same results by using the Jetson Linux Archive. In your case you should go to this web page and then touch the Driver Package (BSP) Sources link that is placed on the Sources row (or simply touch the link that I attached to download them immediately). After doing so, untar the file with the following these commands:
tar -xvf public_sources.tbz2
cd Linux_for_Tegra/source/
mkdir sources
cp kernel_oot_modules_src.tbz2 sources/
cd sources/
tar -xvf kernel_oot_modules_src.tbz2
You should end with the following sources directory:
├── hardware
├── hwpm
├── kernel-devicetree
├── kernel_oot_modules_src.tbz2
├── Makefile
├── nvethernetrm
├── nvgpu
└── nvidia-oot
Please tell me if this works for you.
Ricardo González Víquez
Embedded SW Engineer at RidgeRun
Contact us: support@ridgerun.com
Developers wiki: https://developer.ridgerun.com
Website: www.ridgerun.com
When will the source code with the jetson_36.4.3 tag be available from git?
Hi @rock_shen
I am not sure about it, to be honest, as I am not part NVIDIA worker. Were you able to do it manually with the steps that I shared with you?
Ricardo González Víquez
Embedded SW Engineer at RidgeRun
Contact us: support@ridgerun.com
Developers wiki: https://developer.ridgerun.com
Website: www.ridgerun.com
Could you try below commands?
It works in our side.
./source_sync.sh -k -t jetson_36.4.3